seventy three

33 1 5

I honk the horn a second time as I see a figure running down the steps of the apartment building. Peter's hair flops around a little, he had gotten it cut recently.

With a flick of my hand I open the passenger door for him, grinning as he slides inside and leans over, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning." I tell him.


"Buckle up." I say while pulling back onto the road.

"You really didn't have to drive me. I would've walked."

"Yeah, I know. But I was free this morning, so I figured that since it's your first day, I would bring you. Plus I'm hoping to see Ned and MJ."

"You might," he gives me a small smile. "I told them you'd be bringing me, so maybe they're waiting."

"Are you excited? Nervous?"

"It's just school, Tal."

"Yeah's junior year. You're getting so old."

Peter just shakes his head in my peripheral. "How was the mission yesterday?"

"Easy. Dear old Davy lives in the townhouses right by the headquarters. Pretty simple to get in and out."

"Did you get the information you needed?"

"Not anymore than what we already know."


"Yeah, but Fury's sending a list of potential suspects for us to scope out. So that's next on the To-Do List."

"Gotcha." I see Peter start twiddling with his fingers in his lap, his gaze resting on the passing scenery.

"What's on your mind?"

"Huh?" He turns to me.

"You're twitchy."

"Oh, uh...I was thinking that maybe we could go out to dinner...Friday night?"

A small smile breaks out on my face as I glance at him. "That works. Why are you so nervous? We've known each other for years."

"Well, yeah.'re different."

My smile fades slightly. "That's true. But I'm still mostly me." I chuckle.

He sighs next to me. "This sucks."

"What does?" My brows furrow slightly.

"Me having to go to school, and you getting to do Avenger stuff."

"That's life. It's not fair."

"I know. I just wish we got to spend more time together. This summer it was training and work, we didn't get much time for us."

"We'll make it work. Okay?"


The rest of the ride was left in a comfortable silence, until I pulled up to the familiar entrance of Midtown School of Science and Technology.

There's a slight pang in my chest at the sight of the school, almost a nostalgic feeling taking route in my chest.

The students milling around, filtering inside the school, minding their own business and probably excited to see their friends after returning from
the Blip.

Or meeting new people who were five years younger and now aren't.

I grin wide as I pull up and see Ned and MJ leaning against the short brick wall, both of them smiling as they see me. The duo push off the wall and make their way closer to me.

Opening the window, I pop my head out and wave, Peter getting out of the car at the same time.

"Hey losers."

"I would hug you," MJ says. "but it goes against all my moral codes."

"Yeah," I unbuckle and open the door, stepping out and tugging her into a hug. "it's been five years for me, so you can deal for a minute."

MJ stands awkwardly as I hug her extra tight just to annoy her, the girl patting me slightly on my back. I let her out of her misery, letting go and then enveloping Ned in a bone crushing hug.

"I have mixed feelings on the white hair." MJ states.

"Yeah me too." I pause and look at all of them. "I miss you guys."

"I miss movie nights." Ned says, sending me a pointed look.

I hold up my hands in defense. "We've been a little busy lately. But hopefully soon we can all do something together."

"That would be fun." Ned tells me.

I take a second to just look at them, my friends...a small feeling of sadness takes route in my heart at the fact that I'll be missing out on so much.

"Alrighty," I rub my palms on my jeans. "I should get going, you guys too. Don't wanna be late for your first class."

Ned just rolls his eyes and Peter shakes his head.

"I have to work later again, so I can't give you a ride home." I tell Peter.

"That's okay. I think I'm gonna stop by tonight to...get help on homework?" He stops himself as MJ doesn't know the truth about him.

"Yeah, sure. Homework." Ned says which causes me to laugh and shake my head.

"Okay whatever." I wave as MJ and Ned say goodbye and start heading inside, turning to Peter as he gives me a little smile.

"I'll see you later. Love you." He says, while coming close and giving me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Love you too Spidey." I wink at him as he turns and catches up to Ned, disappearing into the school.


"Was it weird?" I ask Steve as we sip our coffees at the kitchen table.

"Was what weird?" He quirks a brow.

"When you went to the past and put the stones back. Was it weird seeing everything going on around you?"

"Sort of," he takes a quick sip. "Sometimes I'd get there a little early, so I would see us getting the stones."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you and Bruce talking to the Ancient One and convincing her, and then when you guys left, I went in and gave her back the stone."

"Ohh. I get it now."

We sit for a little in silence, James coming around the corner after a few minutes.

"Fury sent us that email. I figured we could start looking into the people."

"Okay..." I turn to Steve. "Has their been any luck on finding locations? You got the list I sent right?"

"Yeah, a few of us are gonna go and scope out the areas this weekend. If we find one we'll call you guys to come in and help take it down."

I give him a thumbs up. "Awesome sauce."

"Did you really just say 'awesome sauce'?" Bucky asks me.

"Yes. I am a kid at heart, and am trying to stay positive."

"Me too," Steve says quietly. "I feel like I've been fighting Hydra my whole life."

"You have been." I tell him.

"I'm just tired of them. I want it to be over."

"Well, we just have to find the locations, blow them up and destroy all their research, then find out who the double agents are and get rid of them. Easy peasy."

"Yeah..." James says while rubbing his temples. "So easy."

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