Sebastian Stan

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A/N: Got inspired by another one-shot.

Captain America: The First Avenger
"Amanda? Do you remember what happened?" Chris asked above me.
   "What happened?" I asked, pretending to be groggy from just waking up.
   "You got captured along with the 107th. You've been here in this cell experimented on. Do you remember? Do. . .do you recognise me?"
   "I. . ." I trailed off. "I. . .who the fuck are you?"
   "Cut!" the Russo brothers called out over Chris' booming laughter. "Amelia, that's not your line!"
   "It isn't?" I asked innocently. I could hear Sebastian's laughter from behind the camera as well. "Sorry, my bad."
"Bucky! Hold on!" Chris yelled, trying to reach Sebastian. Sebastian reached out, only to fall to his death.
   "NO!" Chris and I screamed.
   "Amelia!" Chris exclaimed, bursting into laughter. "What the hell, woman?"
   "Cut!" someone called out over the laughter from the set and cast.
   "Wow, I feel the love." Sebastian said sarcastically, coming towards us again. But he couldn't help but laugh along with them.
   "That's how I would feel if my fiancé died when he just proposed to me." I shrugged.
   "Amelia, stick to the lines!" one of the Russo brothers called out. But you could hear the laughter in his voice from my character's outburst.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I fall on the mattress that was laid out for me to land on, pretending to gasp in pain since I have 'broken ribs'. We were doing the highway fight scene when we find out that the Winter Soldier is Bucky.
   Sebastian stalked towards me in his Winter Soldier character, grabbing his knife out and twirling it professionally.
   "Please," I wheezed out to him, since it was painful for me to speak with 'broken ribs', "you know me."
   "You're my mission." he said in a monotone, getting ready to stab me. Following the script, I went to kick him in the gut only to somehow kick lower - and when I mean lower, I mean where the sun doesn't shine. "Jesus fucking Christ, Amy. . ." Sebastian whimpered, falling to his knees, eventually his side.
   "Oh shit! I'm so sorry, baby!" I panicked, quickly going to his side. I could hear Chris, Mackie, and Johansson laughing in the background behind camera.
   "You had one job, Amelia!" Anthony Mackie called out. "You had one job!"
   "Good luck making babies in the future!" Chris added through his laughter, grabbing at his left boob.
   "Fuck you all." I scowled.
   "Cut!" the Russos called out. "Sebastian, you okay?"
   "I'll live!" he squeaked out, showing a thumbs up. "Jesus Christ, Amy. You can kick hard alright. . ."
   "I said I was sorry!" I defended weakly.
Sebastian walked around the Smithsonian, stopping at his plaque. On the glass plaque it held a photo of him from back then, except it had another person in the photo. It was a photo of him and Amanda smiling from when they announced their engagement.
   Sebastian broke character suddenly, looking to the camera with a grin. "I'm engaged to a hot chick!" he whisper-yelled to the camera. "I'm engaged to Amelia!" He started dancing in his spot, singing the words. "I'm engaged to Ame-lia! I'm engaged to Ame-lia!"
   "Sebastian!" I exclaimed from behind the camera. "Dude!"
   "You know what that means?" Chris smirked. "He's gonna pop the question soon."
   "Shut up." I mumbled, shoving him playfully while trying to hide my blush.


Captain America: Civil War
Chris looked around the small apartment, spotting a journal on top of the fridge. Opening it, he saw a photo of himself in his Captain America uniform. Turning the page, it was a photo of Amanda from back in the days. The photo was a smaller version of the photo from the Smithsonian from when they announced their engagement. It had writings around the photo, as if Bucky was remembering about her.
   Chris turned around with the book in hand, seeing Sebastian staring at him from across the room. Chris held the book up. "Did you seriously write, 'she is hot like damn'? Dude, you jacking off to this?"
   "Chris Evans!" I gasped, running onto the set to hit him. Sebastian didn't bother to respond, too busy lying on the mattress laughing. "That's so disgusting!"
   "Look! It says on the paper 'she is hot like damn'!"
   "I don't remember writing that!" the person that created the prop called out.
   "That's because I wrote it." Sebastian chuckled.
   "What? I was merely thinking what my character would say about yours. And I know I'd think that when I see a photo of you."
   "You horny men. . ." I muttered, shaking my head.
I went to help Scarlett take down Sebastian, only for my character to be stopped and thrown into a table. I released a loud cry of pain, even tears leaking out. Sebastian broke his character immediately, going to my side.
   "Oh my God! Amelia, are you okay, baby?" Sebastian panicked. "Where's the medics? I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear!"
   "Sebastian!" I broke out of character, laughing at his panicked look. "I'm kidding, see?"
   "But you were crying!"
   "It's called acting, Hun. We do it for a living."
   "She deserves an Oscar!" Robert Downey Jr called out jokingly. "She fooled the Winter Soldier! She got him out of the trance!"
   "Don't scare me like that!" Sebastian exclaimed, bringing me into a hug.
   "Anthony gave me the idea."
"Your mum's name was Sarah." Sebastian told us quietly. He released a small chuckle. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes."
   "Well you don't read that from a museum these days." Chris mused.
   "What, just like that we're supposed to trust him?" Anthony retorted.
   "You want proof? Every Friday and Saturday night Amanda and I would have sex."
   "Sebastian!" I yelled, Anthony and Chris laughing at my reaction.
"I hate you." Sebastian grumbled. I walk towards the two, resting my hands on my hips.
   "What, first you tell him about our sex life and now you're lying down on the ground with him?" I huffed. "Talk about fuckboy."
   "It's not what it looks like!" Sebastian yelled, Anthony simply laughing away at our small 'dispute'. "I'd never cheat on you with a guy like him."
   "Hey!" Anthony called out appalled. "What's that supposed to mean? Just because I'm black?"
   Sebastian glowered at him. "I hate you."
   "Can we have this in the movie?" I asked eagerly.
   "NO!" everyone chorused.
We all stood in line, opposite from Robert's team. I turned to Sebastian, grabbing his face in my hands. "If we don't survive this, just know that I love you." I pulled him into a kiss, Sebastian following my joke and even dipping me with one hand, lifting his other hand up in a fist pump. Just like he did at our wedding.
   Robert called out from his side of take, "There's a little kid here!"
   "I'm twenty!" Tom corrected. "You can keep going!"
   "You're grounded! I'm calling Aunt May!" Robert announced.
"He's my friend."
   "So was I."
   "My ship has sunken!" I whispered to the fallen Sebastian. Sebastian broke his character, giving me a look that said, 'really?'. "Stony for life!"
   "I hate you." Sebastian sighed.
   "No, you love me. You married me, remember?"
   "Uh guys, we're about to have the biggest emotional fight ever and you're kind of ruining the moment." Robert intruded in our conversation.
   "Sorry, sorry." Sebastian and I apologised, lying on our backs.
   "Carry on with destroying Stony." Sebastian told them. "I'll be here, waiting for Stucky. . ."
   "What about Buckanda?"
   "Nah, Stucky for life."
   "I hate you."
   "No, you love me. You married me, remember?"
Sebastian went into the cryogenic chamber, the door closing on him. He stared at Chris and I from the window. Just when they were going to 'put him under', I stepped forward. "I'm pregnant!" I called out. Sebastian pretended to freak out, only for him to fall into cryo.
   "Cut! Take four."
   "That was funny!" Sebastian laughed, going back into position. "Good joke."
   "But what if it wasn't?" I asked him just when they called action. But Sebastian didn't say his line, staring at me with wide eyes.
   "Are you serious?" he asked me in disbelief. I nodded, biting my lip nervously.
   "One month in, baby."
   "Oh my God!" Sebastian stood up, bringing me into a hug and twirling me around. "I'm going to be a Dad!"
   "I call being the godfather!" Chris called out.
   "And cut!"

The End

A/N: This was quite sucky and weird, I apologise. But I felt like doing one, you know? Soz if this was cringe and horrible.

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