BBC Sherlock

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Baby Holmes
"Come on, love. You can do it." Sherlock encouraged her. She groaned in pain as a response, squeezing the life out of his hand that she held whenever pain hits her. Sherlock Holmes never expected to fall in love with anybody in his whole life. And there he was, in a hospital, ready to greet his newborn baby.
   He never expected to feel those feelings that were described in books; butterflies in your stomach, mind going blank, suddenly nervous around the person, hypnotising eyes. . .
   He never expected to experience them until he met Lavinia Turner, a tailor's assistant.
   Sherlock met her for the first time when he and John were out to get suits for John's wedding. Sherlock knew the tailor at the place and suggested it for John. He didn't expect to meet her there, someone he hadn't met yet when he visited the tailor to get his clothes.
   Sherlock then knew why he hadn't met her; she was new to London and the owner of the place was her uncle, who willingly hired her as his assistant, to help her get used to London life. While the uncle measured John, Lavinia Turner measured him.
   He was surprised at how gentle she was when measuring him, and kept up simple -but interesting- conversations with him. He found himself falling under her spell more.
   Sherlock invited her to the wedding, only for her to sadly refuse, being busy that day.

That was the last time he saw her. Until a month later.

Sherlock received a surprise visit from Lavinia at the hospital when he got shot at Magnussen's office. She had gave him a small sympathetic smile, holding up some clothes for him. "I know you need to go somewhere." she had said to him. "Decided to grab some clothes for you."
   "How did you -"
   "Despite the fact that we only spoke to each other once in our life, it feels like I've known you my whole life." She placed the clothes on the foot of his bed, placing a small slip on the bedside table. "I noticed you need to go somewhere important. That's my number if you ever need me."
   "After the case, will you go out with me to dinner?" Sherlock had found himself blurting out. Her reply was a smile, and a kiss on his forehead before she left the room.


Months passed, and Sherlock was inseparable with Lavinia. She was just so interesting and amazing, and he was falling hard for her. It was like she could read minds, with all the things she does for him without Sherlock even asking her. It's like she was made to know whatever he does.
   One moment he would be bored with no case, and the next thing he knew, she comes to him with her phone at her ear, already finding an interesting case for him. Or when he would need silence, she would just disappear into their room until he finished his thoughts. It was amazing. For him, and for everyone.
   A year passed, and Sherlock did the unthinkable. He proposed to her. And then they got married, Mycroft as the priest for them, doing their ceremony. It was quite funny, really. It was funny when Mycroft said, "If there is anyone against this ceremony speak up now or forever hold your peace. . .no one? Good. Otherwise I would have known already."
   That day was the best day of their life. And during their honeymoon, they created baby Holmes.
   Sherlock was scared at the news of becoming a father, which made him act recklessly and thus, cause a bit of tension between him and Lavinia. It went as far as to Sherlock sleeping on the couch, or sleeping over John and Mary's place. It wasn't until he looked after John and Mary's baby himself all alone when they went on a date did he realise he was ready for his own and would be okay.
   So he came back to Baker Street and apologised to Lavinia, showing full support for the baby after that.
   So here they were now, nine months later ready to meet their creation.
   "Alrighty ma'am, just one more push and then it will be over." the doctor told her. Lavinia nodded through pants, closing her eyes in exhaustion.
   "Come on," Sherlock murmured from beside her, patting a cloth over her forehead to get rid of the sweat, "you can do this."
   "Okay, on the count of three." the doctor spoke up again. "One. . .two. . .three!"
   "GAAAAAAAAH!" Lavinia screamed, pushing with all her might.


"Aw, the baby is so adorable!" Mary cooed from beside Lavinia, John standing beside Sherlock who was on the other side of Lavinia. Lavinia laid on her bed tiredly with her child in her arms. She was happy that the pain was over, and she got to finally hold her baby in her arms. Now she had to get ready for the random cries at night.
   "Is it a girl or a boy?" John asked the parents.
   "A boy." Sherlock said proudly, smiling down at his wife with adoration. "A healthy little boy. But are they supposed to b this small?"
   "Yes," Lavinia breathed out a small, tired laugh, "yes they are."
   "What's the boy's name?" Mary asked them.
   "William Hamish Holmes." Lavinia answered. "William after Sherlock, and Hamish after John."
   "Wow. . ." John said. "I feel. . .honoured." John gave Sherlock a manly hug, and quickly giving Lavinia a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Mycroft? I'd expect him to be here still after dropping you two here when Lavinia went into labour."
   "Mycroft went to get our parents." Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Knowing our parents, they would want to see the baby as soon as possible."
   "Well, we'll leave you three alone to have some quality time together." Mary said, her and John making their way out of the room. "We'll see you two again tomorrow, yeah?"
   "Yeah." Sherlock nodded.
   "Bye." Lavinia whispered tiredly.
   "Go to sleep, love." Sherlock whispered, caressing the side of her face lovingly. "You deserve it."
   "I love you." Lavinia murmured, her eyes half closed already.
   "And I love you." Sherlock sat on the side of the bed and leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, one hand on the side of her face, the other hand resting gently on top of William's head.
   "Welcome to the crazy world, William." Lavinia whispered to their sleeping baby lovingly.

The End

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