vi. operation: don't die

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"CROWLEY!" someone pounds on the door harshly

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"CROWLEY!" someone pounds on the door harshly.

The blonde groaned rolling around in her bed, roughly grabbing her pillow trying to suffocate herself. Some idiot has been banging on the door for the past minute, she had hoped that maybe just maybe if she made no sign that she was there it would stop, but she isn't that lucky.  

"Crowley!" The banging on the door continued rapidly. The doorbell rang every second. 

"Can't a girl just sleep." She sat up jumping off her bed with the urge to strangle the annoying piece of shit knocking on her door. She doesn't even bother to change; she goes downstairs in her very crinkled up flannel and shorts. The knocking gets louder as she gets the door, twisting the doorknob, she opens the door coming face to face with, "Henderson, you are so dead."

"Finally, holy shit," He breaths out in relief despite looking in distress. "Did you not hear me? Why didn't you answer earlier?"

Her eye twitches as she glares at him. "Oh, I heard you alright. I'm pretty sure the entire town heard you. Henderson its eight in the morning!" Now, she isn't really one to yell at people who aren't her sister but when a nerd doesn't allow you to sleep you tend to become your worst self.

"I need your help." The curly haired boy said suddenly making her take a deep breath to calm down. He must be desperate if he biked all the way over here to her doorstep.

 "You have five seconds to explain before I decide to slam this door." She grumbled.

He looked panicked as he saw her about to shut the door "Dart ate my cat." he blurted out.

The door stops ajar, Danielle closes her eyes in annoyance as she fully opened the door again "Repeat that again?"

Dustin gulps nervously "Dart ate my cat."

Dart. Dart. Dart. Where has she heard that before. She tries to think back, her silence and blank stare start to make the him feel uneasy. Then it all clicks. "The deformed lizard?"

Dustin frowns not liking the way she called his buddy. "Yes."

"Last I heard of the lizard was that you and your friends were digging up trash looking for it because it was still missing. Now you're telling me it ate your... cat?"

He fiddles with the hem of his jacket looking guilty. "He was never missing I had him this entire time." he revealed.

Well shit, he's an idiot. She clenches her jaw as she takes a step back giving the boy space to enter the house "Get inside."

Dustin walks in hesitantly as he finally came to his senses that he was in Crowley's house. He furrows his eyebrows as he scans the unknown territory, he didn't expect it to look so comfortable. He had acted completely impulsive as he couldn't tell any of his friends that he has Dart, so he did the unexpected. 

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now