Draco Malfoy

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Arranged Marriage
They all gathered at the living room, watching as the two babies played with each other. Narcissa Malfoy and Rosalie Swan were talking to each other about their babies; what they were going to be when they grow up, what they will look like. Lucius Malfoy and Matthew Swan spoke about their children's future.
"We need to make sure that our line of families are pureblood." Lucius told his close friend. "No way am I letting my ancestors do all their hard work for nothing. Draco must marry a pureblood - an aristocrat, even."
"My thoughts the same for Melanie." Matthew agreed, glancing towards his baby daughter who was playing with baby Draco. Staring at the two and how well they look together, Matthew got an idea. "Arranged marriage." he blurted out bluntly. "To both of our families." Lucius frowned in confusion, glancing at the two babies absently, only to raise his eyebrows in realisation.
   "Wait. . .are you saying -"
   "Arranged marriage for my daughter and your son." Matthew confirmed. "Imagine it? Our families will be still pureblood, and we will know for sure if they are married."
   "A splendid idea." Lucius grinned. "And then, the both of us will truly be related through marriage."
   "Indeed, brother." Matthew grinned.


15 Years later. . .
"What?" the two stared at their parents in disbelief.
   "An arranged marriage?" Draco said loudly. "When was this decided?"
   "When you two were just babies." Lucius told his son.
   "We planned the wedding to be after your graduation from Hogwarts." Matthew added.
   "We'll also give you two a year after that." Narcissa added in gently. "To get to know each other more better. You know, prepare for the big day."
   "Why now?" Melanie whispered. "Why tell us now?"
   "It's going to be your sixth year soon." Rosalie told her daughter and future son-in-law. "Soon you'll be out of Hogwarts. You two needed to know."
   "But. . ." Draco hesitated, glancing to Melanie. "My task -"
   "Then not only are you risking your family," Matthew told him gravely, "you're risking Melanie's. You must accomplish this mission."


"Draco?" Melanie quickly closed the door to the Requirement Room and stepped further into the clustered room. "Draco? I know you're in here. Where else would you be when not at the Great Hall?"
   She continued walking through all the junk, finally coming to a small clearing revealing the vanishing cabinet and Draco's exhausted form, sitting on the ground in front of the cabinet with his hands holding him from behind. He looked up at the sound of her entrance and smiled at her sadly.
   "You shouldn't be here." he whispered to her. "I don't want you near this cabinet."
   "Well tough." Melanie grinned, sitting beside him. "I'm your best friend and now fiancée. I can do whatever I want when it's about your health."
   "I'm fine -"
   "I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed some food for you." Melanie pulled out a slice of Hawaiian pizza. "Your secret food that you love: pizza."
   "Yum." Draco beamed, grabbing the slice from her. He gave her a serious look (as much as he could while eating the slice) and told her, "You better not tell anyone about this."
   "Who would I tell?" Melanie rolled her eyes. "My only other friend is Luna Lovegood. And you know how much people find her completely looney."
   "'Cuz she is - ow!" Draco rubbed his arm where Melanie had punched him. "Alright, alright! Sorry."
   Melanie turned to the cabinet with a glare, hating what it was doing to her friend. "Why can't I help in this?" she asked him. "You're killing yourself -"
   "I don't want you to because I don't want him to make you become one of his followers." Draco said sternly, glaring down at the dark mark that was bare to the world, with his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows. "Please Melanie, I don't want you to be in danger. It took a lot of convincing to get them not to put the mark on your arm like me."
   "And I don't want you to be in danger either." Melanie whispered, turning to him with tears in her eyes. "You're not looking after yourself. Everyone is getting suspicious - Harry Potter -"
   "I'll be fine, Melanie. I promise." Draco assured her. He then gave her his trademark smirk. "The wedding will still be planned so don't worry -"
   "Oh shut up!" Melanie laughed, shoving him playfully. Draco grabbed her wrists before she could shove him; and instead pulled her close to him - but didn't think it through because the next thing he knew, he was on his back with Melanie on top of him.
   "Um. . ." Melanie blushed madly, attempting to move away from him only to be held in her spot when he didn't let go of her. "Draco. . ."
   "I need to tell you something." he told her quickly. "Before I lose my confidence."
   "Draco -"
   "I love you." he told her in a rush, sitting up with her in his lap. "I-I have loved you ever since the start of third year when I was attacked by that Hippogriff -"
   "Draco -"
   "Because when I was sent to the Hospital Wing, you stayed by my side no matter what and made sure I was okay. I-it made me realise how much you mean to me and all that we've been to - please," he cupped her face in his hands, making sure she had all his attention, "I just want you to know that with the arranged marriage and all -"
   He was interrupted by Melanie leaning forward and pressing her lips to his. Three seconds he sat frozen, not believing what was happening. His crush of almost three years returned his feelings. The girl he loved from afar but was always by his side. It was an amazing feeling, but also a horrible feeling with what was going to happen soon involving Voldemort.
   They pulled away for breath, Melanie leaning her forehead against his. Her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling brightly. "I love you too." she whispered to him. "You wouldn't shut up so this was the last option."
   "I should rant more if this is what I get." he smirked. Melanie laughed at his cockiness, shoving him playfully. "Are you actually serious, though? You a-actually love me?"
   "Of course I do." Melanie nodded. "When I got sorted into Ravenclaw and when I thought you were going to leave me, you continued being my friend. And then you defended me from the other Slytherins that were calling me a 'blood traitor'. . ."
   "I'd do anything for you." Draco told her. "Anything to make you happy."
   "Well, since you said that. . .I want you to go to the Great Hall now for food. You're losing weight and getting more pale than usual."
   "But -"
   "I know that you need to focus on this, but make sure you're looking after yourself as well, okay? You're not going to get far when you're not looking after yourself. I'm not going to be there for you every time."
   "Okay, I know." he sighed in defeat. "What would I do without you?"
   "Get yourself killed."

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