sixty three

42 1 0

"The to-do list is ever growing." I groan as I turn in Peter's arms to face him.

His head's propped up in his hand, leaning on an elbow, while the other runs up and down my bare hip and torso.

"You're distracting me. Again." I tell him.

"Mmm, we could get distracted again..." He moves his finger from my side, to over my stomach and starts trailing down.

"No—" I grab his hand and move it. "We need to work."

"No work." He pouts and tugs his hand from my grip and runs a finger along my jaw.

"Yes work. There's so much to do. And we're moving into the compound this week. And you start school again next week."

"Which is why there should be no work for the next two weeks." He leans in close and presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"Pete..." I murmur against his lips.

He grins and shifts so that he's on top of me, his weight resting on his elbows on either side of my body.

"Fine." He pulls back slightly. "If you wanna get distracted again," I easily flip him over and climb on top of him. "I want top."


After a successful distraction, we just cuddled and held each other for a little, relishing our time together.

But there's always stuff to do.

"We should get up."

Peter groans into the pillow, his hands on me tightening.

"Peter. We have to work."


"You're gonna leave bruises on my ass if you hold is any tighter."

"Sorry." He immediately loosens his grip on me.

"But seriously, there's stuff to do."

"Okay but here's my thinking," He sits up slightly, a small smile on his face. "We stay up here, doing our thing—"

"You mean doing each other."

"I—I mean...yeah. And we go down in an hour...or two."

"If we go another round, or two, I will not be able to walk."

"So?" He smirks down at me.

"Okay yeah. Fine. Come here."


So that's been the first half of my day, which was fine by me. Peter and I showered, and now we're eating a little snack in the kitchen.

"What's the never ending list of stuff to do?" He asks me.

"Well, I have to pack, cause we move in like two days. And then all the shit with Hydra. It's like layers and layers and so much work."

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be allowed on any uh, missions anymore."

"You will. But you'll be babysat like a toddler." I send him a glare.

"That's harsh."

"You got kidnapped, during what was supposed to be, a simple assignment."

"Okay, next topic."

"Hey guys." I look over and smile as Wanda and Nat come into the room.

"Hey. We need to have a team meeting."

"Why?" The other witch asks.

"Cause we need to figure out the next course of action."

"True." Nat says as she grabs a snack.

"You should call one." I tell her.

"Why not you?"

"People don't listen to me."

"Yeah they do." Pete says.

"No, I get ignored a lot. But it's okay, cause when they're wrong and they realize I'm right, it's like a sweet victory."

"That's true." The redhead continues. "Steve and Tony's faces are always priceless when they realize that they're wrong."

We all laugh and chat for a little, and Nat calls a team meeting, which is happening in about five minutes.

"Okay, here we go."

The four of us make our way to the conference room, seeing Steve already inside.

"Sup, Spangles."

He looks up and gives us a smile. "I have some plans."

"Let's see if they're any good then, shall we?"

"Let's wait for everyone else."

I sit down next to Peter and Steve, my leg bouncing as we wait for everyone to come in.

Of course, Tony is the last one.

"Don't look at me like that." He says while walking in and grimacing as everyone stares at him.

"It's okay guys," I say. "He's old. So we should always expect him to be late."

I wiggle my brows at my dad as he glares at me.

"Okay," Steve claps his hands together. "I've put together a detailed plan."

"I should've brought sunglasses so that I could pretend to be listening, but really be sleeping." Tony says.

"Anyway, we know that Hydra has to go down. But they're everywhere. A lot of their weapons, are from SHIELD, which means we have to find the agents that are actually Hydra. Then there's the trains, if we can figure out where the trains go, then we can map them out and find more of their facilities."

"Question." Sam interrupts. "Can't you just find a map with the railroads?"

"Yes, but the chances of there being tunnels that aren't on the map are high." I explain to him.

Sam nods and gestures for Steve to continue.

"And then there's the experiments. If we can find out where they're doing these mutations, we can destroy the place. Easy peasy."

"Yeah, so easy." I roll my eyes.

"So, I cleared the ideas with Fury and Sharon, and we're good to go."

"How do we start?" Thor asks him.

"In teams."

"Oh, joy." I sarcastically say.

"Tal, Bucky, Sam, and Tony will be our delegates."

"Our what?" Tony asks.

"You four are in charge of weeding out the double agents. You're going to be attending a lot of events."

"So fun."

"Nat, Wanda, Peter, Thor, and I are in charge of mapping out the railroads and locating facilities."

"So, we're gonna be running through tunnels all day?" Nat asks.

"No. And then Bruce, you're in charge of figuring out how they're actually making these creatures."

"I can do that." Jolly Green says.

Steve groups some papers and then starts handing them out. "Here are assignments for next week. They begin after we get settled into the new compound."

I take my papers and start to look through them. I have to gather intel on an agent called Matthew Hitchcock, he works with weapons manufacturing.

"Ooo, I'm going clubbing."

"What? Not fair." Peter says while looking over at my paper.

Matthew is a regular at the club, not a strip club or anything, so I have to go in and make friends and my partner is—

What the actual fuck?

James is my fucking partner.

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