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A/N: The Maze Runner was on TV and I watched it, making me have the feels again. And Newt. . .I love the guy. . .😜😍

The Other Girl
They waited with baited breath as the box finally came to a stop at the top. Slowly, they opened the hatch and were amazed at what they saw. Two people unconscious.
   Newt jumped down inside the box, observing them. He gasped when he realised what he was looking at.
   "What's going on?" Thomas called down to him. "Who are they?"
   "They're. . ." Newt blinked up at them in disbelief. "They're girls." Everyone stared at each other in shock, murmurs going around them. Newt saw a note in one of the girls' hands, and grabbed it. "They're the last ones. . ." he read out loud. "Ever."
   Suddenly, the girl that had the note woke up with a gasp, looking around madly. Newt staggered away in surprise, everyone exclaiming from above. "Thomas. . ." she whispered out, falling unconscious again. Everyone turned to Thomas but Newt.
   Newt was staring at the other girl that hadn't woken up yet. She had chestnut brown hair that was at the moment spread out around her while she was unconscious, her skin flawless, her lips a light pink. He couldn't help but think that she looked familiar.
   "Athena." he found himself saying.
   "What?" Thomas asked.
   "The other girl that hasn't woken up yet," Newt slowly made his way to her, lifting a hand to her face, "her name's Athena."
   "How do you know?" Gally asked suspiciously.
   "I-I don't know." was all Newt could say. He shook out of his thoughts and looked up at them. "Come on, let's bring 'em up."


One day later. . .
   "Hmm?" Newt sat up straight, having almost fall asleep in his chair. He was beside 'Athena's' bed, waiting for her to wake up. He doesn't know why, but it's like a natural thing to him. He was positive that he knew her from somewhere.
   Newt looked to the entrance and saw it was Thomas and the other girl, Teresa. She had woken up earlier that day, but 'Athena' was still asleep.
   "Newt, you haven't had a proper sleep since she came." Thomas told him quietly. "You need some proper rest. Minho and I are about to go back into the Maze again."
   "I'm fine, Greenbean." Newt murmured. "Be careful out there."
   "Do you know her?" Thomas asked curiously. "Teresa doesn't know her. But you seem like you do."
   "I don't know." Newt answered, staring down at the girl. "She seems familiar to me. That's it." He sighed tiredly and turned to them. "I'm fine just here. You go to the Maze with Minho, and you go and look after Alby." Thomas and Teresa gave each other uncertain looks but nodded at the commands.
   When they left, Newt turned back to the girl, lifting his hand to caress her hair. "Who are you?" Newt wondered quietly.


The next day. . .
Newt was keeping watch on the unconscious Thomas (who stupidly stabbed himself with the Griever sting) in the Pit when Chuck and Teresa suddenly came to him out of breath. Newt raised an eyebrow at them.
   "What, did Gally do somethin' again?"
   "No," Teresa shook her head, "it's the other girl. She's awake." Without another word, Newt was making his way to 'Athena'.


Newt opened the door quietly and peered into the room to see the girl sitting upright on her bed, staring around in confusion and fear. Newt cleared his throat to announce his presence, startling her. "Whoa, easy there." Newt raised his arms up in surrender. "I mean no harm."
   "Where am I?" she asked him. "What happened? H-how come I can't remember my name -"
   "Easy, easy, slow down." Newt slowly approached her, sitting a foot away from her on the bed. "You're in the Glade. I think your name is Athena, and my name is -"
   "Newt." she finished. He stared at her in shock. "Your name is Newt."
   "How did you -"
   "I remember you." she murmured, staring at him with furrowed brows. "That's right, my name is Athena. . ."
    "How do you know me -?"
   "I remember you." she whispered. "You're - we're - I'm. . ."
   "What? What is it?" Newt asked eagerly. In response, she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down into a kiss. And then all the memories of them came back.


She entered the cafeteria with shaky legs, her whole presence screaming out fear. She was new to W.I.C.K.E.D, and she knew absolutely no one.
   Newt stared at her curiously from his table with friends, watching as she shyly made her way to the food line. Standing up, he started making his way to her.
   She tensed when he was beside her, staring down at her tray nervously. "Hi," he lamely said, "I'm Newt."
   "Athena." she said back quietly.
   "I can see you're new to this place." he noted. "I was wondering if you wanted a tour around the place or if you want to hang out with me. . ."
   "Really?" she looked to him curiously.
   "Really." Newt grinned.
Months passed, and soon he and Athena were the best of friends. They went everywhere together, having fun, talking, enjoying each other's company. It wasn't long until they confessed their love for each other - therefore, getting together. It was the best moments of their life. . .

But then the day came.

The day Newt was to go into the Maze. The people fortunately allowed the two to have their last moments together, giving them five minutes.
   After the guards left the room so it was just the two, Newt immediately brought Athena into a hug. "I'm going to miss you." Athena said against his chest.
   "I'm going to miss you too." he responded.
   "You won't even remember me." she said sadly. Newt pulled away and gently tilted her head up so it was facing him.
   "I promise you, I will remember you." he promised her quietly. "We will meet again one day, and I will remember you. I love you, Athena, and I am not going to lose you now."
   They shared one final kiss before the guards came back, dragging him away from the love of his life. "I love you!" Newt called back to her, feeling his heart break at the sound of her cries.


Newt pulled away with a gasp, staring at her with wide eyes. Suddenly he felt different. He no longer felt dread and depression from being stuck in a place for three years - no, he felt different. Better. He finally had a motivation to stay alive and get out of the place. For her. For Athena.
   "Athena. . ." Newt lifted a hesitant hand up to caress the side of her face. "Shucks. . ."
   "You broke your promise." Athena laughed weakly. "You didn't remember me."
   "Who cares." Newt brought her into a hug. "I remember you now. And I am not losing you again."

Oh how wrong he was with his sad future ahead of him.

The End

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