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I was awake early the next morning. Lando was still sleeping, I guess he needed the rest so I let him sleep.

I walked around his apartment, it looked different in the morning sun, more peaceful. I could definitely get used to that.

I was wearing one of Lando's shirts with my pyjama shorts. I was definitely gonna steal this shirt, probably followed by a lot of hoodies.

I was just starting to cook breakfast when Lando walked in the kitchen, shirtless.
I was right, he didn't need his shirt.

"I can get used to this" he mumbled. His voice was low and rough. "Me too" I said as my eyes traveled over his body.

I saw him naked months before, I saw everything he had to offer but he looked even better than I remembered.

"I couldn't find my shirt, but I can see why now" he let out of soft laugh and walked up to me. "Well, I prefer to see you without shirt" I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and put his head on my shoulder. "That smells amazing"

He smelled amazing too.

I quickly put everything on a plate and turned around. My eyes were meeting his, my body was pressed against his body and our lips were almost touching.

C'mon, kiss me. I don't think I can wait any longer. I don't wanna wait any longer.

"You look absolutely beautiful in my shirt" he almost whispered. His eyes gazed down at my lips and leaned closer to me.

My heart started beating faster. His lips brushed against mine when someone knocked on his door and made us, once again back away.

He muttered a soft 'fucking hell' under his breath before walking to the door. 

I leaned against the counter and sighed. The universe really didn't want us to kiss.
But fuck it, I was gonna kiss this man, I was gonna make him moan my name.

"Is this gonna become a habit?" I heard Lando say, I turned around and saw Max walking in with his phone in his hand.

"I am so sorry to disturb you" he said sarcastically but quickly looked at me. He didn't look surprised to see me here, it was as if he was expecting that.

"But I have Christian on the phone and he's asking to talk to you" he said as he looked at me and held his phone out.

"You guys have a needy teamboss" Lando laughed and closed the door. He didn't even question why Christian assumed I would be with Max.

I grabbed Max's phone and walked to the balcony. He obviously thought I was staying with Max, because that's literally what I told him.

I looked down at the phone, luckily Max was smart enough to put it on mute.

"Hi Christian" I said softly. I didn't know if Max played along or just straight up told him I wasn't staying at his. "Hi River, how are you?"

"Good, how are you? Why are you calling?"

I heard him laugh a little. "Just to check if you landed safely"

He was calling because he was concerned.

"Oh yes I did, I'm sorry I forgot to text you" I leaned against the railing. My gaze drifted to Lando and Max who were talking in the kitchen.

Please Max don't tell him the real reason why Christian was calling me.

"Just text me once in a while so I know you're fine. Are you going to Canada with Max?" Christian voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yes I am"

"Okay, I'll see you there. Have fun River" he sounded so cheerful, so happy. "Thanks Christian. See you soon" I said as I ended the phone call and walked back inside.

"All good?" Lando tilted his head but he was still smiling so Max didn't tell him. "Simply lovely" I said sarcastically and gave the phone back to Max.

"Since you disturbed our moment again, you might as well stay for breakfast" Lando chuckled and grabbed an extra plate.

I looked at Max when Lando's back was turned to us. I mouthed a quick 'thank you' to Max.

A thank you for lying to Christian, for not telling Lando but I realized he didn't understood it like that.

He tilted his head a little in confusion and looked at Lando.

Lando said he disturbed our little moment and I thanked him right after that.

Fuck, he thought I thanked him for that. He thought he saved me from Lando.

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