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Summer sucked ass

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Summer sucked ass. 

Sure it was great with no school.  She got to spend time with her friends and didn't have to worry about Jessica keeping an eye on her 24/7. 

The problem was the stupid ass mall. 

Downtown where Melvalds is located the place is completely empty. Danielle and Joyce have tried everything to keep it open, but she is sure that tomorrow Joyce will put up the sale sign up or not. Jessica still doesn't know that she had been working for these last two years already, Joyce never asked questions, but she could assume why.

Jessica was barely nineteen, had custody of a teenager and had to worry about the house. Danielle wasn't stupid. She knew how difficult it must be. So, she has tried to make it as easy as possible. Both Valerie and her were secretly working together to help Jess. Whatever money Danielle made she would give to Valerie. 

You see, Valerie and Jessica were working at Scoops Ahoy at Starcourt Mall.

Since Valerie works with Jessica it's easier to sneak the money in with her. The brunette had to practically swear an oath to never tell Jess and she didn't. Which was perfect.

But the problem was Danielle was restless. She needed something to do, she wasn't the type of person to just stay in her room and stare up at the ceiling no matter how much she wanted to. She was used to her daily schedule where she would wake up extremely early in the morning to open the store. If the store really closes what would she do?

Aside from that Dustin had been gone for a whole month. She hated to admit it, but it felt empty without him.

Him and his stupid science summer camp.

But despite from him being gone she had more time spending time with Will and Lucas. Both Chester and Toothless are inseparable, they get along perfectly meaning that dog playdates were inevitable especially now that they had no school. As for Lucas, the both of them had found some common ground. Sure, it was shocking, especially for her when she found out that she actually liked basketball. 

Lucas had forced her into trying it out when no one else wanted to. She never tried any sports, so she decided why not. Now that they were finished with Middle School and would be entering High School. Lucas had been practicing like crazy for the sport when he found out about the basketball team and their try outs that allowed freshman.

She never hung out with Mike. Ever. It's not like they would especially when the group rarely saw him. El and Him are official, at first it was cute but then it quickly became disgusting. Poor Hopper looked miserable.

Then there was her and Max. They were happy together. Every day the redhead would come over to her house. Either it was listening to music, playing with Toothless or Max catching her up with comics.
There was also Valerie who had these baking/cooking lessons deciding to teach the blonde. Of course, she was offended when Valerie was convinced that she couldn't cook.

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now