Felix Ferne

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The Girl in the Hospital
After saving their alternate universe mothers, Felix wandered around the hospital after regaining some strength from the powerful spell.
Walking past a window, he stopped, walked backwards and peered through the window. He didn't know why, but something was telling him to look through the window.
Inside the room was a small hospital room holding one patient only. It was a girl around his age lying on the bed. She was unconscious, a mask over her nose and mouth. From what he saw, there was no sign of any injuries that were critical to her, so he assumed she was sick.
Curious, he made sure no one was watching him and entered the room. As soon as he entered the room the first thing he noticed was the heart monitor going at a constant beat. It was reassuring, but concerning as well. What was making her sick?
Approaching her side, he took in her form. She was sickly pale, her pitch black hair splayed out around her head, her lashes brushing against her face. . .she looked peaceful yet at the same time sick.
Studying her, he noticed it was someone he didn't recognise from school. Has she been in the hospital this whole time?
Walking to the foot of the bed, he grabbed the clipboard of her details. "Natalia Rogers," he read out, "age fifteen - like me. . .so she should be in Grade Ten. Why isn't she?" He continued reading the information, trying to understand all the doctor information. "Sickness: Unknown. Injury. . .unknown. Just suddenly went into a coma?" He frowned at the information. "Why does she look sickly pale, then? Why does she need help in breathing?"
Going back to her side, he looked down at her. Feeling surprisingly sad about her situation, he lightly placed his hand over her limp one. Immediately, a reaction happened.
The girl took an intake of breath, her eyes fluttering open revealing forest green eyes. Her pale form was starting to gain colour, and her hand squeezed his gently. Felix gasped at the surprise. Her heartbeat went from slow and concerning, to a faster normal rate. Did that happen just because he held her hand?
"H-Hello?" he called out hesitantly. "N-Natalia?"
She turned her head to him weakly, staring at him with furrowed brows. "Who. . ." she whispered. "Who. . .are. . .you?"
"I'm. . ." he swallowed nervously. "I-I'm Felix Ferne. I'm new here."
"Why. . .are you here?"
"I. . ." he faltered. What was he going to say? "Oh, you know, I was wandering around the hospital after saving my mother and my friends' mothers from dying. And then I went past your window and saw you. Just curious, really."
"You looked like you needed some company." he said instead. "And then. . .you woke up."
"Is that so. . ." she stared up at the ceiling. "Where's my parents? The doctors?"
"I can go get them -"
"No, don't." He froze at her words. "I mean, don't call for them yet. I just want a bit more peace and quiet."
"You might need to get checked over -"
"Please," she interrupted him, "just a bit more." Deciding to question her later, he sat back down in his seat. "Tell me about yourself, newbie."
"Well," he chuckled lightly, "I have a Mum and Dad, and a little brother. He uh, he's in a wheelchair. Fell off a tall tree. Kind of my fault. . ."
"How so?" she frowned. "You didn't mean it, did you?"
"Of course not." he said quickly. "We were just having fun. He tried to catch up with me, but then. . .he fell. . ."
"You've been blaming yourself all this time." she whispered. "You poor boy. . ."
"Anyway," he blinked quickly in an attempt to blink away his tears, "here I am."
"There's got to be more than that, Felix Ferne."
"Mh-hm. Why are you at the hospital? For your brother?"
"No, my Mum and my friends' mums got hit with a spell that made them sick -"
"Spell? As in magic?"
"Oh, uh. . ." Felix looked away awkwardly. Oops, he thought. "You wouldn't believe me."
"Try me, Ferne." And so he told her everything.


"Where have you been, man?" Jake exclaimed. "We've been looking all over for you!"
"Sorry, sorry," Felix apologised, hopping into Phoebe's van, "I was just wandering around. . .thinking. . ."
"Right. . ." They all looked at him suspiciously. "Anyway, Phoebe is giving us food. For saving our mothers and all." Sam told him.
"Great!" Felix nodded. "We need the food after scavenging through dumpsters."


Since then, Felix would visit Natalia at least once a day at the hospital, talking about random stuff and his magic. He was surprised at how well she took in his information, and didn't call him a freak or a liar or anything. It was nice to see someone else fascinated with magic apart from him and the boys and Phoebe. He hit a second opinion to all of it. He trusted hers more than anyone else. That's why, on the day when he would go back to his universe, he wanted her opinion in all of it.
"I mean, yeah, I miss my family and my friend Ellen." Felix mumbled. "But. . .what about you? I have never seen you before in my life until now. Why is that?"
"Felix, my whole life I have been in the hospital." she explained. "I get sick easily, I run out of energy quick which makes me go into a coma. Doctors can't figure out why this happens."
"So you're saying -"
"When you're back at home, visit the hospital and look for me." Natalia told him. "Give this to me." She handed him a locker. Opening it, he found it was a photo of her and him. He remembered that day; it was her birthday and he got her that locket. He recalled her parents taking a photo of the two, but he was shocked when he saw the photos in the locket.
"Wow. . ." Felix murmured. "But this is for you -"
"I know," she interrupted with a small smile, "but you're giving it back to me - just, you know, to a different me."
"It really won't be the same." he admitted to her. "Sure she'll look like you, but. . .she won't have this. Our memories together."
"Felix, trust me." She gave his cheek a chaste kiss. "When you give this to me, I will remember."
"You promise?" he couldn't help but ask.
"I promise."


He knew that merely giving someone something from an alternate universe will not gain memories for that person. He knew it was impossible. But then at the barbecue, when he was helping his father start the barbie, he controlled the fire. He then knew, that maybe it was possible. He had magic now; maybe he could give her his memories!
Abandoning his place at the barbecue, he grabbed his jacket. "Where are you going?" Ellen asked him.
"You're not leaving again, are you?" Oscar asked in panic. Felix ruffled his hair in response.
"Don't worry, I'll be back." he assured his family and friend. "I just need to visit a friend."
"Who? You don't have any other friends except me!" Ellen called to his retreating back.
"What friend?" Oscar called out to him.
"Natalia!" Felix responded before he was gone from sight. They all glanced to each other confused.
"Who the hell is Natalia?" Ellen asked them.


He ran down the hallways, every once in a while slipping in his tracks. He finally reached his destination, peering in to see her alone and unconscious. She looked just like when he first met her.
Walking in quietly, he sat beside her and stared at her for a while. For a moment, it felt like to him that he was back in the alternate universe, staring at her for the first time. He was glad that he met a brilliant girl like her.
Slowly, he laid his warm hand on top of her cold one, gaining the same reaction from the other universe. Natalia took in a deep breath, revealing her forest green eyes he'd always get lost in. The hand that he held squeezed his gently, her heart rate going back up. He smiled at the sight of it all.
"Natalia?" he whispered. She turned her weak body to him.
"Who. . ." she whispered hoarsely. "Who. . .are. . .you. . ."
"I'm Felix Ferne." he told her quietly. He pulled his hand away from hers and grabbed her locker from around his neck. "Here, I have something for you."
Clasping it around her neck, he watched for any sign of her regaining memories. He saw nothing. "Why are you giving this to me?" she asked him quietly. "Who are you?"
"Um. . ." he stuttered nervously. "Here, why don't you look inside." As soon as he opened the locker to reveal the two, Natalia gasped, her eyes turning an orange. He felt panic invade his insides. "Natalia? Natalia, can you hear me? Oh God, what have I done -"
"Felix?" Natalia called out. Her eyes went back to her normal colour. She stared at him with a new gleam in her eyes. "Felix, is that you?"
"Oh my God, Felix!" Natalia brought him into a hug, him happily returning it. "I-I remember our memories!"
"Thank God!" Felix laughed. "I thought I lost you forever."
"Never think that, Felix." she told him with a smile. "Now, there's something I've been meaning to do."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah." Grabbing his face, she pulled it down to hers, putting her lips on his. Muffling a sound of surprise, Felix happily kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist. They pulled away eventually, leaning their foreheads in each other.
"I love you." Felix told her quietly. She nudged her nose with his, smiling wide.
"I love you too." she whispered back.

The End

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