ninety eight

25 1 1

"Don't you Midgardians have any food besides cereal?"

I roll my eyes as Loki slams his hand down on the counter in frustration, my own bowl of cereal shaking in the process.

"What did cereal ever do to you?" I ask him in between bites.

He scowls and grabs the box of Frosted Flakes, sighing while dumping some into a plain white bowl in front of him.

"I ate it yesterday. I am tired of this."

"We have different kinds." I gesture to the pantry. "Just because I ate Frosted Flakes today and yesterday doesn't mean you have to."

Loki and Sylvie mostly stayed away yesterday, keeping to themselves and sort of finding their way around the compound. Valkyrie got back to Bruce last night, so Thor will be getting here later today, and I'm really excited for him and Loki to reconnect.

"What do you mean?" Loki interrupts my thoughts.

Sighing, I push back on the stool and make my way to the pantry, opening the door and letting Loki see all the goodies inside.

"We have Lucky Charms, Cheerios, Pops, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Oat Bran, Fruity name it."

Loki's brows furrow as he examines the different types of cereals.

"Which is the best?"

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch." I say without hesitation.

"Then that's the one." He says as he plucks it off the shelf.

I shake my head as I head back to the island, grinning as James is sitting next to my empty seat.

"Morning Bubs." I lean and kiss his cheek before sliding back onto the stool. "How was your shower?" His hair is damp, a few strands hanging over his eyes.


I fake a pout. "So sad. Maybe next time. What are your plans today?"

"I have some errands to run, but I'll be back around two."

"What kind of errands?"

He purses his lips while looking away. "Just cleaning out what my father left me."

"Ah. I think it's interesting that it's still there all these years later."

"I honestly think the owner forgot the stuff was there. When I went there the first time he was adamant that the unit was empty and it wasn't."


"What are you doing today?"

"I'm gonna do some laundry. Thor's coming later so that's fun though." Loki's head lifts from across the counter and I turn to him. "Where's Sylvie?"

"I don't know. How am I supposed to know?" He answers quickly.

"Because she's you." I roll my eyes at him.

He just scoffs as he breaks eye contact with me. We both end up finishing our cereal in silence, Bucky kissing me on my cheek before leaving to run his errands.

So, now I'm left all by myself on this lonely morning. I better get to cleaning



My head jerks towards that deep voice as I pause on the page I was reading. I turn and spy Thor's blonde locks coming around the corner. I jump up and envelope him in a hug, the god squeezing me tight.

"Lady Talia! Always a pleasure." He says as I take a step back.

He finally lost the last of his beer belly, now he looks extra fit, those biceps of his are bulging. His blonde hair has grown out a little and there are some braids thrown in there.

"It's good to see you too. Did Valkyrie tell you why we wanted you here?"

"No. Just mentioned that you all needed me or something like that."

A grin forms on my face. He doesn't know about Loki.

All I can think about is the pain that I felt from him when we lost to Thanos the first time. The agony. He's going to be so happy.

"Okay well come sit with me, we have a surprise for you." I beckon him to sit down in the chair next to mine.

Thor grins and strides over, plopping down next to me.

"How have you been? How's New Asgard?" I ask him, my foot tapping restlessly.

"Pretty good. We have been working to build new houses for the growing families."

A grin forms on my face as I catch the eyes of one dark haired god who just rounded the corner. Loki's eyes are widened and he's frozen for a second.

Thor must see that my focus has altered, and he turns letting out a gasp as he sees his brother.

"Loki?" He whispers.

A second passes before Thor jumps up and runs towards his brother. "Loki!"

I hold back tears as a wave of relief comes from both of them as Thor pulls Loki into a hug. Loki meets my eyes over his brother's shoulder and I give him a smile as he nods his head at me in thanks. I grab my book and leave the kitchen, giving them time to catch up in private.

When I get to my room, I pull out my phone and shoot a quick text to James.

Talia: When are you going to be home? Thor just got here.

Not even a minute later he responds.

Bucky: I'm finishing up cleaning out the storage room, I'll be back soon, love.

I tuck my phone back into my pocket, wondering where my boyfriend is. I settle down on the couch in my room, pondering over all that's changed in a few months. I went from being all alone during those five years except for Steve and occasionally Nat, to having the best support system I could have. We brought everyone back...Peter and I fought, then tried being together, and now we're just friends. Bucky and I went from hating each other to being in love. Thor got his brother much has happened in such a small amount of time.

Now if only we could take care of Hydra, then Bucky and I could finally be free and happy.

Tomorrow I'm going to propose the offer to Loki and Sylvie, hopefully they will take it. Because with them two on the team with us, Hydra doesn't stand a chance.

[A/N: Sorry for the short and crappy chapter, I'm working on balancing school with all my extracurriculars and having time to write as well. It might just take me a little longer to put out chapters. Thanks for all the support xoxo🥰]

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