Chapter 42 - 2 Down.

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"Yeah, I am." Chresanto growled as he flicked out his pocket knife. "And I won't hesitate to show you what I'm about if you don't step away from my shit!"

"Chill...." Meghan said as she stood up and placed her hands in the air. "No need to get violent over something so sma-"

"It isn't small to me!" Chresanto barked as he held his knife close to her. "Back away from the box!"

Meghan stepped away from the box, giving Chresanto a foul look. She looked at Romelo, then looked back at him.

"Do you really bring all these weapons around your child?" Meghan snarled.

"Don't you question me about me being a father, or I'll cut your ass." Chresanto growled as he gave her a furious look. "You don't know me, so shut the fuck up."

"You don't think I haven't seen you all of the news? You don't think that me and Jacob are friends?" Meghan smiled. "If I were in child protective services, I would take your son and make sure that he'd NEVER see your ass again. I'd make sure that he had a real family."

"If you ever try to take my son away from me, I'll tie you up, cut you up into 5ths, and feed you to so many animals that the only thing your mom will remember is that your ass is that her blonde ditzy ass daughter is rotting in the saliva of an animals mouth." Chresanto whispered in her ear, leaning back and looking at her. "Is there anything else that you have to say?"

Meghan looked back at Romelo, then shook her head as she made her way out of the room.

"I truly feel sorry for that little boy." Megan said. "He's gonna be so scarred when he gets older."

Chresanto slammed the door after her and glared angrily at it for a few seconds. He let out a large sigh, then plopped on the couch as he glanced at Romelo, who was sleeping on the bed across from his. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, only to notice that Spongebob was on. He knelt down next to his box and shoved it in the corner of the room. He grabbed his large black hoodie and threw it over the box to cover it. Afterwards, he sat back on the couch to continue relaxing. When he looked up, he seen a commercial of young teenagers showing off their accomplishments.

"I'm a sociologist!" One girl cheered on there.

"I'm a gymnast!" Another girl cheered.

"I'm a army vet!" A man cheered.

"And I, I'm the teacher who taught these students." A man said as he looked at the TV. "Come to KC career college and start your journey today!"

"What are you?" All four of the men cheered.

Chresanto stared off into space then muted the TV, only to have a moment to himself.

"What am I?" Chresanto said lowly to himself as he stared off into space. "A murder......a killer.....a rapist........a bad father......"

Chresanto felt himself getting ready to cry. It'd been happening again. He shook his head, leaned forward, and cupped his face in agony. He started bawling in his hands, trying to do it quietly so that no one would hear him.

Then, he heard Romelo's sleepy voice.

"Daddy, are you crying?" Romelo asked, waking up out of his sleep.

"Huh? No, Melo.....I'm just...." Chresanto said, snapping out of it.

Chresanto laid back down onto his bed and laid his face in his arms, when Romelo got in the bed, laid forward on his dads back, then laid the right side of his face on his face as well. He stretched his small arms around his dads muscular back.

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