twenty two

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Dad didn't have a conference room, so we all met downstairs in his private lab.

I look around at everyone; Nat, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, Peter, Thor, Carol, Strange, Rhodey, Quill, James, Rocket, and Scott. I can't help but feel a little self conscious as everyone stares at me. But then Tony gives me an encouraging nod, I take a deep breath, and I start.

"Okay, basically there are these people called the Celestials. They're an ancient race of entities that are even older than Asgard. They were alive before the dawn of the galactic communities, when there were only a few planets."

I pause and look around, making sure people are understanding me.

"Most people know of them, however, most people don't know that there was a race of beings even older than the Celestials. They were called Infinity Witches and they were the most powerful beings in the universe. They created life itself, as they contained every aspect of life as we know it." I take a small breath. "They were all female, born in different colors ranging from red to even grey, but they all had white hair. The Infinity Stones were made from their power. By the Celestials. Is everyone with me so far?" I look around and see everyone nodding.

"So, the Celestials were concerned because they thought the Witches were overpowered. In a way, they were. They were brutal and strict. So the Celestials created a virus, a disease and released it on Druna, their home. What the virus did, it weakened them and killed off 3/4's of their population. The Celestials went to Druna and they met with Sai. She was the first of the Witches, the most powerful and influential. And so, she was left with an ultimatum. Either the entire race would be killed off, or she gives up six elements of their power in exchange for peace."

"But couldn't Sai just kill them?" Scott asks.

"Usually yes, but the virus weakened her. Like...a lot. Basically, they had scraps of their usual power and the Celestials are also very powerful. So, they were at a disadvantage. Anyways, she gave them six elements; space, time, power, soul, reality, and mind. And the Celestials created the Infinity Stones. The creation of the stones caused the Big Bang, which is when they were sent out into the universe. Now, when she gave them majority of their power, the witches were weakened even further. They were slowly dying off, so they grew physically weak, turned old-looking, their hair turned dark instead of the vibrant white. Obviously, they still had some power, but it was nothing compared to what they used to have. And so, their numbers dwindled and the race eventually died off." I quickly clear my throat. "You see, the witches weren't born, they were created. So, to keep them from completely dying out, Sai used the remnants of her power to ensure that future witches would show up in the universe every few millennia or so. That's where I come in. The future generations just kind of...pop into existence, for lack of a better word. That's what happened with me and it's why I have no recollection of parents and why Yon-Rogg used to always say that I wasn't Kree."

"Who's Yon-Rogg?" Rocket asks.

"He was the person who trained me ever since I could remember, on Hala where I grew up. The Kree race lives on Hala, so that's what I meant."

"Ahh, I got it."

"Yeah so, I just kinda was there I guess. And my powers, I can absorb things because my body was trying to make up for the absence of the stones' power. When I was born or whatever on Hala, I must have absorbed the planet's elements to compensate. Basically, Thanos had said that I never got to fulfill my destiny, and that was to reconnect with the stones and claim my title as an Infinity Witch. And I did that, so that's why my hair's freaking white now., that's it."

I somewhat shrink back from everyone's stares.

"How do you know all this?" Steve asks me.

"When I absorbed the stones, it was like their knowledge was absorbed too. It was like the wisdom and information from generations and millennia of witches flew through me. So now I'm a walking encyclopedia."

"That's pretty cool." Scott says with a smile.

I smile slightly back and look over towards my dad. "So, tell us all the plan. No more talking about me, please."

Tony blinks and then leans slightly forward. "Yeah I'm gonna need a second, you just gave us a lot of info, Squirt." I roll my eyes at him as he rubs his jaw and thinks. "Alright, Okay...I've processed. So, we're gonna go over to the Tower later today and get settled in. Cause...most of you don't have homes and I can't fit everyone here. And then, we'll have to organize clean up, set up jobs, help everyone..." Tony starts rubbing his temples.

"Why don't we just start with relocating to the Tower?" Steve suggests.

My gaze flicks around to everyone, as I watch them nod.


The Wakandans left, I made sure to give Shuri a hug and personal goodbye. Strange went back to Sanctum, simply waving before he decided to dip.

Tony had the buses take us to the Tower, I opted to sitting alone as I knew that Peter and I should talk, and he would be too tempted if I sat next to him.

I'm a little awed as I walk back into the Tower, in the main living area, as it's been renovated. Tony explained that there were two floors connected by stairs instead of the elevator, meaning that instead of floor one and two, it's all one big level full of rooms.

There's also labs, an expansive kitchen, dining area, and a normal living room. There's a small training facility like our original one still a level below.

I head over to the room that used to be mine, finding it with a similar layout, but pull of cream colors. I dig through the drawers, smiling as I find a new set of clothes.

Making my way into the attached bathroom, I start up the shower, on the coolest setting, and deactivate my suit. I glance over in the mirror and freeze, forgetting that my hair is now white.

I lean forward and look at it. It's not even like a bleach blonde, no. It's literally white as snow.

It's such a stark contrast compared to my usual dark hair, I honestly don't even know how to feel about it.

I look over, spotting the two light scars on my temple, my freckles dotting over my cheeks. The dark circles under my eyes...

I let out a sigh and step into the shower, shivering as the cold water hits my back and washes away all the dirt and grime from the fight.

I use the soap and such that was located in the cabinet underneath the sink, and rub myself raw until I feel clean.

Eventually, I finish and I change into a pair of grey sweats and an AC/DC shirt that's a few sizes too big.

I start towel drying my hair as I leave the bathroom, but I freeze as I see a familiar boy waiting on the edge of my bed.

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