Spencer Reid

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Secret Life of Spencer Reid
Reid listened in the conference room as Rossi explained to them all about the surprise wedding he was going to create for JJ and Will. It sounded very exciting and after what the couple had just gone through with the whole hostage holding thing? They deserved it.
   "We need to contact friends and family of theirs -" Rossi was telling them. "I'll get chefs and caters and -"
   "Do we bring dates?" Garcia asked him.
   "We don't have to." Rossi shrugged. "Just close friends and family -"
   "Um. . ." All attention went onto Reid. He slightly cowered in his seat. "Is it o-okay if I bring a couple of people?"
   "Um. . ." Rossi looked to everyone confused, who matched his expression. "A couple of people. . .?"
   "Yeah, I mean -" he liked his suddenly dry lips in nerves. "Speaking of family and all, I'd like you to meet. . ."
   "Spencer Reid are you saying you have a girlfriend?" Morgan smirked widely. Reid blushing madly was his answer. "My man!"
   "Yeah! Go ahead and bring her!" Rossi nodded. "What better way to introduce her to the family?"
   Yes, what better way to introduce my family to my work family? Reid thought to himself.


"Hey, what's taking Pretty Boy so long to arrive?" Morgan questioned Prentiss. "Usually he's here on time."
   "I dunno." she shrugged, sipping at her wine. "Maybe there's a bit of a problem between him and his girlfriend."
   "That's right, he has a girlfriend now." Morgan sighed. "Man, our little baby boy is growing up."
   They shared a laugh, only to be interrupted by a flustered-looking Garcia. "Reid is here! Reid is here!" she exclaimed. "With more than just a lady!"
   "What?" Morgan and Prentiss asked.
   "Whoa, what is this, Spencer Reid?" they heard Rossi cry out from inside his mansion. "Who are these lovely people?"
   "Rossi," they heard Reid say nervously, "I'd like you to meet my wife Anne Marie Reid, and our five-year-old daughter, Teresa Diana Reid."
   "What!" Morgan and Prentiss exclaimed again. The three then quickly ran inside to see a shocked-looking Rossi and Hotch. They looked to where they were looking and were amazed as well.
   Reid stood before them with an arm wrapped around a woman's shoulder, his other arm occupied with holding a little girl against his hip. The woman had straight pitch black hair that went to her waist, a slim build and bright emerald green eyes. And then the little girl had Reid's hair colour though straight hair like the woman, and Reid's chocolate brown eyes. It was clear that the little girl was indeed Reid's daughter.
   "How. . ." Morgan blinked. "I mean. . .why didn't you tell us?"
   "Um. . .you see, Anne and I have been together since I started work here." Reid explained with a sheepish smile. "And basically we secretly got married. And had a child. . ."
   "But kid. . ." Rossi stared at him in disbelief. "You joined when you were just twenty-one. You're thirty now."
   "I know." Reid nodded. "Almost ten years Anne and I have been together now."
   "Why now?" Prentiss asked him. "Why tell us now? Were you even going to tell us?"
   "Um Anne, why don't you take Teresa out the back?" Reid handed his wife their daughter. "We'll only just be a moment."
   "Of course." she nodded in understanding. She turned to the team before they left. "If it makes this situation less tense, I did try to tell him to tell you guys."
   "Okay, thank you." Garcia smiled kindly at her. "That actually makes me feel better knowing that your 'wife' wanted you to tell your team -your family- about your. . .secret family."
   Anne and Teresa quickly left the tension-filled room, meeting Will and Henry while they were out there. "I'm sorry for never telling you all." Reid said quietly. "I was scared of your reactions and then there was our dangerous job -" he sighed in defeat. "I just thought what I was doing was for the best. But then JJ was having her wedding, and it just gave me that small boost of confidence to tell you all. I dunno, these past couple of days have been stressful."
   "Well. . ." Morgan hesitated. "That's okay, I guess. You were scared of your family might being in harm's way and all. . .better than the time when we all thought Prentiss was dead." They all gave a small laugh.
   "Do you guys forgive me?" Reid asked in a small voice.
   "Of course!" Garcia cried, bringing the youngest person in the team a hug. "Besides, those two look so adorable!"
   "Yeah. . ." Reid held a dreamy look on his face. "They're amazing. I love them to pieces."
   "And you have a daughter." Hotch added. "Congratulations."
   "Thanks." Reid smiled.
   "She going to be a genius as well?"
   "Anne thinks so."
   "I need to talk to this woman." Garcia declared, walking outside. "I need to know how she can handle your massive IQ."


"That. . .actually went well." Reid sighed, resting his head on top of his wife's. They were dancing with the others, except it was a nice slow dance for all partners. Obviously Reid went to his secret wife.
   "I told you telling them would be okay." Anne told him.
   So, everyone was surprised that their baby genius was actually mature and had a wife and kid. JJ was surprised when she found out, but welcomed them into the family immediately. Henry and Teresa seemed to have a connection as well. . .
   "They'll be interrogating you for now on, though." Anne added. "When we met, when we started dating, when we got married. . ."
   "How I hid it so well from them." Reid added. They were silent for a couple of seconds. "I love you, have I told you today?"
   "Of course." she giggled. "You always make sure to tell me everyday in the morning and before we go to bed."
   "That's nice." Reid pressed his lips to her forehead. "I just want to say I love you. . .again."
   "I love you, too." Anne whispered into his chest.
   "Hey, lovebirds!" Morgan called out to them. "Get a room!"

The End

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