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His Family
Legolas ran in the forest swiftly and quietly, shooting down targets he had put up earlier. He was training on getting better at his aim, while also being quiet and quick. He was also doing this when he was supposed to be back at his chambers getting ready to meet some special guests that he did not really care about.
   Legolas jumped down from a branch to hit his final target, only to see an arrow already there on bullseye. Lowering his bow, he looked around in confusion and caution, holding his loaded bow tightly.
   "Who's there?" he called out. "Show yourself!"
   A rustle came from the bushes to his right, making him act quickly and lift his bow up in warning. What he saw befuddled him. It was an elleth.

A beautiful elleth.

She wore a shy smile, scratching behind her head sheepishly. What he noticed on the she-elf was her bow and quivers. She was the one who used his target.
   "I'm sorry," she said in a soft voice, "I did not know the target was being used already."
   "It's. . .it's okay." Legolas lowered his bow. "Why are you out here in the forest surrounded by danger, my lady?"
   "Why are you?" she retorted. Legolas quirked a small smile.
   "I'm the Prince of Mirkwood. I know the forest at the back of my palm." he answered. "I was training my aim." He tilted his head at her. "And who may you be? I'm afraid I have never seen you before."
   "I'm Lady Desylia, daughter of Lord Elrond."
   Legolas' eyes widened, his breath hitched. That's right, Lord Elrond was the special guest, and his daughter. "Lady Desylia!" he gasped. "We were supposed to meet back at Mirkwood with my father and yours!"
   "That's for a while, they won't know." she waved off. Legolas shook his head.
   "You don't understand," he told her, "I was supposed to meet up with my father to greet you and your father twenty minutes ago." Desylia's eyes widened in disbelief.
   "Are you saying we're late?" she exclaimed. Legolas placed his bow over his shoulder, putting back his arrow.
   "We must go back before they send out the guards." Legolas told her.
   The two then ran back to Mirkwood together, aware that they were going to get scolded, and that this was the start of a new friendship.


Legolas sat near the fire, zoning out from the people around them; Gandalf talking to Frodo quietly, Sam talking to Aragorn about their food back in the Shire; Boromir, Gimli, Merry and Pippin talking to each other about combat. Legolas distinctly heard Pippin say to Boromir about being able to defeat him.
   Legolas fiddled with a ring in his hands, his thoughts flying to Desylia. How he had to leave her in Mirkwood for the quest, how she thought he was merely attending the meeting to talk about the ring and not attending a quest. He guessed she's probably worrying for him back at their kingdom.
   "Legolas?" the elf turned to his close friend Aragorn, who was looking at him in concern. "Are you alright?"
   "I am fine, my friend." Legolas assured him with a weak smile. "Just thinking." Gimli scoffed from across him.
   "Having second thoughts about joining the quest, elf?"
   "No!" Legolas snapped. "More like you are!"
   And then the argument between the elf and dwarf continued on for the night.


They sat across from each other at the feast, making faces at each other. Like they had expected, they got a scolding from their fathers for not being on time and for running away. Elrond thought she was taken by orcs, Thranduil thinking his son ran away to do something reckless - which he kind of did.
   But no matter, the fathers were glad that the two were getting along instead of causing a feud.
   Legolas almost choked on his drink when Desylia made a ridiculous face, coughing madly while laughing at the same time. Soon Desylia was laughing, laughing at his struggles of breathing having just been choking before.
   The two were pulled out of their fun by their fathers standing up, silencing everyone. "We would like to thank you all for attending this special ceremony." Thranduil called out in a strong voice. "And I am sure you all are curious as to why we are having this feast."
   Legolas and Desylia turned to each other with frowns, only realising that he was right; why were they even having this feast?
   "Lord Thranduil and I have come to a decision to join our kingdoms together, and by doing that -" Lord Elrond turned to his daughter and Legolas, "-Prince Legolas and Princess Desylia are to be married in a month!"

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