Bucky Barnes

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A/N/: Another guy added to the list. Not that I'm complaining or anything. . .

Its not my best, but yolo.

The Winter Soldier
She walked around the snow-covered city, clothed in a big jumper for cold days, tights, and comfy boots. New York was quite lovely during Christmas with the snow and all, but when you have no one to celebrate it with. . .
   "Merry Christmas to me." she mumbled under her breath. She walked past an alleyway only to stop and retraced her steps when she saw a slumped figure against the wall in the alleyway. She knew it was dangerous approaching a stranger, but from what she could see, the person looked to be in pain.
   So ignoring the voice in her head that was screaming for her to walk away, she approached the stranger. Like they said, curiosity killed the cat.
   "Hello?" she called out warily. "A-Are you okay?" No response. "Can you hear me, sir? Are you okay? I can get an ambulance -"
   "No," the man wheezed out, "no help."
   She got concerned for the man from his words. "It sounds like you do need the help -" she stopped with a gasp, spotting one of his arms. It was metal. But when she saw the metal arm, she saw the rest of his body. He was bruised and bloody, with a few cuts on his face and a split lip. His flesh arm was wrapped around him, like he was in pain. He probably cracked one of his ribs.
   "Come with me then." she blurted out. What am I doing! She yelled in her mind. "If you don't want the government on you, then come to my place. I know a bit of first aid."
   "How do I know you're not from HYDRA or SHIELD?" he retorted. HYDRA? SHIELD?
   "I-I'm not HYDRA or SHIELD." she told him quietly. "I just work in a small bookshop just down the road. I-I actually just came from the place."
   The stranger stepped into the moonlight, showing all his features. He wore a hoodie with sweatpants and joggers, but he was covered in dirt and filth. He wore a blue cap over his head, but from what she could see he had long brown hair that went to his chin. Even with the small light at night, she could see his piercing blue eyes. Eyes that showed pain and lost.
   "Come with me to my place." she repeated to him. "You need help. And if you won't go to a hospital, then at least let me tend your wounds."


Days, weeks, months passed after their first meet and since then Bucky had been living with her, gaining memories of his past and creating new ones with her.
   At first he was hesitant, but then he also needed help. And help he got - not only physically, but mentally.
   She took him to the Smithsonian, and showed him his plaque. She then led him to the dark room that showed the old videos of him and Steve and their friends. He gained lots of memories from just the museum.
   And then, she took him to Brooklyn and where he used to live and Steve. By the end of one month, he was almost acting as his past self before he was turned into the Winter Soldier.
   Bucky smiled at her from the couch, watching movies that he needed to watch to catch up to society. She came back from work, and looked to be quite happy. "You seem happier than usual, doll face." Bucky mused. "Gonna tell me?"
   "Steve Rogers." she said simply, jumping on the couch beside him. He stared at her with furrowed brows. Steve? What about Steve? "He came to my workplace. And we talked. And I told him about you." Bucky's eyes widened at her words.
"Yep!" she nodded, leaning her head on his flesh arm. "He's very grateful for me and kept thanking me. He wants to meet you but I told him not yet. You're still getting better."
Bucky brought her into a hug much to her surprise. "Thank you," he mumbled into her hair, "thank you for doing all of this for me."
"You're welcome." she smiled into his chest.


One year later. . .
Bucky walked inside the house with Steve, both laughing at a joke Bucky made. Steve closed the door behind him, both taking their shoes and jacket off.
"Honey, I'm home!" Bucky called out. "Steve is here as well!"
She walked into the living with a bright smile, her hand rubbing at her big belly absently. Bucky grinned at the sight. "My lovely wife and child." Bucky wrapped his arms around her, planting a small kiss on her head. "I am safe from the mission with Steve. Ready for home duty, ma'am."
A lot had happened since she got Bucky to meet with Steve. They reunited, Bucky got more memories back, and he realised he loved the woman that gave him help when no one would.
A week after the reunion, Bucky confessed his feelings to her, and was happy that she returned them. Year later, they got married secretly and they're now expecting a child. A girl, to be specific.
"You have no idea how relieved I am to see the both of you safe." she breathed out, resting her face in Bucky's chest.
"Don't worry, Mrs Barnes." Steve smirked. "Bucky won't be going on anymore missions with you almost having the baby."
"I ain't missing out on anymore normal human stuff." Bucky remarked. "I don't want to go back to my Winter Soldier days."
"And you won't." she smiled lovingly at him. He leaned down to kiss her again, only for her to gasp and place both hands on her stomach. "Bucky!"
"What's going on? Are you alright?" Bucky panicked. She gave a small chuckle to the worried soldiers, smiling weakly at them.
"It's time."

Fourteen hours later, Stephanie Elizabeth Barnes was welcomed to the world.

The End

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