ninety four

29 1 3

So...we're currently in the Texas Hydra facility.

Steve, James, and I.

And we're trying out a new technique. Stopping time.

We had gotten in the same way as normal, hijacking a truck and knocking the agents out while stealing their oversized clothing. I was able to create enchantments to disguise us and hide our weapons, mainly Bucky's guns and Steve's big-ass shield. But because we're on this never ending loop of breaking and entering and blowing up, we're trying to find an office for information.

The Texas facility is relatively small compared to others we've seen, so there aren't that many floors. We just rode up the elevator to the top floor, the business side of Hydra which contrasts the other science and militaristic side of the organization.

The doors open up to a hallway, the walls painted a dull grey and the lights casting an eerie glow to the area. I hold my breath as we pass a few agents, not dressed in field outfits, but dressed like officials. A blonde man with pale skin, wearing a dark blue suit, another man with darker skin holding a briefcase. It's almost weird seeing Hydra personnel in normal clothing.

We get to the end of the hall and come to a stop as there's the option to go left or right.

"Right for the win." James mutters as he takes the lead.

We come to a stop as we reach the end of the hallway, the nameplate on the wooden door reading 'Lewis'.

"Doesn't that sound familiar to either of you?" I ask as I reach for the door handle.

My eyes widen as I find it locked.

"A little." Steve says.

Looking both ways to make sure I'm not seen, I send white energy through the door and maneuver it to unlocking the mechanism. I push the door open and pull the boys inside.

Looking around, it's a normal office. A desk to the right, large desktop computer, some filing cabinets against the wall to the left. It's actually quite plain. I go over to the desk and turn the computer on, internally cursing because I have no idea what the password is.

"Did Nat happen to teach you how to get into a locked computer?" I ask Steve.

He scratches his head and tilts to the side. "Uh, no. Tony should've given us one of those SUB things that can get through."

I blink a few times. "They're USB's not SUB's. But yeah, you're ri--"

I freeze as the door handle starts to jiggle.

DON'T MOVE OR SPEAK! I immediately send to the boys as I jump back from the desk and focus on the air waves around us.

Mustering up my energy, I hold out my hands and manipulate the light waves, rendering us invisible. A little trick I've been working on with the assistance of the Reality Stone.

The door opens and I resist the urge to gasp and lose my focus.

"Okay! See you later Dan!" The woman calls out over her shoulder.

As she steps in, I get a full view of none other than Danika.

Sam's friend Danika.

My friend Danika.

Holy shit. Lewis! Her last name!

I tighten the hold on our invisibility as she closes the door behind her and heads towards the desk. I hold my breath as she passes by me and sits down in the chair. Luckily she doesn't take note of the computer already being on the login screen.

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