Olli Maatta

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"Hey," I begin to gently wake Olli. "You awake?" I ask him as he slowly opens his eyes.

Olli just got out of shoulder surgery awhile ago. His family and I have spent the whole day waiting for him to come out of surgery. I brought him some things that I thought would help him recover quickly, hoping he can come home as soon as possible.

"Hey, babe." He says groggily.

I place a gentle kiss on his forehead and he closes his eyes once again. He must be extremely tired.

"Everything went well, so get some rest now." I assure him and sit back down on the couch.

Olli is out of the hospital within a few days. The doctors wanted to make sure everything is healing correctly before they let him go back home.


"Do you need anything else?" I place the glass of ice water on the bedside table, next to Olli as he lays in bed.

"Could you lay with me, please?" He asks sweetly and I smile. I've been so worried about Olli getting better that I never really spend any quality time with him.

"Of course." I immediately agree and get under the bed covers next to him, careful not to hurt his shoulder.

He wraps an arm around me, but I pull back.

"Don't, you'll hurt your shoulder." I warn him, but he doesn't listen. He pulls me on top of him before kissing me.

"I love that you care about me. Thank you for taking care of me." He thanks me and I smile.

"Your welcome, Olli. I love you so much and I just want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"As long as you're here, I'll be the best that I could ever be."

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