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Lando's POV

Of course she canceled on me. I was already kind of suspecting that but it still hurt.
How was I gonna explain things if she didn't even give me the chance?

I did my interviews but I probably wasn't as funny or witty as I normally was.

"Are you okay?" Georgia asked as we were walking back to the hospitality. "I am fine" I didn't want to explain it to her, she was basically the reason why I was in this kind of mess.

I still couldn't believe I had sex with her. I would remember something like that and I didn't. Not at all.

"Did River cancel on you?" She casually said. I snapped my head to her. "How do you know about that?"

She just shrugged it off without giving an answer. "How do you know about that Georgia?"

"I've heard that you asked her to go to dinner and now you walk around like a slapped dog, so it's not that hard to figure it out"

Like a slapped dog.

I just chuckled but she grabbed my arm, making me stop walking, stop chuckling.

"Lando, she left you. It's as simple as that. If she cared enough, she wouldn't cancel on you.
So don't get fooled by that 'I need time for myself' or 'I don't know what to do' bullshit. She doesn't want you anymore"

She looked at me, her eyes locked on mine. She hit me right in my heart but maybe I needed to hear that.
Maybe I needed someone to slap some reality in me, but I never expected it to be Georgia.

"But that doesn't mean that there aren't hundreds of others that don't. You have the rest of your life to fall in love, you don't need her"

But what if I did? What if I did need her?

I was looking in Georgia's eyes for a little bit too long. I was thinking about what she just told me.

"How were your interviews mate?" Oscar put me back on earth. He patted my back gesturing me to walk with him. "Uh good"

We walked to the hospitality and immediately went upstairs to our drivers rooms. It was off limits for everyone except the people we actually wanted there.

"I rescued you there" he laughed as he walked in his drivers room. "What do you mean?" I looked at him and leaned against the doorframe.

"You don't want to go there with her"

Yeah thanks mate, I already went there with her. "Why not? What's up with her?"

He turned to me, frowning as if I just asked a ridiculous question. "She's the ex girlfriend of that one mechanic you fired"

What mechanic did I fire? I didn't fire anyone since... Nate.

"Are you sure she's his ex?" I asked.

"Pretty sure, one of the mechanics saw her before with Nate, back when they were dating" he shrugged.

I literally never noticed her before, but to be fair she wasn't the kind of girl I would usually go for.

I walked to my own drivers room, sitting down on the couch by myself.

Was it her plan all along to break River and I apart?
But why? If she was Nate's ex then she had no reason to hate us.
I fired him because he was abusive to girls.

Or maybe it had no connection at all, maybe I was overthinking this.


Did River leave already?

You're the third one who's asking

Calm down Jack Russell
In what hotel is Merc staying?

Didn't you guys break up?

Mate, please just tell me

It took him a while to reply but he eventually did. If she didn't want to go to dinner with me, then I would bring dinner to her.

Georgia was wrong, I didn't care if she didn't want me right now. I had to make things right. We needed a conversation.

And I definitely didn't care if hundreds of people wanted me.

I wanted her.

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