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I was relieved to read he was only 23 but it made me even more excited to get to know him.

He was only a year older and he worked here for a long time he said.
So he must be working here since he was very young.

I still suspected him to work for Red Bull, no other mechanic or employee would come to our hospitality, just to write in a notebook.

If he worked here for a long time then Max must know him, he's been here for a long time as well, so maybe he could recognize his handwriting.

"Max" I said as he walked passed me, trying to get in the hospitality. I was sitting outside, on my usual table. "Can I ask you a quick question"

"Everything for the adoptive daughter of Christian" he snorted.

I rolled my eyes before opening my notebook and showing him the last page.
If he didn't recognize the handwriting then maybe he would recognize the description of himself.

"Do you maybe recognize this handwriting?" I asked as I showed him the page.
He tilted his head to look at it. He raised his eyebrow a little, revealing that he actually knew who it was.

"I have absolutely no idea" he said. He lied. I didn't know him for very long but he was a horrible liar.
"But what exactly is this?" he was flipping through the pages, trying to read our conversation.

"My notebook" I said as I grabbed it out of his hands.
If he wasn't gonna be helpful than he didn't need to read our conversation.

"And you're having a conversation in your notebook with someone you don't know?" That was exactly what was happening.

"Exactly. I was hoping you would be able to tell me who it was but since you don't wanna tell.." I grabbed my stuff, acting as if I was gonna leave.

I wasn't. I had nowhere to go.

"Wait" he said as he put his hand on the table. I was surprised by his firm gesture, I kinda liked it.

I paused as I looked at him. "I've heard you'll be our new strategist" he started but he leaned a little closer. "If you make sure I win then I'll give you little hints here and there"

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

He shrugged his shoulders as if it was the dumbest question. "Do your job"

But he wasn't suggesting that I would just do my job. He wanted me to give him the best strategy, put him above Checo.

Exactly what they were doing right now.

"Deal" I said with a smile on my face and put my hand out for him. He smirked a little as he shook my hand.

"It's nice doing business with you" he said before walking in the hospitality.

He thought he won, he thought he had me exactly where he wanted me to be.

But he was forgetting one thing.

I was extremely good at lying.

Hi mystery guy,

Okay you caught me. I indeed wanted to check if you were an old dude.
I am happy you're not (even though you could still be lying)

I never let anyone read something I wrote, so you would be the first.
Are you sure you're ready?

Oh noooo, no sushi? That's too bad because I LOVE sushi.

Yes I am happy! I feel bad for Checo though.
Aren't you happy that Max is on pole?

Ps: very important question, what do you think about pineapple on pizza?

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