forty seven

64 2 0

Honestly, my day kept getting worse and worse.

First, I got walked in on and had an argument with Peter. Then, I found out that our new team manager was none other than fucking Sharon Carter. I wasn't the only one unhappy about it though. During training, she had the audacity to walk around and subtly correct us.

But no. It doesn't end there, someone left the door to the goat's balcony open, and Karl got loose. I bet you know who that someone was.

And to make it worse, even worse then you thought it could get, while we were trying to get Karl to stop running from us, the fucking idiot goat got too close to the edge...and well. You can guess what happened.

If I had gotten there a second faster, I could've stopped him. But...I was just coming in when he fell. Alpine was running around, but she didn't go near the balcony's, she went towards Bucky's room.

So...that's how my day's been going.

Now, I'm laying down on my naked mattress...I had to clean the sheets...wrapped in blankets while Spongebob plays on the TV.

I locked my door, ignoring everyone's knocks. Clearly, I want to be left alone. Honestly, it's like I take a few steps forward and then a huge one back.

And now my goat's dead, because Sharon opened the door.

I think.

But James and I were clearly occupied last night and this morning before training, so who else would've done it?

I mean I don't have proof, but if I really wanted to, I could search through her mind. Or maybe Wanda could...

Now we just have Alpine, who I love, but James is always hogging her. So, we're going to have to work something out.

Another knock on my door draws my attention, I'm about to tell them to leave but then something is slid underneath the door.

I throw my blanket off of me, and sit up making my way over to the door. I kneel down and grasp the paper, stifling a laugh.

It's a page out of a coloring book.

And on it, in surprisingly neat handwriting, is 'wanna get out of here?'.

I put the paper on my bed, and hesitantly open the door, meeting familiar blue eyes.


"Can I come in?"

I hesitate for a second, but then open the door more, stepping back as he slides into my room. I wait as he looks around, eyeing my book collection and random shit thrown everywhere. His gaze settles on the bed—well, on my mattress.

"I had to clean the sheets." I say, not meeting his gaze.

He plops down on the edge and looks at me, where I stand leaning against the wall.

"Let's go get lunch."

"It's like four in the afternoon."

"An early dinner."

I contemplate his offer, and then shake my head yes. I can't hide in my room all day. I glance down at my clothes...definitely not something to wear out in public.

So, I head to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans and a pale blue tee, going to my bathroom to change.

Once I'm done, I throw on some shoes and then look over at James who's standing in front of my bookshelf, his finger trailing over the spines of my books.

"Where are we going?"

He turns and glances at me. "I know a place, it's pretty low-key."


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