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I'm frozen, completely terrified.

I know who's in that ship. The one who helped give me the scars along my body. The one who made me hate myself and who made me want to end it every day.

But...Earth needs me.

So, I swallow my fear, my trauma, and I continue on following my dad and the sorcerer.

"Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd street. Notify first responders!" I hear dad say.

Will do.

I watch as Doctor Strange pushes out some sort of magic towards the ship. I reach up and use my abilities to push out the dust in the air, watching as it funnels up higher towards the top of the buildings, away from the ground.

I gulp as a blue beam emits from the ship, and none other than Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf appear.

"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos."

A spike of anger fills my chest, and I grit my teeth as Black Dwarf speaks in his language.

"Be thankful...that your meaningless lives are now contributing—"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today." Tony interrupts, causing me to gain a little bit of courage.

"Go home Squidward, pack it up and get out of here." I say, a little proud of facing him.

"Tallias...always a pleasure." I crack my neck and grit my teeth, trying to brush off his words. "Stonekeeper," he turns to Strange. "Do you let this witch and chattering animal speak for you?"

"I'm not a fucking witch you ugly piece of shit." I spit out, my anger getting the best of me.

"I speak for myself." Strange walks forward and slams his fists together, crossing them and letting two orange circles appear on his hands. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

Wong does similar actions as Strange.

"That means get lost, Squidward!"

"He exhausts me." Maw says. "Bring me the stone." He instructs dwarf.

"Banner you want a piece?" Tony asks Bruce.

"Mmm, no not really. But when do I ever get what I want?"

I watch as Bruce walks forward a little. "Okay, push!" My eyes narrow at him as his neck turns green, but he doesn't turn into the hulk.

"It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you buddy." Tony says.

"Okay shh. Let me just...I need to concentrate here for a second. Come on, come on, man." He mutters to himself.

My attention is brought back to the giant walking towards us, smashing cars as he goes.

"Where's your guy?" Dad asks.

"I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing."

" is not the time to be having a thing." I say.

"I know."

"That's the thing right there." Tony points at Dwarf. "Let's go."

I shake my head as Bruce grunts, trying to bring out the Hulk.

"Dude you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Tony mumbles.

"Tony I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't."

"It's fine, Bruce." I say while turning to our opponents.

"Hey, stand down. Keep an eye on him." Tony tells Wong.

"I have him."

I watch as dad starts to walk forward, activating his upgraded suit based off the Wakandan design of mine. He forms a shield as Dwarf swings at him.

He sends a large blast at Dwarf, sending him at Maw, but Ebony is quick to send him into the side of a building.

"Where'd that come from?" Banner asks.

"It's nanotech. You like it? A little something I—"

I gasp as dad flies into the air, Maw sending him up. I look over at the alien and create a bolt of lightning, throwing it at him.

Ebony catches it, stopping it with his mind and sends it back to me. I hold my hands up, making a blue energy shield, watching as the lightning disperses. Maw lifts his hands and pulls trees from the ground, sending them flying at us.

I take a deep breath, focusing on something I've been practicing. The air gets dry as I suck the water from it, turning the temperature below freezing.

I don't notice Strange sending Banner through a portal. No, I hold my hands up, ice spikes floating besides me.

I send them out strategically, out towards Maw from different angles. Using the air, I make them take different routes to distract him.

Strange sends a car flying at him, but Maw easily cuts it in half while he dodges the spikes.

"Gotta get that stone outta here now." Dad says.

"It stays with me."

Maw starts sending chunks of buildings at Tony as he flies towards him, I stay put, doing my best to divert the chunks by moving the air.

I gasp as Dwarf throws something at Tony making him fly way back.

I summon fire, and send it in waves towards Maw, hoping to distract him so that Strange can get an opening.

"He's from space and he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." I cock my head to the side as I hear dad over the comms.

"Dad? Who are you talking to?"

"No one! Stay focused!"

I watch as Maw turns bricks to spikes and sends them at us. I go to form a forcefield, but stop when Strange and Wong open up identical portals, that send the spikes back at him.

I smirk as one catches him on the head, but it drops as he flings Wong back. I turn and reach out, quickly freezing Wong and setting him back down on the ground.

Strange makes a rope out of his magic and pulls Maw towards him, which isn't very smart. Maw traps Strange under bricks against a building and I start running over to them.

"Your powers are quaint. You must be popular with children." I grin as he tries to grab the necklace.

"It's a simple spell, but quite unbreakable."

Taking an idea from his book, I lift my hands up and pull the remaining trees from the ground and send them at Maw, watching as he's caught by surprise.

I groan as he bats them away.

"Then I'll take it from your corpse." He sends Strange flying to the ground and I sent a blue energy blast at Maw from the back, smiling as he stumbles.

Strange opens the necklace, green light emitting from inside, but he's trapped by roots from the ground.

I grit my teeth and kneel, hands against the ground, focusing on pulling those roots that Maw controls away from the sorcerer.

I yelp as something hard hits the back of my head and I fall to the side, everything blurry. I groan and try to stay conscious but I submit, and fall into the black.

the strongest avenger (2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang