seventy six

32 1 4

I hadn't planned on staying at the SHIELD event till the end. But...Danika was so fun.

We laughed and we drank and we even gossiped about some of the other agents, and we also exchanged numbers. It was nice...having a friend that wasn't a part of the team.

I have Ned and MJ, but since everything happened, we're obviously not as close, and Danika's much more closer in age.

But the last couple of days have been rough. At least for me. It's hard avoiding someone that, unfortunately, you are attracted to, when they're literally your work partner.

And then I haven't seen Peter since our dinner date, because he's busy with school and then I'm swamped with work.

There's a lot going on in my brain.

But, today is a special day. It's September 23.

A.K.A. Big Bird's birthday.

And I'm tasked with baking the birthday cake, and there were no limitations, so obviously, I went big.

I made a falcon cake.


I'm staring down at it, finishing up the piping of the words 'Happy Birthday'. It's a falcon head to be exact. The dark grey icing forming the head with some white and black thrown in for details, and then a blank area for the message at the bottom.

It's amazing.

And I'm also running late. We're having a small little party at the compound with the team and then a few agents that Sam's friends with.

I quickly put the cake on the kitchen table, where it'll stay for now. Going back to the island, I start to clean, sending the bags of icing towards the sink, along with the bowls and rubber scrapers.

Using my magic, I clean the table and swiftly rinse the baking tools I used before placing them in the dish washer. Admiring my quick work, I nod in satisfaction and then turn, making my way to my bedroom.

My stomach drops as I turn down into the living quarters' hallway, and see James in the distance leaving his room, dressed for the party. He looks up as I keep going towards my room, but thankfully I'm one of the first rooms, so I don't even have to pass him.

Opening my door, I rush inside and close it, then I lean against the door as I will my heart rate to slow. I just get so angry when I see him, because of Peter, and then I feel...warm and fuzzy inside because I can't help it. I'm attracted to him, which just makes everything so much more compli—

I jerk as there's a knock on the door.

Turning around I open it and peer up, scowling at James as he looks down at me.


"Can you open the door a little bit more? I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

Biting my tongue to prevent a string of curses, I oblige and open the door fully.

His lips turn up as he examines me and now I really start to get annoyed.

"What do you want?"

"Well," He crosses his arms and leans against the door frame. "I was going to ask why you weren't ready yet, but by the frosting stains all over you, I think I've found my answer."

My frown deepens as I look at him.

"I was making the cake. And now I'm running even more late, because you're bugging me."

"Hmm," Faster than I would've thought, Bucky comes close and uses his index finger to wipe of frosting that was on my nose. "You had a little right there." And then he freaking licks the frosting off his finger. "Delicious." He says, while giving me a smirk.

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