Garret (Twilight)

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The Wolf
Garret never expect himself to find his mate. Ever. It's been centuries and no woman have caught his attention so why should he wait for that special someone? He never realised how alone he was until he helped the Cullen clan. All of them had a special someone - even little Nessie, with Jacob, that wolf. A wolf, Garret scoffed. Poor her. Especially her parents. . .
"You have no idea." Edward mumbled from beside him. Garret released a small laugh, for a moment forgetting that the mind reader was beside him.
"Being natural enemies," Garret mused, "this must be hard."
"Especially the scent." Edward scowled, glaring at Jacob who was a couple metres away playing with Renesme. "I know I told him it was okay on the future, but still. . ."
"It is normal for a father to feel protective of their daughter." Garret patted his back assuringly. "Especially when your daughter gets with the man that used to chase after your wife." Booming laughter could be heard from Jasper and Emmett from a different room, followed by Esme scolding the boys for eavesdropping in their conversation. Edward shoved Garret playfully to the side, walking to the exit when he heard people arriving.
"Haha," Edward said sarcastically, "so funny. It's a good thing Bella isn't here." Garret raised his hands up in surrender. "Anyway, more wolves are here."
"Ooh, future in-laws?" Garret teased, following him.
"Tell me, why are you still here after our case?" Edward retorted. Garret shrugged nonchalantly.
"Don't really know." he admitted. "I just have a feeling I should stay here longer."
When they reached the front, Esme was welcoming Seth and Leah inside. But someone else was with them. Another wolf - and none of them recognised that scent.
The next thing the group knows, the rest of the Cullen clan arrive, eyeing the stranger. They lost their look however, when they realised it was a woman who looked to be harmless.
She had black hair like the other wolves, as well as that tan skin. Her eyes were a bright shade of blue, eyes that showed nothing but kindness to them all.
Garret stared transfixed at the sight of her, the woman feeling the same way. Edward chucked in disbelief when he realised why.

Garret found his mate, and it was a wolf.

"Hello." Garret barely got out. He held a hand out to her. "Garret."
"Amelia." she whispered, taking his hand lightly. They both took a breath in when their different temperatures touched, as well as the tingle that went through their body at the touch. The two were so into each other, they forgot all about the people around them until Emmett cleared his throat with a smirk on his face.
Amelia looked away with a blush, while Garret continued to stare at her intrigued. "Anyway. . ." Seth stared between the two suspiciously. "We just wanted to introduce you all to Amelia. She's family."
Jacob walked away from the vampires and enveloped Amelia into a hug. "Welcome back, sis."
"Sis?" Garret questioned. Oh no. . .
"Amelia is one of my older sisters." Jacob explained to them. "Older than Rebecca and Rachel."
"Funny, what were you saying about them, Garret?" Edward snickered. "About them and my family? Being related through marriage?"
"Shut up." Garret muttered, glaring at him.
"Your eyes." Everyone's attention went to Amelia again. She was staring at Garret with a frown. "They're red. You drink from humans."
"Not the good kind of humans." Garret attempted to defend himself. "The ones that do bad." Amelia crinkled her nose at his words.
"That must be horrible then, drinking from alcoholic, drug-addict people."
"Um. . ." Garret blinked his eyes at her in surprise. She's not disgusted? "Yes, a bit of a nasty taste." He gave a sheepish look. "If you want, I can start drinking from animals like the Cullens. For you."
"For me. . ."
"Because I'm your imprint, aren't I?" Amelia blushed at his statement, making him smirk.
"Y-You are. . ." she mumbled. Jacob groaned from beside her.
"Well how about that," Emmett smirked, "now we're all related through marriage, eh?"


One year later. . .
"Half-wolf, half-vampire, and half-human." Carlisle listed out loud. He smiled at the family of three that just so happened to be Garret, newly-changed-vampire Amelia, and their hybrid son, Finnick. "I'm thinking your situation is similar to Renesme's except your son will just go through the transformation of a wolf when he reaches the age."
Carlisle gave them an assuring smile, escorting them out of his home office. "Don't worry too much." Carlisle told them. "You're all immortal, and together. If we reach a problem we will solve it quickly."
"And what about the Volturi?" Garret asked him. He stared down at the baby in his wife's arms. "Surely when they hear about a new hybrid in town they will come."
"Don't worry, they won't." Carlisle told them. "It's like Renesme's case, like I said. When she's old enough to have a child with Jacob, it will be like Finnick. Half-vampire, half-human, and half-wolf." A growl could be heard in a different room from Edward, when they mentioned Renesme having a child to Jacob. "The Volturi won't come."
"Thank you." Amelia smiled up at Carlisle, her almost-gold eyes staring up at him. Garret's own gold eyes stared down at his wife lovingly momentarily before turning to Carlisle.
"Thank you, for everything." Garret told his friend sincerely. "We'll visit soon."
"Oh I'm sure you will." Carlisle laughed, the four of them making their way outside. "Rosalie and Esme love your son. It's not always we get to be near a baby."
They said their farewells, running to their own little cottage that was similar to Edward and Bella's - thanks to Esme and Alice.
Garret never expected to find his soul mate so fast after a giant case with the Volturi. But here he was, a year later with a wife and child. What went through his head everyday, was he's glad he accepted to help the Cullens that day because if it wasn't for them, he would have never met his one and only and started a small family. He was especially happy that his one true love happened to be mortal - a wolf, because Amelia gave him something that he always thought he'd never have; children.
"Amelia?" She hummed in response, spoon-feeding their son at night. Garret smiled at the sight of normalcy in their family. Something he always wanted to have.
"What is it, husband of mine?"
"I just wanted to say that I love you." Garret told her quietly. "I love you and our son." Finnick cooed in response, giving a toothless smile. "I love you two and I can't live without either of you."
"Feelings are mutual." Amelia smiled at him. Garret used his speed to go to her side, placing a kiss to her lips. "Now go away, let me feed our son."
Garret rolled his eyes playfully, placing one last kiss to her lips and on Finnick's head, before running out to hunt.

Yep, he loved how his life turned out and wouldn't change it for the world.

The End

A/N: There was a hint in the chapter on who's also being added into my One-shot book. 🤗😏😜

One-shots/Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora