ii. crowley

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All the kids were jealous of Danielle, they were jealous of the fact that she isn't forced to attend school. For now.

With the permission of her legal guardian she is able to study independently which wasn't a problem for her, she was smart and she knew that. It's not like she left the house either way.

That was until the year of 1981. It was extremely hot in her house despite all the windows being open. Maybe it's because she's wearing a blue long sleeved shirt, but she was also wearing shorts so it shouldn't have been this hot. So, she decided to ride her bike to the park to get some fresh air. But when she got there, she wished she hadn't. She forgot that during this time school ended for everyone.

So that's when she saw Troy Walsh and James Dante bullying the D&D nerds. In Hawkins everyone knows everyone, their history, past relationships, how they were during their teenage years. Even if you never met them, you just know who they are based off what people tell you.

Danielle was planning on leaving but unfortunately she was spotted by Troy.

"Fantastic" she muttered under breath, there's nothing she could do so she dropped her bike on the ground, headed to the swings. She had at least two minutes of peace until an aggravating voice cut through the silence.

"Hey, loser!"

She could hear footsteps behind her and before she knew it they were standing in front of her. All she could do is stare, it's all she ever does. Only idiots like Troy and James are dumb enough to look her in the eyes and not get the hint to leave her alone. Even the D&D nerds know better, they all avoided her stare. She watched as James dragged Mike Wheeler and Will Byers roughly, while Troy pushed Dustin Henderson to the ground.

"You know most people would help" Troy smirked at her as he kicks Dustin in the stomach making him groan in pain.

Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful to witness.

"Come on! Let him go!" Mike shouted struggling to get out of James grip only for the weak kid to end up on the ground hunching on pain.

"Tell me what to do again and I'll give you something worse than a punch to the stomach Wheeler" Troy glared at the boy who is on the floor trying to hide the pain glaring up at the bully. Troy adverts his gaze back to Danielle who has the same stoic expression.

"Like I said, Most people would help" Troy spoke to her again, his jaw eternally set in a smirk.  Mischievous eyes which glittered with self-pride that meant he thought himself the best. He was scum.

"If that were true then you wouldn't be bullying them" She stated the obvious, hoping the bully got the hint that she doesn't want to be bothered. But he doesn't, instead Troy raised an eyebrow intrigued.

Why is it always the ones she hates that seem to bother her the most.

"Is that so?" Troy then looked at the Byers boy who looked terrified, he looked over Troy's shoulder and for the first time he made eye contact with Danielle. He's pleading for help and she knows it, the thing is she doesn't care. So, she watches as Troy was getting ready to punch Will, his fist merely inches away from hitting the boy in the face only for Troy to be tackled by Wheeler. Both ending up on the floor, with Wheeler on top of the bully.

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now