Charles Xavier

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"I will never ever leave you again"
The future
Logan got ready to travel back in time, nervous about the whole thing. What if he fails? What if something bad happens?
   "Right. You ready?" Erik asked him.
   "Yeah -"
   "Wait." Professor X interrupted. "There's one more person that will be needed to help you change my path." They all gave him confused looks.
   "Who?" Logan asked.
   "Her name's Estella Dubois. She'd be at Paris."
   "Got it." Logan nodded. "But how come I have never heard of this woman?"
   "I haven't heard of her either." Erik agreed.
   "Let's just say, she made me realise my true self." was all the Professor said. "Go now. We don't have much time."


50 years ago
Logan didn't even remember about Older Charles' other request until they lost Raven during the Paris mishap. When he remembered, he stopped them from entering the plane to leave Paris.
   "Wait a minute guys." Logan stopped Hank and Charles from entering the plane. They gave him confused looks. "I only just remembered Professor's -the other Professor's- other request for when I come here."
   "And that is?" Charles asked in an annoyed tone, pissed that Erik betrayed them and they lost Raven.
   "Estella Dubois." was all he said. Hank looked confused, but Charles froze, staring at Logan in disbelief.
   "How did you - did I tell you in the future -?"
   "You actually never told anyone until I was about to travel back in time." Logan admitted. "I don't know exactly who she is, but future you just said to get her in Paris. Said that she'll help."
   "I haven't seen her in years." Charles admitted quietly, staring into the distance. "I-I - why would I need her?"
   "I don't know." Logan shrugged. "But Future You said that you need her. So. . .let's go and get her. I might have a hunch on where she is, seeing her face on posters and all when we were in the city."


She waved goodbye to her fans with a smile, walking back into the theatre - her smile dropping immediately from her face as soon as she was away from the public. Despite getting the dream she wanted, performing in front of people as an actress and all, it wasn't what she wanted at the moment. She wanted her friend back. Her best friend. Her childhood friend. Her lo-
   "Hey Estella!" someone called out to her in French. "There's some people here to see you!"
   Plastering on a fake smile, she made her way into the auditorium. "Bonjour -"
   "Estella?" she froze at the sight of the man she was just thinking of. He changed; he had long hair that went to his chin, he was growing a moustache and beard, and he wore loose clothing unlike the posh suits that he'd usually wear. It was a surprising sight.
   Charles gave a small smirk. "I remember you'd tell everyone to call you Stella -"
   "Yeah, well, it didn't sound right when they said Estella." she lied. It was actually because she wanted the nickname 'Stella' to be special. She remembered how he and Raven would call her Stella. But after that incident. . .she needed the nickname 'Stella' to be special. She needed the nickname to be not used from many.
   "Why are you here?" she asked him. "After all these years. . ." She took notice of the two other men behind him. "Who are these men?"
   "Oh! Uh, this is Hank, and Logan." Charles motioned to whom with his hands halfheartedly. "Stella -"
   "Estella." Estella corrected quickly, finding it weird being called that name after ten years. Charles nodded his head slowly.
   "Estella," he said, "I know we haven't spoken to each other in a long time -"
   "Yeah. That might have to do with you and Raven suddenly leaving London without a note or anything." she said sarcastically. "Look, I'm busy at the moment. You guys should leave." She thought she was glad to see him - deep down she was glad to see him, but at the moment, she didn't want to see him. I mean, what makes him think that everything will be back to normal after all the years of no contact?
   "Stella -"
   "I got to go." Estella muttered, turning away from them. "Unless you use your mutant power and force me to stay, I'm leaving."
   Hank and Logan turned to Charles sharply. "She knows your power?" Hank whispered.
   "Of course." Charles nodded. "She's the one that found out before me when we were twelve." Charles started quickly making his way after Estella.
   "Estella, wait!" Charles called. "Look -"
   "Why?" Estella turned to him with tears in her eyes. "Why now do you come to me, after all these years? Why didn't you contact me? Why did you leave? Was it because of me? Was it because I-I'm not like one of you guys? A mutant? I loved -"
   "I lost my powers." Charles told her bluntly. Estella's mouth dropped in disbelief. "Back in Cuba all those years ago. . .I got shot. It made me paralysed from waist down."
   "But you're -"
   "Walking, I know." Charles smiled humourlessly. "A serum Hank created makes me able to walk, but it loses my mind reading."
   "Wow. . ." Estella ran a hand through her raven dark hair. "A lot has happened while we were apart."
   "You're right." Charles gave a small smile. "Come with me back to London. There's a lot of catching up to do between us."
   "I can't just leave -"
   "You're famous here, I get that." he nodded with a shrug. "Which is why people would believe you when you say you are having a small break from acting - a dream I see that you have reached."
   "Y-yeah. . ." Estella couldn't help but wonder why he still remembered after all these years. "Just. . .give me a moment. You promise you won't suddenly leave again?"
   "I give you my word." Charles vowed.

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