Jasper Whitlock

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A/N: It's a short one, soz.

"Baseball?" Emmaline gave him a look of horror. "Jasper - Bella and I are not into these kind of stuff. Bella is too clumsy to play, and I am more into the music area."
Jasper chuckled at his girlfriend's reaction, placing an affectionate kiss onto her temple. "You and your sister won't be playing with us." Jasper assured her. "Besides, you wouldn't have been able to."
"Why?" she tilted her head curiously at him.
"A thunderstorm is coming." he told her. "It's the only time we can play a sport." Emmaline stayed quiet for a while, thinking over his words. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in realisation.
"Seriously?" she exclaimed. "That loud it'd sound like thunder?"
"That's my clever girl." Jasper laughed, taking her out of his room, finishing her tour around his place.


Just when she thought it couldn't get worse. Baseball was okay for a while (except the frequent glares she and Bella got from Rosalie), until Alice got a vision of three nomads wanting to play. Just to put the cherry on top, her and her sister's scents caught the attention of one of the vampires: James.
Jasper and Edward were crouched in front of the girls protectively, everyone else following suit. Emmaline shared a scared glance with Bella.
"They are with us." Carlisle said firmly.
Despite the fact that Carlisle had it all under control, Emmaline couldn't help but feel doubt at the whole situation. She knew James was different; she could see it in his behaviour. The way he stared solely at the two humans, and how he sized Edward and Jasper up - mainly Jasper. Emmaline guessed it was because of the scars Jasper was covered with from the wars.
Feeling her fear and doubt, Jasper sent her some calm and reassurance to her through his gift. Even though they were in danger, just that one gesture made Emmaline feel at ease.


Three years later. . .
Emmaline watched with a small fond smile at the sight of Jasper teaching their son Jackson how to play baseball. She remembered the last time they played baseball; they attracted the three nomads: James, Victoria, and Laurent. But this time, there'd be no danger for them. They were all safe, with Bella and Emmaline being vampires now, and the fact that Renesme and Jackson are now safe from the Volturi. Everything was perfect.
"What are you thinking about?" Jasper was suddenly at her side, tearing her out of her thoughts.
"Just thinking about the last time you guys played baseball." she mused with a small smile. "James, Victoria, Laurent. . ."
"We're safe now." Jasper assured her lovingly, giving her a chaste kiss. "No more danger for us."
"Mama! Papa!" their son called from a distance. "Come and play!"
"Yeah!" Emmett called from beside their son, swinging him into his arms. "We need you two to make it even!"
Sharing one last kiss, the two went to their teams and played baseball together for the first time.

The End

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