viii. just for a moment

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All she needed was a moment

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All she needed was a moment.

A single moment of solitude.

She can't have that when all eyes were on her now. She was used to the staring; it wasn't anything new. People thought she was capable of felony or just hurting someone in general. She could handle that.

What she couldn't handle was that everyone thought she was capable of murder and betrayal. That was where she crossed the line. Danielle has seen things that no kid should ever see, been through it but now that she was a part of it, she couldn't deal with that.

If there was even a chance that she was actually flayed, and she didn't know it then she would pull the trigger on herself. 

She needed to be alone, to think. The way everyone is staring at her, it was actually starting to convince her that she's a spy. She's starting to second guess herself when it's her opinion that matters the most.

When she was alone and had no one but Jessica, she was able to think properly, her thoughts were as clear as day. Now with people around her every minute she can rarely breath let alone think. They were all a distraction, and she was letting her guard down. She couldn't do that. She needed to find some type of solution.

After a very awkward car ride, Nancy had driven them to Hopper's cabin, seeing as he's in Illinois he wouldn't mind if they crashed for a bit. Sleeping clearly wasn't going to happen for Nancy, Jonathan and Danielle. Nancy and Jonathan had a traumatic night while Danielle hasn't had a normal sleeping schedule since last year.

The second they went into the cabin Danielle walked over to the telephone trying her house once again. No on answered. She was starting to get worried for Val and Jess. It's been two days and still no sign of them. Danielle wondered if Toothless was still in the house.

"Fuck." She placed the phone back harshly.  Nancy walked up to her with a worried expression.

"Everything okay?" Nancy asked concern. She was probably the only one who wasn't looking at her differently along with Jonathan.

Danielle dragged her hands down her face. "My dog." She mumbled hopelessly. "I forgot about the damn dog." If Jessica wasn't home with Valerie, then who has been feeding Toothless? Danielle hasn't been home in days. What if he died of starvation?

Nancy frowned at seeing the blonde so stressed, she took a step forward wanting to reassure the blonde only for Danielle to take a step back adding distance as she made eye contact with Nancy shaking her head. "I just need... I need time right now." She walked past Nancy going over to the couch sighing as she took a seat next to Will who was half awake.

Will rubbed his eyes as he turned to look at the blonde. He glanced over at Mike, El and Max who were huddled in the corner talking about something serious. He nudged Danielle catching her attention making her look at him with a questioning look. "Despite what everyone else might believe, I know for a fact that you aren't working with the Mind Flayer." he told her with a serious expression and of course she believed him. 

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now