iv. hiding and lying

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The day went by with rather quickly

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The day went by with rather quickly. The sun was setting, both Danielle and Eddie sobered up rummaging through Reefer Ricks house looking for anything useful. There was only canned food which Eddie decided to cook up and eat. Danielle on the other hand couldn't bring herself to eat, she's aware how many missed meals she's had over the last eight months. She's trying but it's not enough.

It would be a lie if Danielle said she felt better after that confession, but she doesn't. If anything, the ghost of her past is now lingering over her shoulder now that she put it out in the light. Eddie reassured her that he doesn't see her any differently, after all who was he to judge? He was a drug dealer and now a murder suspect. He was the only source of comfort she has. 

Danielle could tell Eddie wanted to have that conversation now, he keeps glancing at her from the corner of his eye wanting to ask but always falters. His hands were shaking, and he was clearly paranoid as he always flinched at any type of sound. She knew this was hard for him, he witnessed something unnatural and is afraid that it will go after him next. Danielle on the other hand was spiraling, questions were circling around her head. She kept wondering if it was something in the upside down, but it couldn't be possible. The gate was closed. Joyce saw it with her own eyes, she told them. 

So why was this happening?

"Crowley..." Eddie called out as he placed the dishes in the sink. Danielle let out a breath knowing that now was time. 

"I know. Just give me a second." She told him as she walked towards the bathroom. The house was incredibly dirty, Reefer Rick had been arrested for a good while now so clearly the house was abandoned. The electricity in the place didn't work but her eyes adjusted.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was sober now. No weed, no alcohol and no Xanax. It was unsettling, the urge to take the Special K was strong but she couldn't risk it. What if whatever happened to Chrissy happens again? Maybe if she wasn't drunk last night, she could have saved Chrissy or at least done something. She keeps failing everyone. 

She failed Jessica.

She failed Valerie. 

She failed Steve and Dustin.

She failed Billy... 

And Max.

Most importantly she failed herself. 

She took a deep breath preparing herself. She couldn't tell Eddie the truth, she couldn't tell him about the upside down or El, about the Mind Flyer or what really happened to Barb, Billy and Bob. She couldn't tell him because it wasn't just her secret. This involved the entire group and if she were to tell him the truth she would need to know if this was something she could do. She needed confirmation. But they weren't here so it only left her with one option left. 


She had to lie again.


"Yeah, alright." She glanced at herself one last time before walking out of the bathroom to the living room where Eddie was seated on the couch waiting for her. She sat down next to him, both of them stayed silent not knowing how to start the conversation. Danielle sighed as she started fidgeting with her silver rings. "Okay. How do we-"

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now