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I cringed a little when I read his last message.

'Glad to see it isn't Horner'

But it could be, it should be. It didn't matter if my last name wasn't Horner. It didn't matter if he wasn't my dad for real.

He treated me as if I was his daughter. Which was way more important than a last name.

I wasn't gonna tell him, not yet. I wanted to figure out what it was between us first.

He asked me to come to Monaco for a few days, to stay with him.
At first, I declined because it would be too weird. We weren't dating, we weren't even friends.

But I was bored out of my mind so I decided to pack my things and fly to Monaco.
I told Christian I would stay at Max's, he couldn't be happier to hear that.

The only reason why he didn't want me to date Lando was because he wanted me to be with Max.

I am sorry Christian, but the heart wants what it wants.

So, here I was, walking out of the airport looking for Lando to pick me up.

I noticed him almost immediately. He was leaning against his car, looking down at his phone. He was wearing sunglasses and a backwards cap.

"Waiting for someone?" I said as I walked up to him. He looked up immediately and smiled. "Yes and you're blocking the way"

I hope he would never stop teasing me like that.

"And I see you want to impress her?" I pointed at the Mclaren behind him.

"Maybe" He shrugged. "Is it working?" The smile on his face grew bigger.

"Only if I can drive it" I looked at him with my best puppy eyes.

He rolled his eyes laughing, holding the keys in front of me. Just as I was about to grab them, he took them away again. "Are you gonna steal it?"

"Oh definitely" I winked as I grabbed the keys out of his hands.

The only thing I was planning on stealing was his heart.


"Welcome back" he joked as we walked in his apartment. "I would give you a tour but I think you know your way around my apartment pretty well."

I didn't have a comeback for that, because he was right. The last time I was here I fucked him. Literally but also figuratively.

I walked to the balcony, I remember when I was here, looking at the waves.

Lando walked up to me, putting his arms on the railing. "Too much?" He asked softly.

I shook my head. "No, you're right"  I looked at him. "I just hope you know how sorry I am"

"I know" he moved a little closer to me. "It's just frustrating sometimes"

"What is?"

"No matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you" he sighed before dragging his gaze to mine. "I nearly lost my shit when you told me you were going on a date with Nate"

"You wanted me then?" I thought he hated me back then.

"I've wanted you from the first second I saw you, River" he admitted.

My heart was racing, my stomach was acting up, I've never felt like this before.

I brushed my hand over his arm down to his hand. "Come on" I said as I pulled him with me.

He probably thought I would kiss him. In normal circumstances I would've but I could see that he was still doubting me.
He still didn't trust me completely.

In the back of his mind, there was still a voice telling him I would leave him at the end of the night.

"Sit down" I said as I pointed at his bed. For once, he did what I asked him. He sat down on the edge of his bed and leaned back slightly on the heels of his hands.

I kneeled down and put my hand on his leg to keep my balance.

"River" he groaned.

"Don't worry Lando, I'm just taking my shoes off" I chuckled as I kicked my shoes off. "What kind of girl do you take me for?"

"I-uh" he stuttered. I started laughing which caused him to roll his eyes.

"I will be sucking your dick another time" I winked.

He groaned even louder now. "Don't tease me like that"

I laughed as I pushed him down on the bed and crawled next to him.

"What now?" He asked. "Now, you cuddle me" I laughed and snuggled closer against him.

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