one hundred and six

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Five Years Later...
Life's been pretty good if I'm being honest.

After that fateful day, my hearing started to come back over time. Bruce made me a hearing aid that I used for a while, until my full hearing returned. Wanda fully recovered from the gunshot and everyone was good.

Another five years passed and I couldn't be happier. Fury put up quite a fight when James and I went to him saying that we were retiring. However, when I started to make the building shake, he gave in.

Since then we've had lots of fun...

James and I got married. He proposed to me at my favorite spot in Wakanda during a sunset. Obviously, I said yes. I couldn't imagine a life without him, he brings fun and always contradicts me so it's a good balance. The wedding itself was a mess. We were having it in Wakanda, and I insisted on making the cake for some reason, which definitely was not a good idea.

Then Peter, the ring bearer, lost the rings.

Thor broke some glasses...

Although, us ladies were turning it up on the dance floor...and possibly some tables and bar-tops. Wakanda has very good strobe lights for a night club vibe.

Some other things went wrong, but it was so much more fun. We had celebrated for multiple days and then went on our honeymoon in Bali.

It was perfection.

Every Sunday we do a big family dinner at the compound and catch up. Natasha finally told everyone about her sister Yelena. Wanda and I already knew, but now everyone knows. She comes and visits occasionally, I love doing karaoke with her. It's the best. and interesting turn of events, Wanda and Yelena are dating? They're talking, or seeing each other. It's a new thing and I'm not sure what to make of it, but two of my favorite people being together? Can't complain.

Tony has moved back with his family in the lake house and comes to the compound for dinners, while Steve and Nat stay full time. Bruce alternates between working in the compound and traveling for his work. Thor, Sylvie and Loki went to New Asgard and will visit occasionally, while Sam helps Wanda, Steve and Nat with SHIELD.

I also finally got to meet the Eternals. I learned about them when the Infinity Witches' knowledge passed down through me. So...eagerly I set out to find them and introduce myself to them once I had some free time. I kept Bucky home, as he doesn't know who they are...most don't. You never know when we might need each other.

On another note, James and I tried to get pregnant for a little over two years. We didn't even know if it was possible due to my genetic makeup, but we kept trying. And once it did, it was much easier to get pregnant after the first time.

Our first child is three. He's a spitting image of James. Much to Bucky's dismay, his name is Peter. When Peter Parker first met my son at the hospital, he cried when he learned the name. He actually didn't stop crying for a while.

Then came the twins, two girls that are complete opposites. Bucky and I felt blessed to just have one child, but two more...we were elated. Rebecca has striking blue eyes and curly white hair, while Natalia has James' more tan complexion and dark hair.

And then there's little Freya, her name inspired by Wanda being a witch. She's too young to tell who she looks more like.

Our family is growing, I suspect Nat and Steve are going to hop on the family train too. Once he grows a pair and pops the question. Natasha has realized she wants to settle down and possibly adopt. But if they decided to do that, she wants an older kid as they have less chances of getting adopted.

Hydra has been gone. Not a whisper of it, and hopefully it stays that way, because I sure as hell do not want to go back to working.

Growing up the way I did, being brought up the way I was...never did I think I'd be this happy. I never thought I'd have a family. Hell, my kids could develop powers for all I know. But that's a problem for another day.

For now, I'm perfectly content. James and I are okay, our family is okay. Despite all that the universe has thrown at us, we've come through it all stronger than ever.

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