Garret (Twilight)

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A/N: I always found Garret good-looking, but when I found out that LEE PACE was him, it just made him more attractive. Of course Jasper is still my first one, but next would be Garret.

The Nomad
Garret travelled around New York at night, looking for a person to drink. He noticed a man following a woman, and knew he was going to eat him.
   Jumping down from a roof, he started following the man. He saw the woman look behind and see the man stalking her, which caused her to walk faster and turn down an alleyway. But strangely, he heard no heartbeat that showed she was panicking. He was curious as to why he only heard one heartbeat in the abandoned street.
   He decided to stop, wondering what was going to happen. He peered around, and saw the man approaching the woman who reached a dead end in the alleyway. "What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone here?" Garret heard the man ask her.
   "That's none of your concern." the woman snapped back. Garret smiled at her bravery.
   "Oh yeah, well -" the man was cut off by the sound of choking. Curious, Garret peered around the corner and saw the woman holding the man by the throat, the man off the ground a couple inches. "What the hell -"
   "Humans these days," the woman sighed, "such idiots. Now shut up. I'm hungry."
   "So you're a vampire as well." Garret finally showed himself. The man struggled in the woman's grasp, calling out for help. "You're not getting any help mate. If it wasn't for what she is, you would have attacked the woman and use her for bad stuff."
   "A gentleman?" the woman stared at him curiously, dropping the man. He gasped for air, trying to crawl away. The woman stood on him, cracking his ribs. "You don't see gentleman-like vampires. Nowadays it's every man for themselves."
   "Well. . ." Garret slowly and casually approached her, "even though it's new times, a woman should always be respected."
   "Huh." she gave him a smile. "I like you."
   "Help! Help!" the man was weakly calling out. Garret and the woman rolled their eyes.
   "Is there any chance of sharing the meal?" Garret asked her. She stepped closer to him, showing her identity. She had hair as dark as the night, skin pale and white like a bright moon, her red eyes gleaming in the dark. She was a beautiful sight.
   "For a man such as you?" she smiled at him wickedly. "Always."


Years later. . .
Garret sat in front of the fire, ready to tell his stories. "Name any battle and I was there." he challenged Jacob Black.
   Suddenly a woman sat on his lap. Everyone tensed at the sight of a stranger in Garret's lap. "Who are you?" Edward demanded, stepping towards her. Everyone stepped towards the threat.
   "Whoa-whoa-whoa!" Garret raised one hand in the air as surrender, the other hand wrapped around the woman tightly. "She's okay, she's okay!"
   "Who are you?" Bella asked curiously. The woman on Garret's lap gave them a smile.
   "The name's Ella." she drawled out in a Texan accent. "Ella Davies."
   "And why are you here?" Edward asked suspiciously. Jacob stood in front of Renesme protectively.
   "What?" Ella pouted. "Can't I be with my mate?" Everyone relaxed at her words. Carlisle gave Garret a look.
   "You never told me you found your mate." Carlisle accused lightly, a small smile on his face. He knew how lonely Garret was when they first met.
   "Yeah, well -" Garret planted a loving kiss on Ella's cheek, "with you all worried about the Volturi, and how it may be the last time together -"
   "If you all die tomorrow," Ella said, "I want to die at least with my mate."
   "Where have you been?" Garret asked her in concern. "You just suddenly got up an left before Emmett and Rosalie came -"
   "I had some business to attend to." Ella told him. "A close friend of mine and you all."
   "Who?" Bella asked.
   "Jasper Whitlock and his wife, Alice Cullen."
   "You know them?" Esme's eyes brightened. "You know where they are?"
   "They needed my knowledge on some stuff." Ella said cryptically. "It was an emergency."
   "And you can't tell us." Rosalie concluded. Ella nodded. "Edward can -"
   "I can't read her mind." Edward announced. He stared at her with a frown. "Why?"
   "It's my gift." she relaxed into Garret's arms, Garret holding her close to him lovingly. "I can copy anyone's gift." She nodded to Bella. "Your wife has a powerful gift."
   "So you're staying?" Carlisle asked her.
   "Of course!" Ella nodded. "I know what's happening, it's okay." She turned to Renesme with a smile. "But can I see?"
   In response, Renesme walked around Jacob and placed her hand on Ella's face. Garret watched them with fascination, watching as Ella smiled at the memories she's seeing. "Amazing." she breathed out. She relaxed back in Garret's arms, placing a loving kiss on his lips. "Now," she looked at them with a glint in her red eyes, "if you're talking wars, I have been in more than this man I am sitting on."


Aro surveyed them all, his eyes stopping on Garret and where his arms were wrapped around someone. He stared at Ella with intrigue. Marcus stood beside him, placing a hand in his, telling Aro through his mind that he could see great power in the woman Garret had his arms wrapped around.
   "Fascinating." Aro breathed out. "I guess," he announced, "that I must see these witnesses -" he turned to Ella, "-starting with this lovely lady."
   Garret stood in front of Ella protectively. "Over my dead body." he growled. Ella grabbed his arm.
   "Don't be ridiculous, Garret." Ella murmured. She turned to Aro and held her hand out. He took it eagerly in his and watched her memories.
   "Powerful." Aro breathed out. He gave her a smile, pulling away. "You can easily defeat us all with your gift."
   "I guess." she shrugged nonchalantly. Garret wrapped an arm around Ella protectively. "Imagine what it would be like if you got me angry." she discreetly threatened him and the Volturi. And he knew it.
   Giving her one last smile, he turned back to the other witnesses.


"Another reason why Aro didn't start a war is because of Ella." Edward told them all. He gave said woman a grateful smile. "He knew how powerful you were so if they were to start something, they'd immediately lose."
   "Now that's my girl." Garret wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a smug smile. Jasper and Alice went to them.
   "Ella!" Alice beamed.
   "Alice." Ella greeted. She gave her a hug, followed by Jasper. "Jasper. Lovely to see that you followed my directions well."
   "You led them to them?" Edward motioned to the man who was the same as Renesme.
   "I heard about half-human and half-vampire before." she explained. "I also happen to meet them as well."
   "You basically saved all of us!" Bella gave Ella a hug, having overheard them. "Thank you!"
   "How old are you?" Emmett teased her.
   "Just know I am way older than you." Ella winked.
   "We must get going." Garret told them all. "I -" he pulled to Ella to his side, "-have some things to talk to Ella with."
   While they were leaving, the last thing they heard was Emmett yelling out, "Get in there, my man!"

The End

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