v. here you are

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Exhausted. Danielle is extremely exhausted. Not an ounce of sleep the entire night, just mindlessly staring at the ceiling of her room. It got her thinking of her daily life, how her room didn't feel the same anymore. How she used to blast music on her record player or how she used to sit down at her window seat. When she used to sit down at her desk for hours drawing or scribbling every thought in her head.

Now it's just simple. She is more closed off than she ever was before. Emotionally she has a huge brick wall surrounding her, guarding her, closing her off so that no one is able to detect what she is expressing. 

Privacy is what she was talking about. Any music she used to blast is now coming from her headphones so no one can hear but her. Any drawing is hidden in a drawer, all her books are behind closed doors in her closet. Every night its always her laying down on the grass in her backyard, looking up at the sky completely forgetting about the world around her.

She guesses that is what happens when you start getting older. You discover privacy.  

Now as far as exhaustion goes, this isn't a new thing for her. When Benny had taken her in she didn't sleep at all, everything was unfamiliar she didn't know anything. So that felt familiar, but the constant headache the buzzing sound, that wasn't normal. She usually gets five or more hours of sleep but tonight she got zero.

It must have been apparent on her face as the entire day everyone avoided her even more than usual. She looked awful. Almost sickly looking. She walked like a zombie from work to school, didn't even bother to take her bike around. Her body was on autopilot, everything was such a blur nothing seemed real. She must have looked so bad that Valerie had walked to the middle school to give her a cup of coffee.

The office called her telling her that someone had left her the beverage with a note on it. At first Danielle wasn't going to take it but once she saw that it was pure black coffee, she couldn't resist. It made her wonder if Valerie drank black coffee or if it was simply a coincidence and the brunette was already going to give it to her that day. Perhaps it was gratitude for the day before, during Halloween when she had gotten wasted. 

That day Valerie woke up looking so much worse than the blonde had. Her hangover was absolutely brutal. Since Danielle sleeps lightly she would hear Valerie run over to the bathroom coughing roughly, gagging as she expelled the rejection in her gut. It was the around third time that Dani decided to go downstairs and help the older girl. 

They didn't talk about it, the fact that Valerie had completely gotten wasted. Valerie knew that the blonde was observant. She knows about her deal with alcohol and her history with her father. If anything, Danielle thought Valerie looked ashamed of herself. 

Safe to say the coffee worked. She pulled through the whole day, despite her observation lacking, she noticed a few things. 

School had ended which meant Danielle had to go meet up with Jessica and Valerie like always. Jessica didn't explode as she had expected about yesterday if anything it was like she didn't even notice. 

𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚄𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 | 𝙼𝚊𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍Where stories live. Discover now