Chapter 1-Arrival

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Liam's POV

I sat there. Unable to move or even speak. My eyes were red and puffy from all the tears, a wide grin plastered on my worn out face.

My arms were tightly holding my precious baby girl, her tiny features so peaceful and beautiful, the dark, tiny curls on her small head that were recognizable from her mother and soft, chocolate coloured orbs recognized from myself.

I felt so overwhelmed and content and couldn't be happier right now.

My gaze averted to my beautiful wife of three years, her mess of curls stuck to her sweaty forehead as she peacefully slept from extreme exhaustion. As only a few hours ago she was giving birth to our beautiful daughter.

Her facial features were soft and almost content looking as at this moment noting could possibly be better for our marriage and now family.

Suddenly there were soft whimpers sounded from the baby girl in my arms and I quickly rocked her affectionately to stop her waking up Danielle. As she was just starting to quieten down movement was shown from the bed beside me as Danielle wriggled slightly to only have her once content facial expression turned into a slight frown looking full of pain and discomfort.

I gently placed our little girl into the small incubator, I walked over to Danielle and kissed her forehead sweetly as her eyes fluttered open slowly. Her once pained face changed to a small, weak smile, I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain and discomfort she was feeling right now.

"Hello beautiful", I smiled down at her face. Her face was again full of happiness then her gaze averted to our little girl asleep in the incubator.

We had not yet decided on a name as it was too late and nothing seemed to fit. I expected a greeting from Danielle too but instead she said three words that changed everything about our family forming us as one complete item...

"Isabella Maria Payne", Danielle spoke tired evident in her voice but a smile as wide as ever on her beautiful face.

First fanfic pleas read Xx

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