Spencer Reid

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Telling Them
In the middle of one of their cases, Reid's phone rang. Thinking it was Garcia, he put it on speaker. But who was on the phone was not who he expected.
"Doctor Reid? This is Quantico Hospital speaking. I'm here to talk about Nadine R-"
"What?" Taking the phone off speaker, he walked out of the room. "What about her?"
The team stared after him bewildered, wondering what just happened. "What. . .what was that all about?" JJ asked them surprised. They all shrugged. "I mean, he has been acting a bit strange these couple of months. . ."
"I'm sure it was nothing." Morgan said, attempting to not only reassure them but to reassure himself. He noticed his best friend acting strange. And he wanted to know why. "Besides, he'll tell us when the time is right, right?"
"We'll figure Reid out later on." Hotch told them sternly, hiding his concern. "Right now we have a case to solve."
"I'm sorry!" Reid bursted in the room, looking all flustered and worried. "I-I need to go. There's a family emergency that I need to go to -"
"Go, go!" Rossi encouraged. "If it's a family emergency, then go."
"I'll do your reports or something, I'm sorry, I need to go -"
"Reid. Go." Hotch told him, showing his concern openly. "This sounds important. Go."
"Thank you." he breathed out, sending them a grateful smile. "Thank you. Thank you - I gotta go, thank you!" Reid left the room, shouting his thanks over his shoulder.
"Oh I am so curious!" Garcia exclaimed when he disappeared.


"Mrs Reid, you have a letter." the nurse gave the young lady said letter. "I think you know who it's from."
"Thank you." she smiled at the nurse, grabbing the letter. "Oh, and. . .how is she?"
"Little Madeline is fine, Nadine." the nurse smiled assuringly at her. "We're just doing more tests on her, to make sure your premature baby is healthy."
"Thank you." she whispered. Sending her one last smile, the nurse left the room. Nadine turned her attention to the letter in her hand, opening it eagerly when she recognised the handwriting.

To my daughter-in-law,
A baby girl! Madeline Diana Reid, I'm presuming? I remember Spencer telling me your child's name in one of his letters. He sounded so excited in the letter. If only these stupid doctors would let me travel over there to meet my granddaughter. Send photos of Madeline, will you? And also visit me as soon as you can. I can't wait to meet your daughter. I am so proud of Spencer, tell him that please? I love you two, and little Madeline. Until then,

Diana Reid
(Proud mother-in-law and grandma)

Tucking the letter back in its envelope, she pulled out her phone and dialled Reid's number. Hearing it ring once, she heard him answer the call. "Nadine?" she heard him say. "How are you? Are you okay? Madeline -"
"She's fine, we're fine." Nadine smiled at his concern. "I just wanted to see how you're doing. Madeline is fine, she's going through some more tests just to be sure. Your mum sent me a letter to the hospital. Says congratulations and she can't wait to see us and the baby."
"That's nice." Chatter could be heard in the background. "Listen, I'll be back home soon. I just gotta wrap this case up. I'll see you two soon, okay?"
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too - yeah, I'm coming, just wait, Morgan -" he hung up, making her giggle. She went to relax in her hospital bed, only for a nurse to walk in with a small bundle in her arms.
"Madeline is healthy and ready to go tomorrow."


The next day, Reid walked out of the hospital with Nadine at her side, little Madeline in his arms. He was rambling on to his wife excitedly, telling her how everything was going to change and be better.
"I mean, sure there's going to be rude awakenings from her when she's hungry or needs a diaper change and all, but it's still going to be fun having a baby around. As soon as we find a bigger house -"
"Spencer!" Nadine laughed, interrupting his rambles. "Relax! We're going to be fine."
"I know, I know -"
"Reid?" The two froze in their tracks; Reid cursing under his breath. Turning around, he was faced with the one and only Penelope Garcia.
"Garcia! Hey!" he said awkwardly. "How-How are you doing?"
"Spencer Reid what on earth is going on?" she exclaimed. She noticed the moving bundle in his arms. "Is that a baby?"
"Penelope, I can explain. . ."
"You have a baby!" she shrieked. "And you never told me about this? Does anyone know? Did you hide it from the team? I -"
"Nadine, why don't you buckle her in the car." Reid murmured, handing the baby to his wife. Garcia finally noticed her.
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?" she cried. "What else aren't you telling me?"
"She may or may not be my wife. . ."
"Garcia. . ."
"Why haven't you told any of the team this! Were you even going to tell us? I came here because Sam was feeling unwell and this is what I come across?"
"Garcia, just let me -"
"We talk to each other, we tell each other our secrets and problems - don't you trust us? I mean why -"
"I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!" he yelled, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I don't know why I didn't tell any of you. It's just. . ." Reid shook his head, ruffling his hair frustrated. "I don't know. I wanted to have something to myself, you know? We tell each other everything, and I just wanted something to myself. And with our dangerous life. . ."
Reid glanced behind him and saw Nadine sitting at the back with their child, smiling and cooing at her. "I was going to tell you all eventually. Just. . ."
"Reid, I. . ." Garcia had followed his gaze, and smiled at the sight. "Reid. . .you gotta tell the others soon now. I can't keep a secret well. You know when I lie my face does this twitching thing -"
"I know." he said quietly. "I'll tell them soon. Just. . .let me have some time alone with my family, okay? Before I tell everyone about. . .this."
"Okay, okay." Garcia remembered what happened last week. "When you had to leave. . ."
"Nadine went into labour a week early." Reid answered her question. "She uh, she was actually supposed to have it around this time."
"Reid. . ." She brought the man into a hug, holding him tight. "You better tell them soon."
"I will." he promised her, pulling away. "I'll tell them soon. Just wait for a while, okay? Let me and the wife settle down with our child, okay?"
"Okay, okay!" She gave him a fond smile. "You and the wife. Huh, something I thought I'd never hear until years later. It. . .it has quite a nice ring to it."
"Thanks." The sound of a baby crying could be heard, Reid turning to his family momentarily. "I'm gonna go now, so. . ."
"Right! Right. . ." She started making her way to the hospital. "See you - see you soon. Tell your wife I said hi, and your child - I hope to see her soon -"
"Goodbye, Penelope." Reid smirked, backing away to his car.
"Bye, yeah, bye. . ."
"You alright?" Nadine asked him when he finally came. "That took a while."
"Everything's fine." he assured her, starting the car. "She's a bit shocked, but she understands. I'll have to tell the rest of the team though. . ."
"It will be fine, don't worry." Nadine told him. "If she handled it fine, the others should as well."
"Hey Nadine. . ."
"Yes, Spencer?"
"Is it. . .okay that you come with me when I tell them?"


"Spencer, calm down." She placed a hand on him, stopping him from bouncing in his spot. "You don't want to create an elevator accident somehow with your jumping." Reid stopped his jumping immediately, turning to her.
Nadine was holding Madeline in her arms, tram beside her. Holding their child, Madeline looked very small in Nadine's arms. And it for some reason warmed his heart at the sight.
"I love you, you know that right?" Reid told her quietly. "I love you and Madeline."
"I love you too." The elevator opened with a ding, revealing the BAU bullpen. Reid froze, his arm around Nadine tightened. "Come on, time to tell them."
"You know, statistically, one in -"
"Spencer. . ." She gave him a warning look. "There's no going back."
"Maybe -"
"Reid!" Garcia came running their way in her heels that looked to not be used for running, looking excited. "Reid!" She came to stand in front of them, smiling widely. "Is this -"
"This is my wife, Nadine Reid." Nadine smiled in greeting, unable to shake her hand. "And this small bundle of joy, is my daughter, Madeline Diana Reid."
"Wow, hi. Hi. . ." Garcia looked down at the baby, smiling at its sleeping face. "She looks so much like you, Reid."
"I know, right?" Nadine smiled down at her child lovingly. "Two Spencers in the house."
"Boy genius. And then a mini girl genius."
"Hey, what's goin' on?" Prentiss approached them, staring at Nadine and Madeline confused. "Uh, friends?"
"This is Nadine and Madeline!" Garcia beamed. She sent a pointed look to Reid.
"Um, they're my wife and newborn child." Reid quietly admitted. The coffee Prentiss was drinking spat out of her mouth in surprise, spitting all over Reid's face. Reid squeezed his eyes shut, Nadine's laughter ringing through the room. Madeline had woken up from the sudden noise, cooing for attention.
Reid quickly went over to Madeline, smiling down at her. "Hey, Madeline!" When his coffee-soaked face appeared in front of Madeline, her face broke into a toothless smile. Reid smiled, unaware that the reason why she was smiling was because he looked ridiculous.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, kid." Prentiss stated. Reid snapped out of his daze, giving a sheepish smile to his friend. "Nice to meet you, Nadine. Despite the situation we're in. . ."
"It's okay." Nadine nodded in understanding. "It was about time he tells his team about us."
"So that time during the case last week. . ."
"Nadine went into labour." Reid filled in. "I think it would be better for me to explain everything when everyone is in the same room."
"Got it." Prentiss nodded. "I'll get the others."
"I'll help you to the round table." Garcia grabbed the tram, leading the family to the conference room.
"You ready for this?" Nadine asked her husband. Reid gave a weak smile, breathing out nervously while wiping his face clean.
"It was bound to happen, right?"
"WHAT!" Reid winced when he heard Morgan's loud exclaim. "HE HAS A WHAT!"
"Uh, let's go in before they get more worked up."
"More worked up? I don't think that's even possible." Nadine joked.
"Trust me, it is."

The End

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