vi. sleeping isn't an option

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The heart monitor continued to beep

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The heart monitor continued to beep. 

Danielle was practically a walking corpse. She rarely eats, doesn't drink anything aside from coffee and absolutely doesn't sleep. 

She wasn't living. 

She didn't plan on leaving the room anytime soon. So she tried getting comfortable in her chair, she didn't care if she got back problems for the future.

If there was even a future to look forward to. 

She continued to listen. The beeping continued echoing around the room, it's all she ever heard now.

No one in the group was able to force her to leave the hospital room. Not even Valerie. It was hopeless. She couldn't face any of them, she couldn't talk to them. And the one person she truly wants to talk to is in a coma, in a full body cast. Broken.

Danielle closed her eyes trying to find some solitude. Sleeping wasn't an option. It hadn't been ever since summer. Every time she was unconscious, she would somehow end up in the upside down. The blonde didn't want that, she refused to even look at it. 

The upside down was merged with their town now. 

She couldn't go outside knowing that her lover's heartbeat stopped causing it. 

That her failure to save anyone caused all of this.

She should have done more.

She could have....


"Fuck." She muttered as covered her face with her hands, her rings left a cold mark on her face. The warmth in her hands was barely there making her feel like a ghost. The rings reminded her that she was very much still alive, that there were stuff so much colder than she was right now. "How do I stop?" she asked no one in particular.

Her mind has been going to the darkest places possible. She was spiraling. Max then and now was the one person who brought her any sense of peace. But that wasn't there anymore. Max wasn't here anymore. 

Her body was just lying there. 

But where was she? Where was her smile, radiance and stubbornness? 

Danielle couldn't find it. 

The blonde hears a light knock on the door, she was on her fifth day without sleep. She was deranged at this point. "Go away, Jessica." she yelled tiredly as she dropped her hands to her lap. 

She needed more coffee.

"It's Bianca." A quiet voice spoke from the other side of the door making Danielle start feeling irritated.

"Go away, Bianca." She replied as she looked back at the heart monitor. 

Danielle heard the door open. Of course, she didn't listen. No one her age listens, especially not her.

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now