forty two

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We spent the next day at the beach, I tanned and stuck my feet in the water, and then we ordered Italian takeout for dinner.

This morning we slept in, and had a lazy day at the pool. I had apologized about randomly kissing him the other day and about my method of making him hate me.

And then he apologized for our fight from right after we won the battle. It was a nice day, calming with the cool breeze from the ocean, the seagulls making cawing.

It felt nice to be doing something normal with Pete. It's been way too long...

Tony had texted me that he was getting us tomorrow morning.

"Let's watch a movie." Pete says as we finish our pizza.


He pauses and looks at me, but I keep my gaze on my food.

"You don't want to watch a movie? Who are you?"

I just shrug. "I haven't watched a movie since before you...died."

I see Peter put down his pizza and wipe his hands. He reaches over and grabs my other hand, the one not holding pizza, and squeezes.

"Maybe it's time you start again."

I let out a sigh and quickly contemplate. "Fine. But I'm picking."


We watched the first Divergent movie, for some reason that was what I was craving to watch. Peter didn't complain about my choice, which was nice.

It felt weird to be watching movies again, as I haven't done it in so long. But...maybe this was the key, the start to finally going back to normal.

I know it'll take a while, especially when the government is scrambling to find solutions for everyone. But for me, I think I'm on a good start.


The ride back home was a long one, but Tony let us stop and get snacks, and I told Peter about the very few movies that came out during those five years.

People are calling it the Blip.

I have mixed feelings on that name, but I'll go with it. Eventually, we got back to New York and we dropped Peter off and then headed back to the Tower.

It was nearing a month since we beat Thanos, which is kind of weird to think about because it doesn't feel like it was that long ago.

As the elevator doors open, I see a goat running across the living room.

"Karl!" I run forward and grin as he bleats at me, and then comes towards me.

"Look who decided to show up." I turn and glare at James, who's giving Alpine milk from a bottle.

"I did not choose to be kidnapped to the beach, okay?"

"Well, you left me with the kids, randomly, so I felt very stressed, Snow."

I shake my head and lift Karl. "I'm back now. When's our next session?"


"Okay then."


After eating a quick lunch, I made my way to my room for some me time.

And now, I stroke Karl's back as I prepare to call Ned. We haven't talked since that time right after Bruce snapped, and I figured I was well overdue.

So, I hold my kimoyo beads up and start calling him. My stomach squirms as I watch the circle spin, waiting for a connection.

And then there's a ding, and sound emits from my beads. It being a voice call and not a face time.

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