thirty three

69 2 2

Steve chuckles and shakes his head as he walks forward.

"I'm getting too old for this." He mutters as he gets ready in his stance.

"You said it, not me."

The smile on my face disappears as Steve strides forward, his weight is shifted on his left and so I lean that way as he throws a punch to the right. I bounce off my toes as we circle each other.

"You gonna dance, or are you gonna fight?" Steve taunts.

I roll my eyes at him. But then I throw a punch, but he slides to the side and then I swing my leg at him, grinning as it hits home in the center of his chest. He grunts as he takes a step back.

Steve comes forward and starts throwing punches left and right like he usually does, leaving me to keep blocking them. I grunt as he catches me in the stomach, but I run forward and grab onto his bicep, swinging myself around so he's giving me a piggy back ride, as I reach over and put him in a choke hold.

He reaches up and starts tugging at my arms but I won't let up. Instead he jumps up and falls on his back—falls on me.

I groan as his huge ass body crushes me underneath him and my head snaps back against the floor, but I grin as I hear him choke, my grip still tight against his neck.

I let out a chuckle as he taps my thigh, which is semi-crushed underneath him.

"Get off of me you big oaf, almost broke my fucking back."

"Ah, I let you win." He says as he gets up.

"No you didn't. Don't lie to yourself man." Sam calls out from the sideline.

I let out a breath as I look around. "Can't someone else go? This is not a very fun game."

"Nope. It's fun watching you kick ass." Wanda calls out from the sideline.

I shoot a glare over at her, but then I turn to Nat. "Come on carrot top, let's get it over with."

Nat scowls at me while walking up. "You've beaten me before, don't be shy to do it again Snowflake."

"Don't go easy on me." I say while cracking my knuckles.

"Wouldn't dream of it." And then she runs forward and kicks up, but I swiftly grab her ankle and twist it, watching as she falls to the floor. Faster than possible she spins and kicks out my legs from underneath me, but I reach out as I land on the ground and yank on her ankle. She hisses in pain, but kicks out, her heel getting me nice on my cheekbone.

I quickly get up and face her, I can tell she's strategizing. But so am I.

By the way she stands, I know she's going to do something with her legs. And I'm right. She runs forward and I let her as she jumps and wraps her legs around my neck and drags me down to the floor. I'm pinned under her leg, her other underneath me.


I roll my eyes, but she can't see me. I see Bucky out of the corner of my eye and I wink at him, before reaching up to Nat's stomach and tickling her.

Her body tenses and then jerks underneath me, which is just the advantage I need. I grab her leg that's over me and twist it around, smiling as Nat's flipped onto her stomach. I press my foot against her upper back and grin wide as her hands strain to grab my ankle. "If I had a knife I could slit your throat, or decapitate you. Although it would take a little bit of work with a small knife. So I think I win."

"So violent." She groans. I press harder and watch as she pauses and then taps the ground. "You can't just tickle someone in the middle of a fight." She says while standing

"Why not? You said to use every advantage you have...for you I found your weakness and exploited it." Nat purses her lips at me and then smiles.

"I've taught you well."

"Hey!" Steve calls out. "I helped too."

"Yeah but you fight like a big brute. Nat fights with an elegance."

"Whatever," he shakes his head. "Buck you're last."

I groan as James steps forward and looks at me. "Ready to lose?" He asks me, to which I reply with an eye roll.

"In your dreams, James."

"More like my nightmares, James." He taunts right back at me.

We start to circle each other. "You know, it only works cause that's your first name. It's my last name so it doesn't flow."

"I beg to differ." He grins, flashing white teeth.

"Don't be shy, let's not dance. Show me what that arm can do."

He sneers at me and then swings but I easily dodge it.

"Come on, the best assassin ever and that's what you give me? Or do you need your knives?"

I throw an upper cut, grinning as it hits his jaw, but then he catches my stomach and I groan. We trade a few punches, blocking and then hitting.

I yelp as he grabs my wrist and flips me over, grunting as I land hard on my back and Bucky swiftly places his vibranium hand against my throat, lightly squeezing. He makes the mistake of kneeling down next to me while I'm "pinned" to the ground.

"Well," I say while looking into his blue eyes. "this is kinda hot."

I smirk as he momentarily gets distracted and I roll back onto my shoulders and hook my leg around his kneeling body, slamming him back against the ground as I slide on top of him.

I hold my forearm against his throat, leaning slightly forward. "See, now I would kill you, but we can't use pow—"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?"

"We've been over this you asshole—" I yelp as he bucks his hips and throws me off of him. He swiftly comes on top of me and once again chokes me with his goddamn arm.

"You're lucky, if we could use powers I'd electrocute your fucking arm and watch as it fell off."

He clenches his jaw and then leans forward so that his mouth is level with my ear.

"Maybe this is why they sold you to Thanos," my heart sinks to my stomach, my body feeling cold all over. "because no one fucking likes you."

It's like a switch in me flips and I yell out as I send Bucky flying off of me and into one of the cement posts. I stand and glare at him as he detaches from the broken pillar.

"You are a fucking dick."

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