sixty four

41 1 2

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask Peter as he lays at the foot of my bed.

We just took a break from packing up my stuff, boxes are stacked around the room.

"You can talk to me about anything." He sits up and shuffles closer to me.

"For this assignment, I'm gonna have to do some stuff."

His eyes narrow at me. "What kind of stuff?"

"Well, I need to get I have to use my girl charm."

"You're gonna seduce him?"

"Yes. And then go through his mind while he's distracted."


"I wanted to give you a heads up incase it gets around that I'm a whore."

"I—okay then. I mean you're not."

"Thanks, Pete."

He just smiles a little and leans in, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"What's your mission?"

He groans and flops back onto the bed. "Thor and I have to monitor the railroads. It's like a stakeout in the movies."

"What about Nat and Wanda?"

"Similar assignment, but Nat has to hack into some mainframes or something."

"Yeah Tony's doing that too."

"Who's your partner?"

I pause a second. "James."

Peter purses his lips. "Ah."

"It's not like that."

"I know. I trust you."

I grin and peck his cheek. "Good."

"So...tomorrow's the big move in day. You excited?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Tony designed all our rooms, so I'm excited to see what he did. I mean we gave him what we wanted but ya know."

"I'm excited for the new training facility."

"Oh yeah, that too. Wanda and I cannot keep doing our witchy shit inside, it's not safe."

Peter comes closer and opens his arms, while I gladly snuggle closer to him.

"Your birthday is coming up."

Huh. Kinda forgot about that. "Ew, I'm gonna be 24."

"You're old."

"Whatever Spidey."


I tilt my head, watching as I use telepathy to lift box after box into the large moving truck. Wanda's next to me, helping similarly, with her red hue enveloping the boxes and furniture.

It's move in day.

Our new compound is located about a half hour from the SHIELD headquarters, deep in the forest. I see Steve and James out of the corner of my eye, watching Wanda and I along with Peter and Tony.

Nat, Thor, Sam, and Bruce went ahead in a car to start unpacking the first truck that left earlier.

I turn to Tony as we place the last of the boxes into the truck.

"Okay," he claps his hands together. "So, I guess Steve can—"


"Don't read my mind, Santa."

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