Victor Frankenstein

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A/N: James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe were amazing in Victor Frankenstein😊. . .

Starting Anew
Victor entered the small town with his face hidden, wary still about the police. He did harm a Detective Inspector and got him killed, and the fact that he was wanted in London. . .
   He dodged people as he walked by, trying to find a little inn to stay at. He was only passing by, he was waiting for the right town to start his new creation - this time, improving it. His next creation needed a proper brain, a brain that still functioned -
   "Oh!" a woman gasped as she bumped into him by accident, spilling all her books on the muddy ground. "Oh darn. . ."
   "Miss, watch where you are -" Victor froze when he saw the types of books she had spilt. The human body, biology. . .
   "You're. . .you're into this stuff?" Victor picked her books up and gingerly brushed off the mud. "The human body?"
   "I'm a physician's assistant." she answered curtly. "I find the human body fascinating."
   "Yes, fascinating indeed." he slowly gave them back to her. "I apologise for earlier. I should have watched where I was going."
   "It's okay." she waved off. "I should've been watching where I was walking as well, but I was reading an interesting passage on the human brain."
   "Amazing." Victor murmured. She gave a small shy smile.
   "A lady who understands the reality of our body." he mused. "You have no idea how many people think brains are pink. . ."
   "Yes, women these days aren't seen as equals with men." she sighed. "A real shame."
   "If I may ask, how did you become a physician's assistant, women not being able to do most stuff and all?"
   "My father." she smiled. "He's the physician. He's the reason why I am fascinated by the human body in the first place."
   "Interesting. . ." He was starting to like this small town. "Are you doing anything at the moment? I would like to get to know you more."
   "I don't have anything planned. I was actually heading to my home for some afternoon tea. Would you care to join me?"
   "Don't mind if I do."


Surprisingly, Victor found himself still in the same town after a year. Something he never expected. Usually he only stayed for a couple days - or even weeks, but here he was after a year. Still at the same little town. With her. Amanda.
   She was a fascinating creature; she had far more knowledge than other women, and was proud of it. The two conversed about the human body that day until her father came back from work. From there, her father had also joined in their conversation, approving of Victor. For the first time in a long time, he felt accepted and loved by another.
   He was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of her coming back to escort him out of her house, having stayed the whole day.
   Victor turned to her when he was outside the door, and stared at her for a while. Not only did he feel accepted and loved by others, he also started to fall in love with the different, amazing woman. He just didn't have the guts to tell her.
   "Victor?" he blinked rapidly, realising he had stared at her for a while and missed what she said. "Are you okay?"
   "Y-yes, I am." Victor cleared his throat. "Just thinking. Were you saying something?"
   "I was saying there is a small party tonight here." she explained with a small grin. "Father is celebrating his birthday. I was wondering if you'd like to attend tonight with me?"
   "If it isn't any trouble." she added sheepishly.
   "Yes! I mean. . .yes, of course." Victor scratched his beard nervously, kicking himself internally. "When would you like me to come?"
   "At seven will do." she told him.
   "I'll see you, then." Victor grinned, Amanda returning the smile.
   "See you then."


You could say, that night changed their life.

Victor never expected her to be more beautiful than she usually was during the day; but when he saw her that night at the party, all dressed up and pretty. . .Victor had to lean against the closest wall for a moment, in awe at her beauty. If anything, it made him feel confident to tell his true feelings about her.
   So later on at night, they were together alone in the gardens, marvelling the starry sky. And that was when he told her.
   At first he stumbled on his words, barely getting them out. But when he saw her patient look and soft smile, he felt like he could do anything and bravely told her. But after admitting his feelings to her, he felt dread and embarrassment for confessing his love, expecting her to politely reject him.
   But he was proved wrong when she gave him a bright smile, giving him one passionate kiss on the lips.
   And Victor therefore knew, that he had found a place to start anew; free from his father, the London police, his horrors and failures. With his lady at his side, nothing could go wrong.

The End

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