Felix Ferne - soulmate

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A/N: AU where in order to find your mate you will have a necklace with a crystal hanging from it that will glow brightly and feel warm when you're near your soulmate.

He remembered getting his necklace on the first day of Tenth Grade, feeling hopeful that he'd find his significant other soon. But that all went down the drain when Oscar became paralysed from the waist below. And he blamed himself for it which made him forget all about his soulmate, guilt eating at him as time went by. He went into goth and rock, he hung out with Ellen who happened to be a goth like him. He was snappy and fell further apart with his parents. One thing stuck to him though.


And boy was that a rollercoaster to him. Different universe, Andy disappearing, Phoebe and Alice - and then let's not forget about Chaos which led to him losing his powers along with the other three boys. He was back to square one being miserable.
   Despite the fact that he was closer to his family and had more friends, he missed his magic, he missed feeling special and important. Without it, he felt lonely and miserable.

And that's when the necklace came in.

When he saw Ellen and Andy get together, crystal hanging proudly around their neck, it made him remember his own that he accidentally forgot all about, never having the time to actually wear it.
   Digging around in his room, he searched high and low for his necklace. "Where could it have gone?" he exclaimed to himself. "I swear it was right on my desk!"
   Searching, he wasn't aware that his necklace was glowing in his underwear drawer, meaning the soulmate was nearby. He stopped his search when he heard a knock on his door. Looking up, he was surprised to see his neighbour, Margaret Hope. She was the same age as him, though hung out with a different group. If anything, she mainly stayed in the shadows, away from drama and the popularity. He was surprised she's been able to hide herself from any unwanted attention since she was quite attractive for their grade.
   Her raven dark hair out in waves down her back, her olive skin contrasting well with the sunlight hitting in the right angles, her hazel eyes always shining with happiness and innocence, her small pink lips curved into a smile. She wore light sundresses all the time; from being a floral pattern to just a simple colour such as white, which went along with her white vans. For some reason she manages to even look good in the uniform without any added accessories. But one thing stood out on her: she didn't wear her soulmate necklace.
   "Maggie!" he cried out surprised. "How - what are you doing here?" He was surprised to see her since they haven't spoken lately due to him being busy and with her focussing on her schoolwork.
   "Well, it's the weekend, and I'm finally free from studying since exams are over. . ." She gave a small shrug, smiling at him brightly. "Wanted to catch up with my neighbour. Haven't spoken to you lately, surprisingly. I remember we'd talk to one another everyday."
   "Yeah, I remember as well." During the Oscar incident, Maggie would sneak into his room and comfort him, listening to his problems. He never knew why she did that, but it felt good to tell somebody. What bugged him was he never told Ellen any of this since she was his best friend and all. But with her hanging out a lot with Andy. . .
   "I'd let you in my room, but. . ." He looked around his room, seeing it was a mess. "It's a mess."
   "Why is it? You usually keep it neat enough." She walked past him into his room, observing the place. Books and pens were sprawled out, even some clothing were out from him not bothering to chuck them in the wash. Felix quickly scurried to a loose underwear, throwing it under his desk embarrassed. Maggie paid no mind, looking around the room as if it was the most interesting sight she has ever seen. Probably was, since the last time she was in the room it was a year ago. That was how long they haven't spoken to on another.
   "What's been happening, Felix?"
   "Too much." he sighed, falling to the couch with a huff. "Too much has happened."
   "You going to tell me?"
   "Depends," he stared at her warily, "will you not call me a freak or a liar?"
   "And why would I do that?"
   "Because what I'm going to say. . .you won't believe me."
   She sat beside him, crossing her arms defiantly. "Try me."


"That's what you've been hiding for the past two years?"
   "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
   "Because -"
   "Felix, we've known each other for most of our life," she interrupted him gently, "you can tell me anything. I won't ever judge you."
   "Well, since you said that. . ." Felix hesitated. "I want to find my soulmate. I think after everything I've been through, I should do something I was meant to do ever since I gotten my necklace. And that's find my soulmate."
   "Really." Felix confirmed. "I just. . .can't find my necklace."
   "I can help if you want?" she suggested. Felix smiled at her gratefully. He was glad to have someone like her in his life. She listened to him, gave him advice, didn't judge him or give him a hard time, and was just. . .a good friend. A really, good, beautiful friend. He was quite sad to realise that they weren't meant for each other, that his soulmate was still out there, waiting for him.
   "Thanks, Mags." She gave him a breathtaking smile.
   "No problem, Felix."


They worked quietly together, searching his small room. But despite it being small, there were still lots of places to look through to find a simple string with a crystal hung on it. Felix worked around the more personal area, Margaret working around his work space.
   While Margaret was looking through one of his compositions, Felix looked through his underwear drawer. He suddenly saw a small glow deep in his underwear drawer all the way at the back, the area giving out a small warmth to him. Peering over his shoulder to make sure his female friend was occupied, he reached in and removed the layers of underwear he held. And low and behold, there was his necklace.

And it was glowing brightly, almost burning his hand.

Felix felt his breath hitch in his throat, stifling a gasp. He turned to Margaret, lifting the necklace in her direction.

The crystal glowed brighter.

It couldn't be. Her? All this time, it was her? His soulmate, the one person he was to spend his life forever with, was next door to him all along? And not once did he ever thought about it until that day how perfect she truly was to him. Did she know? Did he have to tell her? Why doesn't she wear her own necklace?
   "Margaret?" he called out shakily.
   "Hm?" she hummed, humming to one of his compositions.
   "Um. . .I found it."
   "Really?" she snapped the book closed, turning to him with a grin. Her smile faltered when she saw it was glowing. The two stayed in silence for exactly five minutes. Five minutes they stared between the crystal, and each other.
   "Mags?" he whispered, as if not wanting to break the sudden silence. "Did. . .did you know? About us?" He nodded to her empty neck. "Is that why I don't see you ever wearing your necklace."
   Instead of answering him verbally, she pulled out her necklace from her pocket, unravelling it out of the napkin she held it in. She lifted her necklace to him, showing her own glowing crystal. An extra five minutes of silence commenced.
   "I wasn't sure. . ." she trailed off hesitantly. "I wasn't sure, if you were ready. For us. I mean, Oscar's accident really struck a chord to us - you especially. I decided, you know, to give you some time. And it seemed it worked, because then you started getting busy the past two years. I don't know. . .when I saw Ellen and Andy, it gave me a small boost of confidence to kind of confess to you about us."
   "Funny," he chuckled, "Ellen and Andy's relationship made me remember about my own necklace and soulmate." He gave the nervous girl a small smile. "I'm glad it's you, Mags. I really do. I wouldn't ask for anyone else."
   "Really?" she perked up.
   "Really." Felix nodded. "You have been nothing but a blessing to my life even before I knew you were my soulmate. You're kind, loyal, understanding, beautiful. . .even when I thought you weren't my soulmate, I would hope I get to be with someone like you. I'm glad that you're the one for me, Margaret Hope." He stepped towards her, grabbing her necklace and putting it around her neck. She did the same to his. "So," he gave her a small shy smile. "Soulmates?"
   "Soulmates." Margaret beamed.

The End

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