thirty seven

70 2 0

I keep my eye on the target, my aim's a little rusty. My shoulder aches, but I narrow my eyes as I pull the trigger, watching as the bullet hits smack in the middle.

I turn to Nat as she stands next to me. "Told you I could still do it, just needed a warm up."

She flashes me a grin and then aims and shoots, of course hitting the target. James is in the set up next to ours, training his huge, fancy gun at the target.

I look around, spying Steve, Tony, and Peter at the strength station, lifting weights. Wanda and Sam are at the knife throwing station, while Nat, James and I are at the small shooting range.

Steve thought it would be a good idea to do stations all day for training. We just finished the strength station, and are almost done with the guns.

Thankfully, Tony had made multiple uniforms for us. Today's was a white set, running shorts and a fitted tank, with a high neck, for us women. The boys have white tank tops and their usual shorts.

I'm gonna he honest, seeing the boys matching and in this all white get very amusing.

I, on the other hand, feel self conscious with my pale skin, white hair, and all white clothing. It's a little excessive.

Tony sees me looking around the room and waves at me. "How you doing Snowflake? Are you even shooting or are you just looking around?"

"I'm currently debating whether or not to shoot you in the leg." I smirk at him and then turn around, watching as Bucky shoots again.

I go up next and lift my arm, aiming, and then pulling the trigger. The bullet hits the target, a little to the left though.

"You're putting too much weight on your left." I turn to Bucky and raise an eyebrow at him. "Balance it out more, and it'll go in the middle."

I set up again, shifting to the middle and shoot, watching as it goes directly through the center. Bucky sends me a cheeky grin and I roll my eyes.

An alarm blares overhead, signaling us to switch stations. I put the pistol back where I found it and walk over to the knife station, finding one that resembles my favorite.

Unfortunately, my fancy knife gifted to me by Nat, did not survive the battle and the past five years, so now I have none. I flip the knife in my hand as I let James go first, watching as he goes up and swiftly throws it, hitting the center.

"These stations are really easy." I mutter to Nat.

"Yeah well, not everyone is as advanced as us three. That's why we're in a group together."

"Sam can shoot." I say, looking over as he attempts to teach Wanda how to shoot a pistol.

"Yeah but we excel at everything. They don't."

"Got it."

I watch as Bucky throws two more knives at the moving targets in the next set up. I walk forward and grab a knife, widening my stance and locking gazes with the first stationary target.

I throw it fast, and grin as it hits home.

"You of all people can throw knives?" Bucky asks next to me.

"If you must know, it was my favorite when Nat trained me."

"Hmmm, you definitely use your powers to aim and make it go straight." I huff while throwing another knife.

I grit my teeth as I grab another one, and chuck it at the target further back and to the right. "I don't use my powers for knife throwing, unless in an actual fight and my hands aren't available."


"Why don't I just send this one through your neck." I start to step towards him, and he turns towards me, but a hand goes in between us.

"Enough, you two sound like an old married couple."

"You try dealing with him." I gesture with my hand. "And we have to do therapy together. Together!"

"She's a lunatic and is mean." Bucky crosses his arms.

"You're the one who's an asshole. I'm only mean cause you're mean."

"Yeah but you insinuate things!"

"And you're over a hundred years old, acting like a child!" I wave my hands around for emphasis.

"Everything okay over there?" I turn to see Steve eyeing us warily.

"Capsicle, I don't know how you've put up with him for this long. He's the most immature, 106 year old there is."

"Yeah, and you're the most annoying person in the world."

I turn to him. "You're the most annoying person in the galaxy."

"You're the most annoying person in the whole universe! Beat that, James." I grind my teeth as he uses that stupid nickname.

"How many times do I have to tell you? It doesn't flow!"

"Oh, now you're gonna talk about flow?" His hands start waving in the air while I rub my temples.

"Yes, flow."

"You spent half of our session talking about flow! No more fucking flow! If you wanna talk about something, then talk about literally anything else!"

"Fine! You're a dick!"

"You're a bitch!"

"You're an asshole!"

"You're a dipshit!"

"You're a loser!"

"You're lame!"

I gasp and point my finger at him. "You take that back James Buchanan Barnes, or so help me—"

"You'll do what? Threaten to stab me? Do it!"

"I am so fun, and I'm fucking hilarious! I am not lame!"

"You read books for fun! And fucking color all the time! Like a child!"

"At least I don't stare at fucking walls!"

"I dare you to stab me." He crosses his arms and I just flail my arms around.

"Why?! I mean I'll gladly do it—"

"Then stop stalling."

"Is it a kink? Do you like to be stabbed? Cause I can tell Sharon, I'll do it. I will—"

"Stop making excuses. Do it right now. If you don't do it, then you're a pussy."

"I am not a pussy. You're the one scared of fucking owls."

"You're changing the subject!" He waves his finger back and forth at me. "Now do it. Don't be a liar and go back on your word, do it right now Snow—"

I flick my hand and send a throwing knife right into his thigh, in between the muscles for minimal bleeding. He blinks once and then looks down, then he looks back up and starts to laugh. A deep, loud laugh that I don't think I've ever heard from him.

"I didn't think you'd do it."

"I told you I would."

He looks back down at his leg. "Damn, even in the right spot."

"Yeah, minimal bleeding." I flick my hand, watching as the knife slides out and into my hand.

"You ruined my white shorts." He mutters.

"Don't be a baby, it'll come out." I roll my eyes at him, but then I turn and freeze.

I remember now that there are other people in the room. I glance at Peter, unable to read his expression and then Tony. My eyes narrow as he slides a $20 bill out of his shorts pocket to Steve.

"What the hell were you betting on?" I demand, seeing Steve grin.

"I didn't think you'd stab him." Tony says with a shrug, but I can see that his expression is strained.

"I knew you would." Steve winks at me.

I roll my eyes and turn back to James. "I still hate you."

"Good, cause I fucking despise you."

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