Spencer Reid - Part II

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Remember Me - Part II
"Melinda?" JJ knocked on the door lightly before entering the room. Melanie was playing with the hospital bed, using the remote to make it go up and down.
   But at the sound of their entrance Melanie dropped the remote, backing further into the room. "Melinda? Everything is going to be okay." JJ promised her. "We won't hurt you."
   "Who are they?" Melanie looked from her parents to Spencer. "Why is he here?"
   "Melinda, these are your parents. This is your mother Amelia, and your father, David." JJ pointed to each of them. "And what Spencer said before is true. He is your friend."
   "I don't know them." Melanie whispered. Amelia and David swallowed back their tears, Spencer clearing his throat with a sniffle and avoiding eye contact. JJ nodded to them, Amelia pulling out the photo frame. Melanie moved closer to them, curious.
   "See this?" Amelia showed her the photo. "This was at your twelfth birthday. As you can see, we were younger back then. This is me, Dad, you, and Spencer!" Interested, Melanie took the frame from her, sitting on the edge of the bed. They went to sit with her, only for JJ to stop them with a shake of head.
   "She might not want you near yet." JJ whispered to them. "Just let her take this in, and then - Spence don't go to her yet -"
   "Spence. . ." Melanie murmured. She lifted her hand, placing it on the photo of him. She caressed the photo of him, looking deep in thought. "Spence. . ."
   Spencer moved to her ignoring JJ's calls, sitting beside her with caution. "Yes, that's me." Spencer pointed at the photo of him. "That's me at your place. We were celebrating your birthday. I got you -"
   "Sherlock Holmes collection." Melanie answered subconsciously. Everyone grew hopeful. "I. . ."
   "You loved Arthur Conan Doyle's works. Mainly Sherlock Holmes. You loved his deductions. One of the reasons why I joined the FBI. It reminded me of you." Spencer admitted to her quietly. It went silent. "Mellie?"
   "What?" Melanie looked at him confused. "What did you call me?"
   "I. . ." Spencer faltered, realising his mistake. "I. . .I used to call you Mellie. . ."
   "No. . ." she shook her head, the photo falling from her grasp. It touched the ground, the glass breaking.
   "Melanie -"
   "My name is Melinda." Melanie said angrily. "You hear me? It's Melinda. Melinda!"
   "But -"
   "MELINDA!" she screamed, shoving him away. She hopped off the bed, her feet touching the glass. Spencer stared at her concerned.
   "Your feet. . ." He went to move to her, which was a mistake. Melanie screamed, shoving him away.
   "Reid!" JJ yelled, pulling him away from any more harm. "You need to leave with them."
   "But JJ!" Spencer protested, wanting to get out of her grasp.
   "Now, Spencer!" JJ yelled over Melanie's screams.
   "I WANT DANNY! I WANT DANNY!" Melanie was screaming.


"I'm not leaving this case." Spencer said sternly.
   "You have to. This is too personal for you." Hotch said sternly.
   "To hell it's too personal for me!" Spencer protested. "I have been looking for her my whole life! Look!" Spencer took out the worn out piece of paper, chucking it on the table. Hotch went to it, opening the folded paper. When opened, it was a MISSING paper about Melanie. It had folded creases - it's been folded so much it was close to ripping. The photo of Melanie was faint as well, the black printed words almost hard to read.
   "I was about to give up when we had this case." Spencer admitted. "I've been trying to find her my whole life, Hotch. You can't take me off it now."
   "Even though we have Jesse Daniels, Melanie still wants to see him. He changed her. Made her depend on him. What are we going to do?" Morgan asked them. "We still need to take him away. Police should be here by now to take him away."
   "Wait." Rossi stopped them from moving. "I might have an idea."


Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan entered Melanie's room, except they brought someone else with them. Jesse Daniels entered handcuffed, his brown turning grey hair was greasy on top of his head, his beady blue eyes finding hers immediately.
   "Danny!" Melanie exclaimed, sitting on her knees on the bed.
   "Melinda. . ." Daniels smiled at her. "It's nice seeing you again."
   "What's happening? They won't let me leave, and I couldn't see you -"
   "I'm afraid this is where our paths separate." Daniels told her sadly. "You see, they don't want us to be together anymore. They're taking me away."
   "What? No!"
   "I know, I know, I just came here to say my goodbyes." Daniels told her. "Remember what I said? No one loves you except me. Only I love you."
   "No. . .no, you can't!" Melanie cried. "Can I hug you? Can I hug him?"
   "No." Hotch said quickly. "Not part of the deal."
   "N-No, please!" Melanie begged. "Just-just one hug?"
   "Hotch," Rossi mumbled, "let her."
   "Okay." Hotch said reluctantly. He sent a nod to Morgan, making the man nod and open the door, motioning for someone to enter. Melanie hopped off the bed, bringing the creep into her arms. Daniels cherished the hug, sighing into her hair.
   "Oh Mellie. . ." he whispered. Melanie's eyebrows furrowed, pulling away from him slowly. Just when she did that, JJ, Spencer and her parents entered the room. David glared at Daniels, Spencer and Amelia having to place a hand on his shoulder each. But even Spencer was glaring.
   "What's going on? Who are these people?" Daniels demanded, starting to freak out.
   "These people, are Melanie's parents, and best friend." JJ said sternly. "And I think they have something to say to Melanie."
   "We love you, Melanie." Amelia told her, keeping her tears at bay. "We love you so much and we searched for you for years, even though there was a high chance you would have been gone from us long ago."
   "We love you, Melanie." David added on. "Please, come home with us." Now it was Spencer's turn.
   Spencer swallowed nervously, taking a slow step to her. "Melanie. . ." he whispered. He sniffed, standing straighter. "Melanie, you're my best friend. The one person I can tell my thoughts to without being judged. You're the first person to ever befriend me and care for me, my first best friend and. . .and love. I love you, Melanie. I love you, and I swear to God as soon as everything dwindles down I will take you on a date like we promised all those years ago. I love you, Mellie. Please, remember me."
   And just like that, she got those flashes again except there were more and were longer than just glimpses. She watched as she met Spencer, befriended him, and fell in love with him. "I have a feeling in my gut that you're the one for me. And I know that no one will be the bestest friend like you." she had told him once.
   "That is nonsense!" Daniels bursted out angrily. "Her name is Melinda, and she knows who truly loves her, right Melinda?"
   "Melanie. . ." she whispered. Daniels stared at her confused.
   "My name. . .is Melanie." Spencer inhaled through his nose sharply, standing up even straighter. Her parents gasped from behind him, looking at each other hopefully. "Melanie. . .that is my name. My parents are Amelia and David Fisher." Melanie glanced to Spencer, feeling her eyes tear up. "Spencer. . .loves me. Not Danny, Spencer. He loves me, not you." Melanie stepped towards Daniels, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him against the wall. "SPENCER LOVES ME! NOT YOU! NOT YOU! I LOVE HIM, NOT YOU! NOT YOU!"
   Morgan quickly grabbed Daniels, Hotch and Rossi pulling Melanie away from the man. "Why you little -!" Daniels yelled, lifting his handcuffed hands to hit her. Melanie screamed, flinching back and waiting for the impact, only to feel nothing. Someone else was hit, she heard it.
   Melanie opened her eyes, and was surprised to see Spencer's back in front of her, his form heaving as if he ran a marathon. She peered around him and saw Daniels knocked out on the ground.
   "Holy shit!" Morgan exclaimed, breaking the silence. "You knocked a man out who was bigger than you with one punch!"
   Spencer shook out his hand with a wince, glaring down at the man. "He deserved it." was all he said.
   "Melanie?" Amelia and David went to her. Amelia swooped in like a Mamma Bear, and wrapped her arms around the girl protectively, crying into her hair. Melanie held on reluctantly, feeling warm inside. She never felt this much care in a long time. David hugged her afterwards, planting a kiss on her forehead.
   "Mellie?" Melanie pulled away from her father, turning to Spencer. He stood before her shaking, his tears falling freely down his face.
   "Spence. . ." Melanie wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his chest. Spencer cried in relief and joy, hugging her back just as tight though still aware of her wounds.
   "Oh Mellie. . ." Spencer sobbed, hiding his face in her neck. "I thought you were gone for good. . ."
   "Spence. . ." she repeated, content in just being in his arms. "I love you."
   "I know, I know." he whispered, quickly placing a kiss to her neck. "I love you too. I love you so much. . ."


"So how does it feel? Knowing that your lifetime case has been solved and you got her back?"
   Spencer stood with his team off to the side in the hospital, watching as Melanie's parents signed the discharge papers, Melanie standing in between them. They were listening to the doctor talk to them about the procedures about looking after Melanie, and what therapy places to take her.
   "For once. . .I feel complete. And happy." Spencer admitted to his team. "We have her back. Me, Amelia and David - my Mum will be ecstatic to hear about this. She loved Melanie like she was her own."
   "You're going to stay here for a while, aren't you?" Morgan asked him. "Her parents can't do this alone. You're someone special to Melanie."
   "Yeah, I'm going to stay for a while." Spencer agreed. "Don't know how long, though. Depends how fast she'll heal."
   "She's been a hostage for years. She'll need as much help as she could get before she feels truly safe." JJ told him.
   "Stay as long as you need." Hotch told him. "The bosses will understand."
   "Thanks." Spencer smiled at them gratefully. "And I'm sorry for not telling -"
   "It's fine, kid." Rossi assured him. "We understand."
   "Thanks." he said again.
   "Spencer?" Amelia and David approached them, Melanie talking with the doctor. "We're wondering if you're staying or. . .?"
   "Yeah, I'm going to be staying for a while." Spencer assured them. "Is there any chance I can live with you three for a while? If not, I can just go to my Mum's -"
   "Stay as long as you need, Spencer." Amelia told him quickly. "You're like a son to us."
   "Doctors also said it would be good if she's around familiar people." David added. "Also, since you're going to take my daughter on a date later on. . ."
   "Mellie." Melanie walked towards them while smiling at him happily, wrapping her arms around his waist again. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, hiding his face in her brown hair. The others smiled at each other at the sight of the two, finding it adorable.
   "Are you staying?"
   "Of course I'm staying." Spencer scoffed jokingly. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
   "Can we watch Doctor Who when we get home? And have grape juice?"
   "Anything you want." Spencer turned to his team. "She also needs someone to help her with her education. It seems Daniels didn't seem to care about it. She still only knows Primary learning."
   "Well she'll definitely need a genius to teach her," Morgan smirked, "Doctor Reid."
   "Come on, time to go home." Amelia announced.
   "Home. . ." Melanie repeated. She looked up to Spencer, who was staring down at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "Home. . ."
   The Fisher family left the hospital with Spencer; Melanie and Spencer walking behind the parents with their arms wrapped around each other. The team watched them leave with smiles on their faces, feeling happy to see Spencer so carefree and happy, something they haven't seen on his face lately.
   Just before the two leave, they turn back to the team, waving goodbye with smiles on their faces. And then they were gone, starting a new life with each other.

The End

A/N: My God that was long. . .

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