fifty four

52 2 3

I make my way through the hallways, agents around me scrambling, knowing that in three minutes the building will literally blow up.

Before, this wasn't an issue, because I didn't know they had collars and I would survive. But now, with the collar...I'm not so sure.

I push through the agents in the crowd, seeing the large doors up ahead. My head pounds, probably due to multiple reasons, and my overall body just aches, but I'm not staying here another day. Workers in uniforms around me push and shove each other, trying to get to the garages.

But I don't need a car, I will gladly run.

So, I continue on, desperation filling my mind as I can see the sky ahead. I shove someone out of the way and push the door open, stepping out into the fresh air after what feels like forever.

I breathe it in, and then come back to myself, I have to get out of here, less than three minutes till this place blows.

People are scrambling all over the place as the alarm sounds. I see the woods to my left, and decide that that is my best bet. I swiftly jog over there and thank god that I don't draw any attention.

I really don't want to have to kill

"Hey! What are you—"

I turn and shoot the man in the chest, taking off through the woods. Gun in hand, I jump over sticks and logs and weave through the trees. I didn't want to have to shoot anyone, but he was going to cause a delay and I don't want to be blown up.

I have no idea where I am, I could be running further into the woods and away from civilization. But I'll go anywhere but back to that place.

I keep running, distantly following the road. If I run right, I'll come out onto the main road, but there are too many Hydra cars and trucks, so I stick to the woods.

The forest goes quiet for a second, and then a large boom is heard and I scramble to brace myself against a tree as dust, dirt, twigs and all that other shit puff out towards my direction. I stay there for a minute, my eyes clenched closed and my ears ringing from the explosion.

I hesitantly open my eyes and take a quick look around, seeing nobody, I continue running, ignoring my aches and exhaustion, the dust in my eyes and the dirt caked onto my face.


I don't know how long I ran, or how far.

But the facility blew up, and I couldn't be more happy.

However, Florida heat is getting to me, but this stupid collar prevents me from taking my jacket off.

So I trudge through the woods, the sun starting to get lower in the sky. I walk for about another hour when I see it.

Lights in the distance.


I resist the urge to whoop and cheer, as that would draw way too much attention. I keep going and peer out, seeing a Walmart across the road.

A Walmart!

I've never been so excited.

I tuck my guns inside the waist band of my pants, hiding them underneath the jacket.

Looking both ways, I quickly cross the street and enter the Walmart. A small sigh leaves me as I relish the air conditioning.

But I pause, I have no money, no resources. I'm going to have to get help. I tart walking through the store, looking for someone who works here, keeping my head tilted down, away from the cameras.


A girl, a little taller than me and possibly younger. I walk over to her and tap on her shoulder, the girl jerks around.

"Hi! How can I—" Her eyes widen slightly and I hold a finger to my lips.

"Shhh. Please."

"Oh my god," she whispers. "You're Eden."

I smile softly at her. "Yes. But I need your help, please."

"You're dirty, and hurt." She reaches up a hand as if to touch my face or something, but I jerk away.

"Look, I really don't have much time."

She nods a little to herself. "Okay, yeah, anything."

"What's your name?"

"Lily Gomez."

"Okay Lily, I'm Talia, but you already know that. So, these bad guys are after me and I escaped." Lily just nods at me, her short black hair bouncing. "I need some stuff, but I have no money. But my dad is Tony Stark and you can send him a bill and he'll pay it off. Please."

"Dude, Eden needs my help. Whatever you need it's yours. Come on I'll help you."

We get a cart and I get a change of clothes and an extra shirt, toiletries, a backpack, a hat, some food and water, and a map.

"Okay I need one more thing and I literally hate asking, but I'll give everything back."

"What do you need?"

"I need money to rent a car. I have to get back to New York."

The girl smiles at me and tosses me car keys. "You could take my car."

"Oh no I can't. How are you going to get home? How old are you?"

"I'm 22, but I'll be okay. My coworker can give me a ride."

"I—" My eyes start to well up with tears. "Thank you so much. Trust me, I'll get everything back for you."

"Do me a favor and kick ass."

"Will do."

I thank Lily again as she pays for my items. I go back to the parking lot and find her grey Honda Pilot.

Not bad.

I get in and thank God again as it has a GPS. I input New York City and start down the road towards home.


I drove for a few hours, five or six, and came upon a rest stop which I was not passing up on. I pull over and park, putting the scarf I got around my neck, and heading into the place and to the bathrooms. I want to start crying happy tears as I see shower stalls.

I go over and close myself in one, taking a thorough but quick shower, cleaning myself with the toiletries that I got from the Walmart. I had eaten a lot of the snacks already when I was driving, and had to get gas, using the money that Lily gave to me.

When I finish, I put on my new clothes, one gun in the car and the other tucked into the waistband of my leggings, hidden under my hoodie.

I gasp as I look at myself in the mirror. My cheeks are hollowed out and the bags under my eyes are so dark. There are harsh bruises on my cheekbones and one on my jaw, and I know there are some on other parts of my body; courtesy of Kam. But my hair, the roots are dark, as if my dark brown hair was growing back in.

It's from the collar. My powers were being taken away.

I shake my head and tug the hoodie up so that the hood covers my hair and the top of the sweatshirt covers my collar.

I go out and buy some more chips and water, going back to my car to finish this awful trip.

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