Sebastian Stan - Part III

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Love, Sebby - Part III
"I can't do it."
   "Yes, you can."
   "I really can't - let's go grab something to eat first since we didn't have lunch -"
   "We just had lunch you idiot, come on!"
   "Well, I still feel a bit hungry -"
   "Sebastian Stan pick up your fucking phone and send her a message." Anthony snapped. The two were in Sebastian's hotel room, having just came back from lunch. And during their lunch, Sebastian confused in his friend about his situation with Emma. And in doing so, it led him to being pressured to contact Emma - like what his Mum did to him. "I am agreeing with your Mum. You do this, or else you're getting disowned."
   "But you're not even -"
   "You know what? Give that here." Snatching the phone out of the Romanians grasp, he started sending Emma an email.
   "Anthony, no!" Sebastian struggled to get his phone, being held back by Anthony's foot meeting his stomach. "Dude!"
   "And. . .sent!" Anthony declared triumphantly.
   "No!" Snatching the phone out of his grasp, he stared down at the email with worry.

From: Sebby
To: Emma
Subject: Hello
Hello, it's me. Sebastian. How are you doing at this fine hour? 😏

"What the hell?" Sebastian yelped. He started sending her another email.

From: Sebby
To: Emma
Subject: SORRY!
OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY! Anthony Mackie wrote that previous email, not me.

Just as he sent that, he got a reply from Emma. "Oh God. . .she sent a message back!"
   "Well read it, man!" Anthony exclaimed. Sebastian opened the email shakily, visibly showing his nerves.

From: Emma
To: Sebby
Subject: Re: Hello
Uh, hello? And what I am doing at this fine hour is getting ready for an interview.

"Oh man, she thinks I'm a weirdo." Sebastian groaned.
   "You are one." Anthony pointed out. "Go ask her what interview she's doin'."
   "Wait, I got another message." Sebastian said quickly.

From: Emma
To: Sebby
Subject: Re: SORRY!
Ah, that makes sense. Never in a million years would you ask me "How am I doing at this fine hour?" You'd say that to your girlfriends or something. But tell Anthony I said hi. And tell him that I'm meeting up with his wife later on like promised.

"She says hi and to tell your wife that she is meeting up with her like she promised." Sebastian told Anthony. Anthony stared at him surprised.
   "Damn, my wife and your future one are close already."
   "She is not my -" he was cut off when he received another message.

From: Emma
To: Sebby
Subject: Re: SORRY!
Uh, is there any reason why you are talking to me after all these years??

"What do I say?" Sebastian whispered as if she was in the same room as them.
   "I don't know!" Anthony whispered back. "Tell her you love her after all these years!"
   "Yeah, okay - wait, what? No!"
   "Come on! Do it or else you're disowned."
   "You can't say that - I got it." Sebastian quickly wrote her a quick message.

From: Sebby
To: Emma
Subject: Re: SORRY!
I've decided that after all these years, I am going to stop being a coward and talk to you. But before I do that, you have an interview to go to so I'll leave you be. Talk to you soon?

"What?" Anthony read the message over Sebastian's shoulder. "What are you doing -?"
   "Trust me, I know what I am doing." Sebastian assured him. "If I am to confess my love for her, it has to be cheesy and romantic. She loves cheesy and romantic."

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