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"We've got it all planned out in this packet." Nat says as she slides the packet of papers across the conference table towards Tony.

Pepper, Tony, Nat, and I are having a little meeting about our recent project; the housing center for families affected by the Blip located in the Tower.

"Each family or person will have a thorough background check done and then the number of people in the family will determine where exactly they will be placed in the tower." I explain. "We just need approval from you two and then we can go to the contractors and such to remodel the areas."

"What are your floor plan ideas?" My dad asks as he slowly flips through our packet.

"The larger families will be placed on the upper levels. Each of those upper levels will be divided into three 'sections'," Nat uses air quotes to get the point across. "Basically, each of those upper levels will house three families all in little apartments. Each of their areas will have a kitchen, bathroom, etcetera. The necessities to live."

"It's a little apartment. And then for the smaller families or even just a person, the lower levels will have enough room for five sets. All equipped with the same things as the upper levels, just on a lower floor."

"And then located under all the living floors will be, kind of like a large cafeteria. There'll be tables and food for anyone who needs it. Or even for people who don't know how to cook and just need something to go." Nat finishes.

"This is actually really impressive." Tony states.

"I feel like that was a backhanded compliment." I mutter.

"I just didn't expect you to include costs and all of that stuff. I think this is a great idea, especially because we just don't even really use the tower and stuff. I'm glad that I had rebought it though, because now it'll be used for good."

"What do you want to call it?" Pepper asks, grabbing the packet from her husband.

I look to Nat and gesture for her to say the name we both agreed on.

"The Barton Housing Center."

Pepper smiles at the name and Tony's eyes soften slightly.

"I think that's perfect." he says. "I approve of everything, and I feel that this will benefit a lot of people in the city."

"I also approve. I'll send an email with the construction company we usually use so that you can meet with them about renovations."

I clap my hands together and grin. "Yay! Thank you both."

"Of course. We're excited to see how it turns out."


"What are you doing over there?" I ask James as he sits on the other side of my bedroom couch, a notebook in his hand, but the pen stuck between his teeth.

"Writing." He mumbles.

"Doesn't look like you're doing anything, Bubs." I close  Gone With the Wind and place it on the coffee table. "What are you writing about?"

"My therapist says that I should write letters to myself. She says it'll help me work through some of my issues and that it's a good way to show progress."

"So, you're having writers block?"

"I guess."

My brows furrow as I observe him hunched over the notebook.

"There's something else bugging you."

He looks up, his eyes holding a weight that I haven't seen in a while. "What's going on, Buck?"

A muscle flexes in his jaw as he looks away from me. "I have to tell you something."

I shuffle closer to him and try to slow my heart rate. "You can tell me anything."

"I, um, I killed your grandfather." He looks down, while I just sit there.

"Uh...okay? I never knew him. I'm like barely Tony's kid...can you explain?" I feel awkward because I never knew the guy, and a little confused as to why Tony never mentioned this. Or maybe Tony doesn't know?

"Hydra had brought me out of cryofreeze and my mission was to kill Howard Stark. Tony's mom was collateral damage...I'm trying to make amends, I have a list, but I felt like you should know that I'm sorry about all that. I'm really sorry."

"Bucky..." he glances up at me. "thank you for telling me. But I don't think I'm the one you need to have that conversation with. And you definitely don't have to apologize to me, I know how you feel about what they made you do."

"It's just been bothering me lately. I want to talk to Tony...but I think he's a little annoyed with me because of what we did in the kitchen."

"I think he's gotten over it." I say with a small smile. "Why don't you write about how you're making amends."


"Do you feel like therapy's working?"

He just shrugs.

"If there's one thing you take away from it, it's that you are no longer the Winter Soldier. Got it?"

"Then who am I? Some guy with a metal arm?"

"No, you're James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky, Bubs, Sarge, whatever name you wanna go with. You're a friend to everyone in this building, my boyfriend, an asset to the team. You're your own person now, you have control of your life. That's who you are James."

His eyes shine with unshed tears, and I feel my heart break slightly as he bites his lip and looks at me.

"Can I give you a hug?" I ask him.

He nods and I cross over to him, pulling him into a hug, his head snuggling into my shoulder. I bite my lip as his tears run down my neck, my hand rubbing his back. I just hold him as tight as I can, wanting to show him that I can be there for him.

Eventually, his clutch on my shirt loosens and I let him go, the man backing up. His eyes are slightly puffy.

"What can I do to help?" I whisper, my hand cupping his cheek.

"Can we color?"

"Of course."

I get up from the couch and head towards the shelf, grabbing my colored pencils and crayons, and then getting my newest Avengers coloring book. This one has stickers in it. I sit back down on the couch and flip it open.

"Who would you like?"

"You're asking me? Normally you just hand me a picture of you."

"I figured I would be nice today and let you choose."

His lips turn up in a smile and I feel a little relieved at that.

"Can I still have you?"

"Yes." I chuckle as I find one of me, a tree coming out of my palm.

I rip it out and slide it towards him on the coffee table, then flipping back to the sticker page. I pick off one of me and place it on Bucky's chest, over his heart.

"Now you're stuck with me." I say with a grin.

James looks down at the sticker and then back up at me, a small smile on his face.

"I'm okay with that."

I chuckle and go back to picking a picture, settling on one of Sam.

"It still bugs me how you're not in any of these." I mumble as we start.

"It's okay. I get it."

"It bugs me."

"Let's put a movie on." He suggests, ignoring my comment.

"Pick one."

"Let's watch those wizard ones. I think I saw the first but not the rest."

"Harry Potter?"

"Yes. Let's watch that one."

"Anything you want, Sarge."

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