Tom Riddle

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The New Girl
Everywhere he walked, they were talking about her. The new girl. He would hear people gossip about how 'amazing' she was, or how 'beautiful'. It was disgusting.
   Tom Riddle knew what is was like to be spoken about though, so he felt a tiny bit sympathetic for her. Tiny. Barely. Most of the time he felt nothing - so feeling something for a girl he never met intrigued him greatly.
   He entered the Great Hall to see people sitting around having their breakfast, but kept glancing at the entrance. When they saw him enter, they still spoke about him, but were more excited about the new girl.
   He rolled his eyes at their behaviour and made his way at the end of the Slytherin table, ignoring his followers who were also talking about the new girl. It's like they've never seen a girl before, he thought bitterly. She's just a girl.
   He played with the food in front of him, also waiting for the new girl but not making it obvious. She must be truly remarkable if even the teachers were talking about her. Riddle was curious on who that girl was. Finally, she came.
   She had entered the Great Hall with Professor Dumbledore, the first thing you saw on her was her bright smile. It shone like it was meant to rid of all the evil and just lighten up the room. At first glance, Riddle suddenly felt a small feeling of calm envelope him, ridding him of all his bitter emotions and plans to take over the Wizarding World. Riddle frowned at it. She was just a girl. . .right?
   He watched as Dumbledore led her to the teachers, introducing her to each one of them. He noticed Professor Sulghorn taking a huge liking to the girl. She must be very interesting, he mused. Is it because she may be powerful? Good connections with people?
   Headmaster Dippet then stood up from his seat and made his way to the podium. Everyone immediately quieted down, awaiting his speech. Riddle suspected it was about the new girl, along with the rest of the school.
   "Everyone," he boomed, "I see you all are having a lovely breakfast." He motioned for the new girl to stand beside her. "I suspect you all are curious about our new student -" Yeah, no kidding, Riddle thought, "-so I would like to introduce to you all our new student, Amelia Dumbledore." Murmurs and whispers immediately went around the school, Riddle even joining in with the feeling of shock. A Dumbledore? Riddle wondered.
   "I would like you all to make her feel comfortable and safe in Hogwarts, and befriend her." Dippet continued to say. "Thank you." He then motioned her to join the Gryffindor table, making Riddle feel disappointment. He frowned at the feeling. Why should I care about some girl? Riddle thought.
   She will help in our plans, another -evil- side of him said. With her being a Dumbledore, she must have connections with some noble Wizards and Witches - ones that had powerful Wizards and Witches.
   But nonetheless, she was in Gryffindor. It wouldn't work out; a Slytherin talking to a Gryffindor? That wouldn't work out well, despite Tom Riddle being the 'role model' in Hogwarts.
   He watched silently as she made her way to the Gyffindor table, instantly being accepted by the house. He narrowed his eyes at the sight. In order for his plan to work, he must somehow get her to notice him. He then smirked at the plan. It shouldn't be hard; he was always being gossiped around by students about how 'smart, polite, and good-looking' he was. It should be soon until she notice him. He just had to wait until the time comes.


He walked into his Potions class early to notice the new girl, Amelia, talking casually with Sulghorn. He was a tad bit surprised when he noticed the teacher wasn't prying her with anything about her future, and was just talking to her lightly. Perks of being a Dumbledore, he guessed. It was then that Slughorn noticed Riddle's lingering figure.
   "Ah, Tom m'boy!" he said happily. "I'd like you to meet the new student!" He then turned to Amelia. "Riddle is an extraordinary pupil. Have you met him yet? He's the role model of the school and happens to be a prefect as well."
   "No, I haven't met him yet." she said. Riddle faltered in his step at the sound of her voice. Her voice. It was the sound of chime bells, her voice very hypnotic. For a moment Riddle thought she was half siren until he realised who he was thinking about.
   Riddle quickly covered his faltered step and gave them one of his charming smiles. "Professor Slughorn," he greeted politely, "Miss Dumbledore." Riddle politely gave her hand a shake and also a chaste kiss to her knuckles. He ignored the tingly feelings he felt when their skin connected. "It is lovely to meet you. I am Tom Riddle."
   "Ho, ho, ho!" Slughorn chortled. "Such a gentleman, isn't he?" Amelia smiled shyly, a blush coating her cheeks.
   "Very." she said gently. "I see why he is often spoken about around the school then." Riddle hid his smirk by pretending to look down bashfully. It's working, he thought.
   "It is lovely to meet you." he told her. "Everyone around school speaks highly of you."
   "Hmm, must be because I am the niece of Professor Dumbledore." she mused. He raised an eyebrow at what she said.
   "Ah, Professor's your Uncle." he nodded. She smiled politely at him and nodded. "Well nonetheless, welcome to Hogwarts."
   "Thank you." she grinned.
   "Ah, thank you Tom, m'boy!" Slughorn grinned. "I'll tell you what; why don't you give Miss Dumbledore a tour later on in the day? She was just telling me about how she needed another tour since Professor Dumbledore himself couldn't give her one because of how busy he is."
   "It would be an honour." Riddle said. This is going better than planned, he realised. He also realised that despite this was all part of his evil plans, a small side of him was also glad to just be in the company of Amelia Dumbledore. He wondered why he was feeling such feelings. . .
   Student started filing in, making him snap out of his thoughts and also release Amelia's hand, realising he had still held onto it. The two blushed, but shook it off - especially Riddle. I shouldn't be feeling these stupid stuff, he cursed. Without another word, he made his way to the back corner where he usually sits. Amelia chose to stay at the front, giving him one last glance.

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