Chapter 6 - Monster.

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After the workout, Zonnique helped Rayan to his room. She finally understood why everyone was afraid of him. And knowing his secret, she knew that everything he seen he only thought about killing, slaughtering, and murdering. After assisting Rayan, Zonnique marched right into Chresanto's room and slammed the door.

"Wanna tell me what that was all about?" Zonnique barked as she shot an angry glare at Chresanto.

"He pushed me." Chresanto growled lowly. "He's lucky that I didn't slit his throat."

"You need to learn how to control your anger!" Zonnique shouted at him.

"Or else what?" Chresanto chuckled as he kept his blank expression and looked up at Zonnique.

"Or else you'll kill someone!"

"That was the whole intent." Chresanto nodded as he shifted his eyes back onto his book.

"You know what, fine then." Zonnique nodded. "I'll just tell Mrs. Miner."

"No you wont." Chresanto said as he sat up in his bed.

"I'll go do it right now.." Zonnique said as she made her way to the door.

Suddenly, Chresanto lunged up from his bed and snatched out his knife. He grabbed Zonnique by her arm, snatched her back, and pinned her against the wall while he held the small pocket knife to her neck. Zonnique's eyes widened as she glanced down at the knife, then looked back up at him.

"I said don't do that!" Chresanto demanded as he stood inches away from her face. "I'm really trying to control my temper. I really am!"

Zonnique was stunned. She didn't think that Chresanto would double cross her like that, but she was wrong. Chresanto was a killer, and his temperature was his main drive for his behavior. Chresanto's face softened as he dropped the knife and let go of her arm. Zonnique kept the same angry expression on her face as Chresanto stepped back, placed his hands in his hair, and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I's a habit.." Chresanto whispered with his eyes closed.

"Don't bother." Zonnique nodded as she stormed out of the room.

This was Zonnique's cue that she shouldn't be messing with Chresanto. She decided to keep her distance away from him for good. She couldn't risk being murdered at her age, and in general.

For 2 weeks, her and Chresanto didn't talk. Zonnique was expecting Chresanto to come and talk to her at anytime and apologize for what he'd done, but he didn't. It was too late. He stayed isolated like he always did and why? Because he was already heartless. For a person who's killed before, there is nothing much that you can do to help that person out. A person without a heart won't have feelings for things that a person WITH a heart would have.

And every 2 weeks, Mrs. Miner would take everyone out in the mental hospital to get some fresh air. Today, the gang was going out to an arcade to play some games and win free prizes from the tickets that they won. Mrs. Miner along with a few other nurses kept a lookout on everyone while everybody scattered around to play games. Zonnique walked over to play the game pac-man, when a group of people tapped her on her shoulder.

"Zonnique!" A group of girls cheered.

"Oh my god. Hey guys!" Zonnique squealed as she stood up and gave everyone a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"We just decided to come here until Matt's block party." One of the girls said. "You coming?"

"I uh...I can't......." Zonnique mumbled.

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