Sebastian Stan

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A/N: Sorry for the amount of one-shots I'm doing on Sebastian Stan and his characters. I'm going through a phase.

Also because I don't have any ideas for the other guys so some ideas from you guys might be helpful. 😊

PS: This is kind of based from another one-shot that I read so I don't own the idea. It's just. . .I dunno, it was a good one-shot and I wanted to create my own kind of version. So yeah. . .

"Welcome back to the show we have Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Paul Rudd, Sebastian Stan, and Eveline Evans!" Jimmy Kimmel announced to the crowd. The crowd cheered for the men and woman, the five smiling politely at the crowd. Eveline, Chris, and Anthony sat on the couch together with Eveline in the middle, Sebastian Stan and Paul Rudd sitting behind them in higher makeshift chairs. "So how are you all? Good, I'm guessing?"
   "Yeah, we're good." Paul nodded.
   "Especially these two." Anthony smirked, pointing to Eveline and Sebastian.
   "Mind telling us?" Jimmy smirked at them knowingly.
   "Eveline and I got married after we finished filming." Sebastian announced proudly, placing a hand on her shoulder. Eveline smiled at him lovingly, blushing profusely when the crowd cheered for them.
   "So you've been married for a couple of months now." Jimmy realised. "And only just now we find out. Congrats, guys!"
   "Show those men the rings, Evie!" Anthony nudged her playfully. "Show them you're off the market. You too, Sexy Seabass!" Rolling their eyes at their friend, they lifted their left hand, showing the rings. The crowd cheered again.
   "So how is married life?" Jimmy asked them.
   "It's good!" Eveline nodded.
   "Very good." Sebastian agreed.
   "Oh I believe you." Anthony smirked. "The amount of times I see you walk with a spring in your step -"
   "I don't think I want to hear about my sister's sex life, Anthony." Chris butted in, looking mildly disgusted. "And thinking my sister and one of my best friends going at it. . ." They all laughed at his look of disgust.


"So, I'm going to ask a couple of questions - the first one will be about Chris Evans -"
   "Oh boy." Anthony joked.
   "-and if any of you - the four of you know the answer, jump in I wanna see if you know. Chris has memorised the lyrics to the songs from what Disney musical?"
   "Ooh!" Eveline lifted her hand up excitedly.
   "Frozen!" Anthony answered.
   "No!" Jimmy stared at him as if he was crazy.
   "I know it!" Eveline called out.
   "Yeah, but you're my sister so you don't count." Chris argued, covering her mouth with his hand.
   "This is uh, this is supposed to be based off some kind of - none of you know this?" Jimmy asked them surprised.
   "I do!" Eveline attempted to say through Chris' mouth. He pulled his hand away with a grimace when she licked it.
   "Well see, this is a great thing -"
   "Aladdin." Paul suggested. Chris nodded in contemplation, Jimmy shaking his head.
   "Nope, not Aladdin."
   "The Little Mermaid?" Sebastian suggested.
   "Well, as a matter of fact it is The Little Mermaid." Jimmy agreed. Chris 'oh'ed', Eveline smiling towards her husband proudly. The crowd cheered, a small music coming up at the victory.
   "This friendship is real!" Paul pointed to Chris and Sebastian with a smirk.
   "So proud of you, hubby!" Eveline grinned. "If you had gotten that wrong I was gonna file a divorce." They laughed at her joke, Sebastian looking a bit frightened.
   "Will it make you happy that I know your favourite Disney film is Beauty and the Beast?" Sebastian told her. Everyone awed including Eveline, nodding.
   "I am definitely happy."
   "To be fair - to be fair, there was like, five movies you could have named that would have worked." Chris butted in.
   "Oh, really?" Jimmy asked impressed.
   "Aladdin wasn't untrue." Chris told them, Eveline nodding in agreement.


"Sebastian - in addition to English, what language does Sebastian speak?"
   "Romanian." Paul and Eveline said at the same time.
   "That is right, Paul and Eveline!" Jimmy announced, the Chris and Anthony saying "damn!" for saying it too late, Sebastian smiling at the other two proudly with the crowd cheering.
   "The amount of times Sebastian declared his love for me in that language. . ." Eveline shook her head with a fond smile, the crowd awing.
   "We almost - we almost connected in New York together. I saw him on the streets with his kids but I was on the phone with my therapist so I couldn't -"
   "What?" Jimmy exclaimed, the crowd laughing along with them.
   "-couldn't really stop to say hi." Sebastian shrugged.
   "It was actually true - and he emailed me in the afternoon saying, 'Hey I saw you out in the streets I was gonna say hi but I was on the phone with my therapist'." More laughter came from them, Eveline shaking her head at her husband's actions.
   "You just walk around talking to your therapist?" Jimmy asked him bewildered.
   "I gotta - I gotta pace." Sebastian shrugged. "You know I can't - I gotta get it all out, you know?"
   "That's a good tip for any of the paparazzi out there following you in New York." Jimmy joked.
   "That's it, on my headphones." Sebastian nodded with a smile.
   "What about you, Eveline? During your dates does he talk on the phone with his therapist?"
   Eveline laughed at the question, shaking her head. "Actually, when we go on dates he gives all his attention on me. Doesn't bring out his phone unless he wants to take photos."
   "That's nice."
   "Yeah, if you want a guy ladies, go for someone like Sebastian." Eveline winked at the crowd jokingly.
   "Okay, one more question to go and it's about you!" Jimmy told them, nodding to Eveline.
   "Oh I am so ready to beat you all." Sebastian leaned forward on his chair eagerly. Chris scoffed, sending a look over his shoulder.
   "Please, I am her older brother. I've been around her more than you." The crowd 'oohed', Paul, Anthony and Jimmy laughing while Eveline rolled her eyes.
   "Boys, you know I love you both equally - well, except for Seb. We have a different kind of love for each other. . ."
   "Anyway!" Jimmy got them back on the subject, before the topic could get any worse. "For Eveline's next action movie, she is having two stunt doubles doing the work. Why is that so?"
   The men stayed silent, making the crowd laugh. "Got no answer, Sebastian, Chris?" Jimmy smiled at them knowingly, sharing a wink with Eveline.
   "Because she's lazy?" Chris suggested. Eveline whacked his shoulder lightly while everyone laughed.
   "She texted me recently saying if I could get the ice cream from the freezer. She was right next to the kitchen, being in the living room. And I was upstairs in our bedroom, having a nap." Sebastian told them, agreeing with Chris. Eveline laughed along with the others, nodding in agreement.
   "That's true, but I have my reasons." she defended. Sebastian rolled his eyes.
   "Sure, sure. . ."
   "So none of you know the reason why she's using stunt doubles?" Jimmy asked them again.
   "I don't know." Anthony shrugged. "Usually she does her own stunts."
   "Would you like to tell them?" Jimmy asked her. She nodded eagerly, sitting up.
   "The reason why I will have stunt doubles, is because. . ." She cleared her throat. "I would be around five months pregnant."
   "Oh, okay." The men nodded. Jimmy and Eveline glanced to each other amused, the crowd laughing.
   "Three, two, one." Eveline mouthed to the crowd, holding her fingers up.
   "Wait. . ." Sebastian sat up with wide eyes. "Five months pregnant?"
   "You're pregnant?" Chris added, staring at his sister in disbelief. "No way. . ."
   "Surprise!" Eveline grinned, using jazz hands.
   "Oh my God!" Sebastian stood up in disbelief, running his hands through his hair. "Oh my God, she's-she's pregnant! I'm gonna-I'm gonna be a parent! A dad! A tata!"
   "I'm gonna be an Uncle!" Chris exclaimed.
   "Everyone is yelling in joy!" Anthony added in.
   "Congrats!" Paul yelled happily.
   "I'm gonna be a dad!" Sebastian said again. "That's why you wanted me to get the ice cream and all!"
   "And I'm gonna be a mum!" Eveline stood up, facing him happily. "We're gonna be parents!"
   "Oh my God, we are!" Sebastian easily jumped over the couch, bring Eveline into a bear hug, even twirling her around a bit. Chris joined the hug, bringing the two close to him.
   "I can't believe you got my baby sister pregnant!" Chris exclaimed.
   "I know!" Sebastian said back. He turned back to Eveline with tears in his eyes, bringing her into a passionate kiss. The room was full of claps and cheers of joy, the sound of Jimmy trying to say his goodbyes on the show.
   "Thank you for watching. . ."
   "I love you, Eveline Stan." Sebastian breathed out after their heated kiss.
   "I love you too." Eveline beamed, brining him into another kiss.

The End

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