Chapter 19 - True Colors.

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"Chres, do we really have to do this to your room?" Amber snarled.

"Yes, baby." Chresanto laughed as he brought the last of the boxes in. "I really want to make it look right for us."

A month later, Amber asked thee nurses at the facility could she move in with the baby and stay in his room with him. Amber didn't have anywhere to live since her boyfriend was killed, so she decided to move a few clothes along with some toiletries into his room. They brought her last box of clothes in, when Chresanto sighed and looked up at her.

"I'm all done." Chresanto smiled. "Can I please go shopping now?"

"Go ahead." Amber grinned as she gave him her car keys. He leaned in, gave her a kiss, and headed out.

"I'll be back in an hour."

Chresanto left while Amber looked around, still unpacking a few things. She unloaded one box and set pictures of Shayla around the room, smiling at the pictures of her baby girl. She walked over to the corner of her room to unload another box.

However, Amber had opened up the wrong box. It was Chresanto's murder box. She gasped and covered her mouth as she took out one of the pictures and took a closer glance at them.

"Oh my god." Amber gasped as she looked at other items. "Chresanto's a.......murderer?"

Meanwhile, Zonnique was spending time with Jacob, comforting in his room while Rayan helped as well. Jacob asked could she get her some cookies and Zonnique agreed. When she walked into the hall, she seen the one person that she hadn't seen in months.

It was Abby. The nurses had her in handcuffs. Her hair was wet, her eyes were droppy, and the look in her face resembled nothing but a teenaged girl who looked like she was high on drugs. And she was. Her hair was curled and frizzy, her leather outfit was ripped, and her eyes were dark. She looked like a completely different person. As they shifted Abby past everyone, Zonnique glanced at Craig who had his mouth wide opened.

"Oh my god." Craig gasped. "She doesn't even look the same."

"Jesus.." Zonnique whispered as she looked at her.

While Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Lacey held her, Zonnique went down to the lunchroom and got Jacob's cookies. When she got back to the room, everyone decided to watch Jacob's favorite movies for his loss, even though it happened so long ago. They started with the movie 'Baby Boy'. 

But 40 minutes in the middle of the movie, Mrs. Lacey walked in and opened the door.

"Mrs. Pullins, I need to talk to you." Mrs. Lacey said in a serious tone.

"Why?" Zonnique asked. "What happened?"

"Just come with me."

Zonnique walked upstairs to Mrs. Miners office. There, Abby sat in the corner, handcuffed while she sat in a chair that was in the corner of the room. Zonnique gave her a confused look, then sat down in the chair that was in front of Mrs. Miners desk.

"Zonnique, I wan't to talk about what happened to Kiloni 6 months ago." Mrs. Miner said. "Can you give me your side of the story?"

"Alright." Zonnique sighed. "Long story short, me, Abby, and Kiloni were all sitting around having a good time. On the Sunday morning that you came, she left me some food and thanked me for being a good friend. Out of nowhere, I found her upstairs. She was dead from a gunshot wound."

"Really?" Mrs. Miner said. "Because that's not what Abby said."

Zonnique looked at Abby, then looked back at Mrs. Miner.

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